ᐅ Arkansas Assault and Battery (AR)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Benton County, Arkansas


Last names: #Dodd   #Dodge   #Dodgen   #Dodson   #Doe   #Dohle   #Doke   #Dollar   #Dolman   #Dominguez   #Dominguez-Lopez   #Domnick   #Donahue   #Donell   #Dopp   #Dority   #Dorle-Mckinney   #Dorsett   #Dorsey  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Dodd, David Charles
Arrest Age 30
Springdale, Benton, AR
Arrested May 18, 2020
• domestic battering in the second degree - felony
Charles Dodd, - Benton County, AR
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Dodd, Rena Dawn
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 34
Springdale, Benton, AR
Arrested Sep 05, 2012
• battery in the third degree - class c - misdemeanor
• failure to appear (for felony offense) - felony
• residential burglary - felony
• assault - 2nd degree - class b - misdemeanor
Dawn Dodd, - Benton County, AR
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Dodge, Arthur John
Arrest Age 29
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Aug 02, 2019
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
John Dodge, - Benton County, AR
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Dodgen, Matthew Ryan
Arrest Age 20
Garfield, Benton, AR
Arrested Sep 27, 2014
• domestic battering in the third degree - misdemeanor
• possession of a controlled substance
• domestic battering in the third degree - misdemeanor
Ryan Dodgen, - Benton County, AR
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Dodson, Cole Zachary
Arrest Age 31
Gravette, Benton, AR
Arrested Feb 17, 2013
• domestic battering in the third degree - misdemeanor
Zachary Dodson, - Benton County, AR
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Doe, No John
Arrest Age 35
Siloam Springs, Benton, AR
Arrested Oct 19, 2019
• domestic battering in the third degree - misdemeanor
John Doe, - Benton County, AR
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Doe, John
Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Oct 17, 2020
• drvng w/suspend or revoked license act 549
• leaving scene of accident cmv$1500
• warrant: failure
• warrant: contempt warrant wr-20-2504 issued by benton, ar
• careless and prohibited driving
• aggravated assault$15000
• warrant: failure to appear warrant m202000103 issued by benton, ar
• warrant: failure to appear warrant 202001723 issued by benton, ar
• 3rd deg assault family or household memb
John Doe, - Benton County, AR
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Dohle, Ray James
Arrest Age 27
Bentonville, Benton, AR
Arrested Oct 30, 2012
• domestic battering in the third degree - class a - misdemeanor
James Dohle, - Benton County, AR
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Doke, Lee William
Arrest Age 27
Garland, Benton, AR
Arrested Oct 17, 2014
• residential burglary - felony
• aggravated robbery - class y - felony
• battery in the third degree - class c - misdemeanor
• aggravated assault - class d - felony
William Doke, - Benton County, AR
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Dollar, A Michael
Arrest Age 32
Bentonville, Benton, AR
Arrested Oct 21, 2014
• terroristic threatening in the first degree - class d - felony
• aggravated assault - class d - felony
• aggravated assault - class d - felony
• aggravated assault - class d - felony
• terroristic threatening in the first degree - class d - felony
• terroristic threatening in the first degree - class d - felony
• terroristic threatening in the first degree - class d - felony
• aggravated assault - class d - felony
Michael Dollar, - Benton County, AR
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Dolman, Robert David
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Aug 03, 2021
• 2nd deg assault family or household member
• interference with emergency communication 1st
David Dolman, - Benton County, AR.
Dominguez, Isaac Francisco
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Dec 07, 2021
• endangering welfare of minor 3rd degree
• warrant: revoke warrant issued by benton, ar
• harassing communications
• battery - 3rd degree
• domestic battering - 3rd deg (class a misdemeanor)
Francisco Dominguez, - Benton County, AR
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Dominguez, Isaac Francisco
Arrest Age 50
Lowell, Benton, AR
Arrested May 16, 2020
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
Francisco Dominguez, - Benton County, AR.
Dominguez, Moe Romero
Arrest Age 88
Siloam Springs, Benton, AR
Arrested Feb 12, 2020
• sexual assault in the second degree - class b - felony
Romero Dominguez, - Benton County, AR.
Dominguez, Sebastain
Bond: $260
Arrest Age 56
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested May 01, 2016
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
Sebastain Dominguez, - Benton County, AR
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Dominguez, Shawn Sebastian
Arrest Age 27
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested May 27, 2018
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
Sebastian Dominguez, - Benton County, AR
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Dominguez-Lopez, Yatzarely
Arrest Age 23
Siloam Springs, Benton, AR
Arrested Jul 05, 2020
• aggravated assault on a family or household member - felony
Yatzarely Dominguez-Lopez, - Benton County, AR
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Domnick, Damien
Bond: $555
Arrest Age 19
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested May 30, 2014
• failure to appear (for misdemeanor offense) - misdemeanor
• domestic battering in the second degree - felony
• contempt- class c misdemeanor
Damien Domnick, - Benton County, AR
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Domnick, Damien
Arrest Age 23
Siloam Springs, Benton, AR
Arrested Sep 04, 2014
• domestic battering in the third degree - class a - misdemeanor
• public intoxication - drinking in public - misdemeanor
Damien Domnick, - Benton County, AR
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Donahue, Morine Mark
Arrest Age 35
Gentry, Benton, AR
Arrested Feb 22, 2016
• disorderly conduct - misdemeanor
• criminal mischief in the second degree
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
• interference with emergency communications first degree - misdemeanor
Mark Donahue, - Benton County, AR
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Donell, Kenan
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Sep 08, 2021
• sexual indencency with a child
• sexual assault - 4th degree
Kenan Donell, - Benton County, AR
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Dopp, Shane Michael
Arrest Age 31
Decatur, Benton, AR
Arrested Nov 03, 2014
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
Michael Dopp, - Benton County, AR
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Dority, Kaygen
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Feb 09, 2022
• battery - 3rd degree$20000
Kaygen Dority, - Benton County, AR
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Dorle-Mckinney, Ray Wilson
Arrest Age 51
Arrested Feb 10, 2021
• domestic battering - 3rd deg
• domestic battering - 3rd deg
Wilson Dorle-Mckinney, - Benton County, AR.
Dorsett, Shannon
Arrest Age 49
Arrested Mar 04, 2021
• 3rd deg assault family or household memb
Shannon Dorsett, - Benton County, AR.
Dorsey, M Chadian
Arrest Age 36
Decatur, Benton, AR
Arrested Mar 13, 2020
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
Chadian Dorsey, - Benton County, AR.
Dorsey, Stephen Michael
Arrest Age 28
Centerton, Benton, AR
Arrested Aug 30, 2015
• domestic battering in the third degree - misdemeanor
Michael Dorsey, - Benton County, AR
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Dorsey, Stephen Michael
Arrest Age 32
Lowell, Benton, AR
Arrested Jun 12, 2015
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
Michael Dorsey, - Benton County, AR
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Dorsey, Devon Ursula
Arrest Age 23
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Jul 16, 2015
• domestic battering in the third degree - class a - misdemeanor
Ursula Dorsey, - Benton County, AR
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Dorsey, Devon Ursula
Bond: $1627
Arrest Age 26
Centerton, Benton, AR
Arrested Mar 15, 2016
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
• contempt- class c misdemeanor
• failure to appear (for felony offense) - felony
• contempt- class c misdemeanor
• failure to appear (for misdemeanor offense) - misdemeanor
Ursula Dorsey, - Benton County, AR
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