ᐅ Arkansas Assault and Battery (AR)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Benton County, Arkansas


Last names: #Higgins   #Hightower   #Hignite   #Hilburn   #Hile   #Hiles   #Hill   #Hilleary  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Higgins, Michael William
Bond: $220
Arrest Age 27
Siloam Springs, Benton, AR
Arrested May 12, 2013
• failure to appear (for misdemeanor offense) - misdemeanor
• domestic battering in the third degree - class a - misdemeanor
William Higgins, - Benton County, AR
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Hightower, Allen David
Arrest Age 27
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Sep 13, 2018
• aggravated assault - class d - felony
David Hightower, - Benton County, AR
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Hightower, Allen David
Arrest Age 52
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Jun 10, 2015
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
• leaving scene of property damage accident - class c - misdemeanor
• domestic battering in the third degree - class a - misdemeanor
David Hightower, - Benton County, AR
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Hignite, Allen Marcus
Arrest Age 35
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Mar 29, 2016
• aggravated assault - class d - felony
• terroristic threatening in the first degree - class d - felony
• criminal trespass - misdemeanor
Marcus Hignite, - Benton County, AR
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Hilburn, James Dillon
Bond: $6000
Arrested Mar 05, 2022
• aggravated assault$6000
Dillon Hilburn, - Benton County, AR
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Hilburn, Thomas Steven
Arrest Age 26
Decatur, Benton, AR
Arrested May 07, 2015
• interference with emergency communications first degree - misdemeanor
• domestic battering in the third degree - class a - misdemeanor
Steven Hilburn, - Benton County, AR
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Hile, Spencer Brandon
Arrest Age 50
Arrested May 26, 2021
• 3rd deg assault family or household memb
• violation of no contact order
• interference with emergency communication 1st
• criminal contempt
• fleeing on foot
• false imprisonment - 2nd degree / interferes with another persons liberty
Brandon Hile, - Benton County, AR
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Hile, David Justice
Arrest Age 24
Gentry, Benton, AR
Arrested Aug 09, 2017
• domestic battering in the third degree - misdemeanor
Justice Hile, - Benton County, AR
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Hiles, Loren Kerry
Bond: $250000
Arrest Age 51
Bentonville, Benton, AR
Arrested Oct 03, 2013
• aggravated assault - class d - felony
• battery in the first degree - class a - felony
Kerry Hiles, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Michelle Amy
Arrest Age 29
Bentonville, Benton, AR
Arrested Jun 04, 2014
• criminal mischief in the second degree (
• domestic battering in the third degree - misdemeanor
Amy Hill, - Benton County, AR.
Hill, Lynn Autumn
Bond: $360
Arrest Age 26
Centerton, Benton, AR
Arrested Dec 29, 2015
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
• failure to appear (for misdemeanor offense) - misdemeanor
• endangering welfare of minor-2nd degree - misdemeanor
• domestic battering in the third degree - class a - misdemeanor
• contempt- class c misdemeanor
• endangering welfare of minor-2nd degree - misdemeanor
Autumn Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Brian Christopher
Arrest Age 37
Jay, Benton, AR
Arrested Jun 10, 2019
• aggravated assault - class d - felony
Christopher Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Brian Christopher
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Jul 16, 2018
• aggravated assault on a family or household member - felony
Christopher Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Jean Christill
Arrest Age 31
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Nov 28, 2012
• domestic battering in the third degree - misdemeanor
Christill Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Brian Christopher
Arrest Age 26
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Jul 31, 2016
• domestic battering in the second degree - class c - felony
Christopher Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Lee Danny
Bond: $240
Arrest Age 34
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested May 19, 2018
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
Danny Hill, - Benton County, AR.
Hill, Scott Darren
Bond: $240
Arrest Age 38
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Jul 14, 2017
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
Darren Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Derrick Arrested Oct 03, 2021
• hold for immigration and customs enforcement
• 3rd deg assault family or household memb
Derrick Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Louis Derrick Arrested Sep 21, 2021
• aggravated assault on family/household member
Derrick Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, James David
Arrest Age 23
Maysville, Benton, AR
Arrested Jul 06, 2016
• domestic battering in the third degree (victim pregnant) - class d - felony
David Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Eric Jason
Arrest Age 50
Arrested Mar 24, 2021
• fleeing
• 3rd deg assault family or household memb
Jason Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Joe Jesse
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Nov 24, 2021
• 3rd deg assault family or household memb
• class a misdemeanor
Jesse Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Eric Jason Arrested Apr 13, 2022
• domestic battering - 3rd deg (class a misdemeanor)
Jason Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Wilbur John
Bond: $235
Arrest Age 49
Lowell, Benton, AR
Arrested May 19, 2013
• domestic battering in the third degree - misdemeanor
• contempt- class c misdemeanor
John Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Wilbur John
Arrest Age 30
Bentonville, Benton, AR
Arrested Aug 22, 2015
• domestic battering in the third degree - class a - misdemeanor
John Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Lynn Kimberly
Arrest Age 37
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Aug 31, 2015
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
Kimberly Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Michael Shane
Arrest Age 48
Bella Vista, Benton, AR
Arrested Feb 12, 2019
• domestic battering in the third degree - class a - misdemeanor
Shane Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Alexis Vanessa
Arrest Age 23
Rogers, Benton, AR
Arrested Jan 16, 2019
• domestic battering in the third degree - misdemeanor
Vanessa Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hill, Ziggy
Arrest Age 26
Bella Vista, Benton, AR
Arrested Apr 18, 2016
• refuse to submit to intoxication test
• resisting arrest - misdemeanor
• battery in the second degree - class b - felony
• driving while intoxicated - first offense - misdemeanor
Ziggy Hill, - Benton County, AR
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Hilleary, Scott Matthew
Arrest Age 52
Garfield, Benton, AR
Arrested May 10, 2014
• third degree assault on a family or household member - misdemeanor
Matthew Hilleary, - Benton County, AR
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