ᐅ Georgia Assault and Battery (GA)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - DeKalb County, Georgia


Last names: #Zehner   #Zehr   #Zeieke   #Zeigler   #Zeisler   #Zelaya   #Zellars   #Zeller   #Zellers   #Zellner   #Zellous   #Zelmer  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Zehner, Rodney
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Sep 13, 2011
• aggravated battery -/fel/-
Rodney Zehner, - DeKalb County, GA
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Zehr, David Dwayne
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Feb 26, 2005
• simple battery -/misd/-
Dwayne Zehr, - DeKalb County, GA
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Zeieke, Adamasu Henok
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Dec 11, 2015
• battery-family violence -/misd/-
Henok Zeieke, - DeKalb County, GA
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Zeigler, Delois
Arrest Age 35
Atlanta, DeKalb, GA
Arrested May 27, 2007
• simple battery -/misd/- notes: bonded out
Delois Zeigler, - DeKalb County, GA.
Zeigler, Degusta Nathan
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Jul 11, 2015
• battery misdemeanor
• cruelty to children 3rd degree
• aggravated assault-/fel/-
Nathan Zeigler, - DeKalb County, GA
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Zeigler, Shon Tre
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Apr 02, 2015
• simple battery -/misd/-
Tre Zeigler, - DeKalb County, GA
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Zeisler, Michelle Annett
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Feb 16, 2015
• battery-family violence -/misd/-
Annett Zeisler, - DeKalb County, GA
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Zelaya, Osmin
Arrest Age 51
Stone Mountain, DeKalb, GA
Arrested Mar 02, 2020
• simple assault notes: bonded out
• simple battery notes: bonded out
Osmin Zelaya, - DeKalb County, GA.
Zelaya, Willian
Arrest Age 47
Snellville, DeKalb, GA
Arrested Dec 04, 2018
• simple battery - family violence
• disorderly conduct
• simple battery
• simple assault
Willian Zelaya, - DeKalb County, GA.
Zellars, Michael
Arrest Age 50
Atlanta, DeKalb, GA
Arrested Mar 20, 2019
• sexual battery - misdemeanor
• public indecency-1st or 2nd conviction - misdemeanor
Michael Zellars, - DeKalb County, GA.
Zellars, Michele
Conley, DeKalb, GA
Arrested Jul 17, 2021
• criminal attempt robbery
• battery visible harm (misdemeanor)
• obstruction of law enforcement officers
Michele Zellars, - DeKalb County, GA.
Zellars, Derr Ray
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Jan 03, 2003
• aggravated assault-/fel/-
• battery misdemeanor
Ray Zellars, - DeKalb County, GA
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Zeller, Randal Buck
Arrest Age 50
Lithonia, DeKalb, GA
Arrested Aug 25, 2019
• simple battery - family violence
Buck Zeller, - DeKalb County, GA.
Zeller, Edward Michael
Arrest Age 47
Lawrenceville, DeKalb, GA
Arrested May 08, 2018
• cruelty to children in the 3rd degree 3rd or subsequent offense notes: released time served
• battery notes: released time served
• simple battery notes: released time served
• simple assault notes: released time served
Michael Zeller, - DeKalb County, GA.
Zellers, Antonio Aubrey
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 18
Arrested Nov 27, 2004
• simple assault -/misd/-
• simple battery -/misd/-
Aubrey Zellers, - DeKalb County, GA
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Zellers, Bolton Phillip
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Jul 14, 2017
• aggravated sexual battery -/fel/-
• aggravated child molestation felony
• rape-/fel/-
• child molestation -/fel/-
Phillip Zellers, - DeKalb County, GA
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Zellner, Donnie
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Jun 12, 2009
• disorderly conduct -/misd/-
• simple battery -/misd/-
Donnie Zellner, - DeKalb County, GA.
Zellner, Donnie
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Aug 18, 2005
• aggravated assault-/fel/-
• aggravated assault-/fel/-
Donnie Zellner, - DeKalb County, GA
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Zellner, Tanisha Quandra
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Oct 31, 2001
• battery misdemeanor
Quandra Zellner, - DeKalb County, GA
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Zellner, Bernard Sheddrict
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Jul 21, 2015
• simple battery -/misd/-
Sheddrict Zellner, - DeKalb County, GA
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Zellner, Lee Solomon
Arrest Age 47
Decatur, DeKalb, GA
Arrested Nov 18, 2018
• harassing phone calls
• simple battery notes: charges dropped
Solomon Zellner, - DeKalb County, GA.
Zellous, Ariemous
Arrest Age 35
Atlanta, DeKalb, GA
Arrested Nov 21, 2006
• aggravated assault-/fel/- notes: other
• battery misdemeanor notes: charges dropped
Ariemous Zellous, - DeKalb County, GA.
Zellous, Sherard Aremous
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Oct 20, 2010
• simple assault -/misd/-
Aremous Zellous, - DeKalb County, GA
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Zellous, Ali Brodrick
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Nov 09, 2000
• battery misdemeanor
Brodrick Zellous, - DeKalb County, GA
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Zellous, Keith Gerald
Arrest Age 74
Arrested Jun 25, 2014
• battery-family violence -/misd/-
• aggravated assault-/fel/-
Gerald Zellous, - DeKalb County, GA
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Zellous, Keith Gerald
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 48
Arrested Dec 14, 2011
• battery misdemeanor
• cruelty to children - -/fel-1st degree/- -/misd-2nd/-
Gerald Zellous, - DeKalb County, GA
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Zellous, Keith Gerald
Arrest Age 35
Atlanta, DeKalb, GA
Arrested Oct 22, 2006
• battery/simple battery-family violence -/misd/- notes: other
• simple assault -/misd/- notes: other
• obstruction of officers notes: other
Gerald Zellous, - DeKalb County, GA.
Zellous, Sonja
Arrest Age 50
Lithonia, DeKalb, GA
Arrested Jan 28, 2020
• battery - family violence (1st offense) notes: sign own recognizance
Sonja Zellous, - DeKalb County, GA.
Zellous, Jerrod Steven
Arrest Age 48
Avondale Estates, DeKalb, GA
Arrested Feb 18, 2020
• criminal trespassing notes: bonded out
• battery - family violence (1st offense) notes: bonded out
• criminal trespassing notes: bonded out
Steven Zellous, - DeKalb County, GA.
Zelmer, Lamar James
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 47
Arrested Jun 14, 2001
• battery misdemeanor
James Zelmer, - DeKalb County, GA
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