Assault and Arrest Records in South Carolina (SC)

The South Carolina Assault and Arrest Records webpage provides details on recent assault-related arrests in South Carolina. On this page, users can find arrest records sorted by the names of those involved, along with specific information about each arrest, including charges, arrest dates, and case details.

This resource is useful for those interested in staying up-to-date with public safety and criminal activity in various counties across South Carolina, including: Aiken, Anderson, Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Cherokee, Chester, Colleton, Darlington, Florence, Georgetown, Greenville, Greenwood, Horry, Jasper, Kershaw, Laurens, Lexington, Marion, Oconee, Pickens, Richland, Spartanburg, Sumter, Union, and York.

It is designed for local residents, journalists, and anyone who wants to track recent incidents of assaults and arrests in their area. By providing quick access to these public records, the page promotes transparency and raises awareness of local crime trends in South Carolina.

Arrest Records By County - South Carolina (SC)

Aiken  Anderson  Beaufort  Berkeley  Charleston Cherokee  Chester  Colleton  Darlington  Florence  Georgetown  Greenville  Greenwood  Horry  Jasper  Kershaw  Laurens  Lexington  Marion  Oconee  Pickens  Richland  Spartanburg  Sumter  Union  York 

Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Charleston County, South Carolina


Last names: #Vaughn   #Vazques-Roblero   #Vazquez   #Vazquez-Hernandez   #Vazquez-Mendez   #Vazquez-Perez   #Vazquez-Silverio   #Vega   #Vega-Oliva   #Veit   #Velasquez   #Velasquez-Bravo   #Velasquez-Castro   #Velasquez-Perez   #Velasquez-Sanchez   #Velazquez-Monzon   #Velazquez-Perez   #Velazquez-Ponce  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Vaughn, Kunta Delon
Bond: $470
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Mar 13, 2010
• simple assault$1092
• shoplifting (misdemeanor)$470
Delon Vaughn, - Charleston County, SC
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Vaughn, Kunta Delon
Bond: $465
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Jan 20, 2008
• simple assault$465
• simple assault$465
Delon Vaughn, - Charleston County, SC
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Vaughn, Jeffery Jeremiah
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Aug 17, 2021
• assault and battery 1st degree$10000
• kidnapping$25000
Jeremiah Vaughn, - Charleston County, SC
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Vaughn, Scott
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Sep 27, 2012
• shoplifting (misdemeanor)
• shoplifting (misdemeanor)
• third degree assault and battery
Scott Vaughn, - Charleston County, SC
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Vaughn, Scott
Bond: $262
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Nov 04, 2009
• disorderly conduct$262
• simple assault$1092
Scott Vaughn, - Charleston County, SC
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Vaughn, Wendell Stedman
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Jun 03, 2016
• traf cocaine 28-99g 1st
• dus
• poss of cocaine 1st off
• false info to police
• assault on police officer
Stedman Vaughn, - Charleston County, SC
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Vaughn, William
Bond: $400
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Mar 16, 2014
• third degree assault and battery$400
• third degree assault and battery$400
William Vaughn, - Charleston County, SC
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Vazques-Roblero, Hugo
Bond: $1092
Arrest Age 18
Arrested Dec 02, 2012
• third degree assault and battery$1092
Hugo Vazques-Roblero, - Charleston County, SC
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Vazquez, Rigo Antonio
Arrest Age 42
Arrested Jul 02, 2016
• third degree assault and battery
Antonio Vazquez, - Charleston County, SC
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Vazquez, A Bravo
Arrest Age 43
Arrested Jul 04, 2015
• simple assault
• disorderly conduct
Bravo Vazquez, - Charleston County, SC
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Vazquez, Alonzo Gabino
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Feb 18, 2012
• malicious injury to pers property
• third degree assault and battery
Gabino Vazquez, - Charleston County, SC
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Vazquez, Angel Jose
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 34
Arrested May 31, 2016
• third degree assault and battery$1000
• 2nd deg domestic violence$5000
Jose Vazquez, - Charleston County, SC
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Vazquez-Hernandez, Jose
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Sep 25, 2016
• resisting arrest
• simple assault
Jose Vazquez-Hernandez, - Charleston County, SC
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Vazquez-Mendez, Rigoberto
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Sep 14, 2009
• assault high aggravated nature
Rigoberto Vazquez-Mendez, - Charleston County, SC
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Vazquez-Perez, Carlos
Bond: $1087
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Nov 15, 2019
• assault and battery 3rd degree$1087
Carlos Vazquez-Perez, - Charleston County, SC
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Vazquez-Silverio, Marvin
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Mar 28, 2014
• congr unlaw purpose$262
• throwing of bodily fluids$10000
• assault on police officer (mag)$1092
Marvin Vazquez-Silverio, - Charleston County, SC
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Vazquez-Silverio, Marvin
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Mar 07, 2015
• assault on police officer
• receiving stolen goods
• mal injury real property (mag)
Marvin Vazquez-Silverio, - Charleston County, SC
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Vega, Mackenzie Clarissa
Bond: $2125
Arrested Aug 05, 2021
• assault and battery 3rd degree$1087
• malicious inj to personal property.$2000 or less$2125
Clarissa Vega, - Charleston County, SC.
Vega, Lee Virgilio
Bond: $1087
Arrest Age 61
Arrested Oct 06, 2017
• third degree assault and battery$1087
Virgilio Vega, - Charleston County, SC
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Vega-Oliva, Aaron
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 50
Arrested Nov 27, 2019
• assault and battery 2nd degree$25000
Aaron Vega-Oliva, - Charleston County, SC
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Veit, Jane Caitlin
Bond: $262
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Apr 04, 2016
• false info to police$262
• failure to pay child support
• congr unlaw purpose$262
• third degree assault and battery$1092
Caitlin Veit, - Charleston County, SC
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Velasquez, Leonel
Bond: $465
Arrest Age 25
Arrested May 03, 2008
• simple assault$465
• resisting arrest$465
• public intoxication$465
Leonel Velasquez, - Charleston County, SC
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Velasquez, Rigoberto
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Jun 24, 2008
• simple assault
Rigoberto Velasquez, - Charleston County, SC
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Velasquez-Bravo, Ernesto
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Sep 03, 2010
• simple assault
Ernesto Velasquez-Bravo, - Charleston County, SC
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Velasquez-Castro, Calixto
Arrest Age 30
Arrested May 08, 2018
• assault and battery 3rd degree
Calixto Velasquez-Castro, - Charleston County, SC
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Velasquez-Perez, Daniel Juan
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Aug 24, 2019
• assault and battery 3rd degree$1000
Juan Velasquez-Perez, - Charleston County, SC
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Velasquez-Sanchez, Eduardo
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Jan 28, 2012
• second degree assault and battery by mob$2500
Eduardo Velasquez-Sanchez, - Charleston County, SC
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Velazquez-Monzon, Wilson
Bond: $2130
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Feb 10, 2014
• third degree assault and battery$2130
Wilson Velazquez-Monzon, - Charleston County, SC
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Velazquez-Perez, Leonel
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Apr 19, 2008
• simple assault$500
Leonel Velazquez-Perez, - Charleston County, SC
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Velazquez-Ponce, Esteban Jose
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Sep 18, 2019
• assault/battery high and aggravated nature
• poss of a weapon during violent crime
Jose Velazquez-Ponce, - Charleston County, SC
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