ᐅ Arkansas Assault and Battery (AR)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Sebastian County, Arkansas


Last names: #Waddle   #Wade   #Wagner   #Wakefield   #Waldmann   #Walker   #Wall   #Wallace  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Waddle, Edward Billy
Bond: $1500
Hackett, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Oct 24, 2021
• interfering with emergency communications - 1st degree misdemeanor*
• domestic battering third degree - purposely a misd **
Billy Waddle, - Sebastian County, AR.
Wade, Beverly
Arrest Age 46
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Jul 08, 2015
• domestic battery 3rd degree misdemeanor
Beverly Wade, - Sebastian County, AR.
Wade, Towan Trayveoun
Arrest Age 44
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Nov 04, 2016
• domestic battery 3rd degree misdemeanor notes: time served
Trayveoun Wade, - Sebastian County, AR.
Wade, Towan Trayveoun
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 45
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Jul 05, 2017
• aggravated assault on a family member or household member felony
• possession of controlled substance - schedule i/ii felony
Trayveoun Wade, - Sebastian County, AR.
Wagner, Jewell Ashley
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 45
Arrested Oct 23, 2015
• domestic battery 3rd degree misdemeanor
Ashley Wagner, - Sebastian County, AR.
Wagner, Evan Blake
Arrest Age 47
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Dec 29, 2018
• parole violation*
• domestic battering in the third degree - 2nd offense - (recklessly)*
Blake Wagner, - Sebastian County, AR.
Wagner, Lee Jacob
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 48
Van Buren, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Mar 20, 2017
• possession drug paraphernalia - felony
• possession of firearm by certain persons felony
• failure to appear felony
• assist outside agency
• battery 3rd degree misdemeanor
Jacob Wagner, - Sebastian County, AR.
Wagner, Lee Jared
Arrest Age 46
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Sep 06, 2015
• terroristicthreatening - 2nd degree misdemeanor
• fail to pay fine
• fail to pay fine
• assault 3rd degree misdemeanor
Jared Wagner, - Sebastian County, AR.
Wakefield, Ryan Joshua
Bond: $200
Arrest Age 50
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Dec 14, 2020
• assault in the 3rd degree *
Joshua Wakefield, - Sebastian County, AR.
Waldmann, James Colten
Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 48
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Jul 16, 2019
• assault on family or household member-2nd degree*
Colten Waldmann, - Sebastian County, AR.
Walker, Michelle Amber
Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 48
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Aug 10, 2019
• battery in the third degree - purpose*
Amber Walker, - Sebastian County, AR.
Walker, Kay Alisha
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 44
Hackett, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Mar 26, 2016
• assault on family or household member-3rd degree misdemeanor
Alisha Walker, - Sebastian County, AR.
Walker, Christopher
Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 45
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Jul 22, 2015
• domestic battery 3rd degree misdemeanor
Christopher Walker, - Sebastian County, AR.
Walker, Deon Clinton
Bond: $200
Arrest Age 44
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested May 20, 2016
• assault on family or household member-3rd degree misdemeanor
• disorderly conduct misdemeanor
Clinton Walker, - Sebastian County, AR.
Walker, Deon Clinton
Bond: $75000
Arrest Age 44
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Jul 13, 2016
• pdp w/p meth coke notes: not guilty
• adc commitment hold notes: convicted
• parole violation notes: revoked
• aggravated assault felony notes: not filing
• proximity to certain facilities - enhanced penalities notes: not guilty
• possession of controlled or counterfeit substance w/ intent to deliver - schedule i/ ii felony notes: not guilty
• absconding
Clinton Walker, - Sebastian County, AR.
Walker, Wesley Eli
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 47
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Nov 01, 2016
• terroristicthreatening - 2nd degree misdemeanor
• fail to pay fine notes: pay / serve
• failure to comply with court order notes: warrants issued in error
• criminal trespassing/vehicle or structure misdemeanor
• failure to c
• petition to revoke - misd notes: withdrawn
• domestic battery 3rd degree misdemeanor notes: time served
• fail to pay fine notes: pay / serve
• criminal mischief 1st degree-less than $1000 misdemeanor
Eli Walker, - Sebastian County, AR.
Walker, Edward Eric
Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 48
Greenwood, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Jan 02, 2018
• domestic battery 3rd degree misdemeanor
Eric Walker, - Sebastian County, AR.
Walker, James Erick
Bond: $3500
Arrest Age 48
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Jan 11, 2020
• battery in the second degree - officer*
• public intoxication - danger to self or others*
Erick Walker, - Sebastian County, AR.
Walker, Antoine Harold
Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 48
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Apr 08, 2019
• domestic battering in the third degree - purposely*
Harold Walker, - Sebastian County, AR.
Walker, Dale Jimmy
Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 48
Greenwood, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Jul 06, 2017
• domestic battery 3rd degree misdemeanor
• public intoxication misdemeanor
• criminal use of prohibited weapons felony
• possession of firearm by certain persons felony
Jimmy Walker, - Sebastian County, AR.
Walker, Angelina Janelle
Arrest Age 49
Van Buren, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Jun 22, 2020
• aggravated assault *
Janelle Walker, - Sebastian County, AR.
Walker, Ray Jimmie
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 46
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Jul 08, 2016
• assault 3rd degree misdemeanor
Jimmie Walker, - Sebastian County, AR.
Walker, Sue Linda
Arrest Age 46
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested May 19, 2015
• domestic battery 3rd degree misdemeanor
Linda Walker, - Sebastian County, AR.
Walker, Marie Lisa
Arrest Age 44
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Sep 17, 2016
• assault on family or household member-3rd degree misdemeanor notes: time served
Lisa Walker, - Sebastian County, AR.
Walker, Rhonda
Arrest Age 49
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Oct 02, 2020
• domestic battering in the third degree - purposely*
Rhonda Walker, - Sebastian County, AR.
Wall, Odell Scott
Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 48
Huntington, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Aug 18, 2017
• endangering the welfare of a minor 3rd degree misdemeanor
• assault on family or household member-3rd degree misdemeanor
• domestic battery 3rd degree misdemeanor
Scott Wall, - Sebastian County, AR.
Wallace, Edward Carl
Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 45
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Mar 19, 2016
• domestic battery 3rd degree misdemeanor
Carl Wallace, - Sebastian County, AR.
Wallace, Don Gary
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 45
Arrested Sep 30, 2015
• aggravated assault felony
• failure to appear class b
Gary Wallace, - Sebastian County, AR.
Wallace, Dean Michael
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 47
Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Mar 11, 2018
• fail to pay fine
• battery 3rd degree misdemeanor
Michael Wallace, - Sebastian County, AR.
Wallace, Nathaniel Richard
Arrest Age 48
Van Buren, Sebastian, AR
Arrested Jun 01, 2019
• aggravated assault *
• aggravated assault *
• aggravated assault *
• parole violation*
• aggravated assault *
Richard Wallace, - Sebastian County, AR.
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