ᐅ Arkansas Assault and Battery (AR)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Benton County, Arkansas


Last names: #Bond   #Bondurant   #Bone   #Bonilla   #Bonneville   #Bontke   #Booher   #Bookout   #Booth   #Booyer   #Borchert   #Boren   #Borgerding   #Boring   #Borrego   #Borrero-Santana   #Bosin   #Boster   #Bostian   #Boswell  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Bond, Andrew Justin
Arrest Age 27
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Jul 25, 2020
• domestic battering in the third degree (victim pregnant) - class d - felony
Justin Bond, - Benton County, AR
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Bond, Andrew Justin
Arrest Age 48
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Sep 27, 2016
• domestic battering in the third degree - misdemeanor
Justin Bond, - Benton County, AR
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Bondurant, E Laura
Arrest Age 25
Pea Ridge, Benton, AR
Arrested Jan 04, 2016
• domestic battering in the third degree - class a - misdemeanor
Laura Bondurant, - Benton County, AR
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Bone, Lyona Amanda
Arrest Age 47
Bentonville, Benton, AR
Arrested Aug 12, 2018
• second degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
Amanda Bone, - Benton County, AR
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Bone, Wayne Ezra
Arrest Age 22
Fayetteville, Benton, AR
Arrested Jun 27, 2013
• domestic battering in the third degree - misdemeanor
Ezra Bone, - Benton County, AR
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Bone, James Stephen
Arrest Age 31
Springdale, Benton, AR
Arrested Nov 04, 2016
• aggravated assault on a family or household member - felony
Stephen Bone, - Benton County, AR
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Bonilla, Ernesto Antonio
Arrest Age 22
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Jul 12, 2019
• domestic battering in the third degree - misdemeanor
Antonio Bonilla, - Benton County, AR
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Bonilla, Ernesto Antonio
Arrest Age 37
Lowell, Benton, AR
Arrested Nov 07, 2018
• domestic battering in the second degree - felony
Antonio Bonilla, - Benton County, AR
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Bonneville, Michael Kent
Arrest Age 27
Siloam Springs, Benton, AR
Arrested Apr 30, 2020
• domestic battering in the third degree - class a - misdemeanor
Kent Bonneville, - Benton County, AR
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Bontke, Kenneth Zachary
Arrest Age 37
Cave Springs, Benton, AR
Arrested Feb 12, 2019
• domestic battering in the third degree - class a - misdemeanor
Zachary Bontke, - Benton County, AR
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Booher, Ray Darrell
Arrest Age 31
Bentonville, Benton, AR
Arrested Mar 23, 2017
• battery in the second degree - class b - felony
Darrell Booher, - Benton County, AR
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Booher, Ray Darrell
Arrest Age 27
Siloam Springs, Benton, AR
Arrested May 02, 2020
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
Darrell Booher, - Benton County, AR
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Booher, Jo Shauna
Arrest Age 32
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Oct 04, 2018
• domestic battering in the second degree - felony
Shauna Booher, - Benton County, AR
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Booher, Jo Shauna
Arrest Age 40
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Jul 04, 2016
• domestic battering in the third degree - misdemeanor
Shauna Booher, - Benton County, AR
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Bookout, Anderson Teresa
Arrest Age 57
Arrested Dec 21, 2021
• endangering welfare of minor-2nd degree
• aggravated assault on family/household member
• domestic battering - 2nd deg
Teresa Bookout, - Benton County, AR
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Booth, Centrell
Arrest Age 23
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Mar 19, 2018
• battery in the third degree - class c - misdemeanor
Centrell Booth, - Benton County, AR
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Booth, Centrell
Arrest Age 51
Riverview, Benton, AR
Arrested Mar 16, 2017
• aggravated assault - class d - felony
Centrell Booth, - Benton County, AR
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Booyer, Lee Sheldon
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Jun 29, 2021
• aggravated assault
• aggravated assault$3000
• endangering welfare of minor-2nd degree
Sheldon Booyer, - Benton County, AR
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Booyer, Lee Sheldon
Arrest Age 16
Arrested Jul 22, 2021
• warrant: contempt warrant m53752019 issued by benton, ar
• aggravated assault
Sheldon Booyer, - Benton County, AR
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Borchert, Dakota Joshua
Arrest Age 41
Bentonville, Benton, AR
Arrested Sep 04, 2019
• second degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
Joshua Borchert, - Benton County, AR
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Boren, Janice Christie
Arrest Age 55
Bentonville, Benton, AR
Arrested Dec 10, 2018
• battery in the second degree - class b - felony
Christie Boren, - Benton County, AR
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Boren, Ryan Tyler
Arrest Age 18
Bentonville, Benton, AR
Arrested Aug 13, 2019
• domestic battering in the third degree - misdemeanor
Tyler Boren, - Benton County, AR
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Borgerding, Joseph John
Arrest Age 33
Centerton, Benton, AR
Arrested Jul 31, 2014
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
John Borgerding, - Benton County, AR
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Boring, Ray Joshua
Arrest Age 25
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Jan 14, 2020
• domestic battering in the third degree - class a - misdemeanor
Joshua Boring, - Benton County, AR
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Borrego, Edward
Arrest Age 21
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Nov 22, 2015
• minor in possession - misdemeanor
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
Edward Borrego, - Benton County, AR.
Borrero-Santana, Nemesis
Arrest Age 25
Springdale, Benton, AR
Arrested Mar 28, 2020
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
Nemesis Borrero-Santana, - Benton County, AR
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Bosin, Julina
Arrest Age 40
Siloam Springs, Benton, AR
Arrested Oct 05, 2018
• domestic battering in the third degree - class a - misdemeanor
Julina Bosin, - Benton County, AR
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Boster, Michael Todd
Arrest Age 27
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Apr 02, 2017
• domestic battering in the third degree - misdemeanor
Todd Boster, - Benton County, AR.
Bostian, Gerald
Arrest Age 62
Hindsville, Benton, AR
Arrested May 04, 2017
• aggravated assault - class d - felony
Gerald Bostian, - Benton County, AR
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Boswell, Kyle
Arrest Age 56
Gravette, Benton, AR
Arrested May 20, 2013
• possession of firearm by certain persons - felony
• battery in the first degree - class a - felony
• aggravated assault on a family or household member - felony
Kyle Boswell, - Benton County, AR
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