ᐅ Iowa Assault and Battery (IA)

What is penalty for assault in Iowa?
If no other law applies, Iowa law considers an assault to be a simple misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a fine of $65 to $625.

Arrest Records By County - Iowa (IA)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Polk County, Iowa


Last names: #Boettger   #Bogard   #Bogue   #Bohlen   #Bohn   #Bojdol   #Bokicha   #Bolar   #Bolden   #Boler   #Boles   #Boley   #Bolingo  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Boettger, Ray Gabriel
Arrest Age 29
Ankeny, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 22, 2015
• domestic abuse assault impeding flow of air/blood
Gabriel Boettger, - Polk County, IA
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Bogard, Jo Shelly
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Sep 29, 2016
• theft 2nd degree
• violation of probation - 1985
• violation of probation - 1985
• assault (smms)
• assault causing bodily injury
• harass public officer/empl. - 1978 (smms)
• violation of probation - 1985
• voluntary absence (escape)
Shelly Bogard, - Polk County, IA
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Bogue, Michaelle Hailey
Bond: $300
Arrested Dec 25, 2021
• assault (smms)
• consumption / intoxication
• domestic abuse assault
Hailey Bogue, - Polk County, IA
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Bogue, Dean Jeremy
Arrest Age 21
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jul 30, 2016
• violation of no contact / protective order
• domestic abuse assault
• domestic abuse assault display or use of a weapon - 1st offe
Jeremy Bogue, - Polk County, IA
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Bogue, Dean Jeremy
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 20
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Nov 26, 2016
• consumption / intoxication$300
• possession of drug paraphernalia
• tax stamp violation - possession or distribution of unlawful$5000
• narcs - possess w / intent deliver sch i - marijuana$5000
• assault (smms)$300
• disorderly conduct$300
Jeremy Bogue, - Polk County, IA
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Bohlen, Bohlen Matthew
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 53
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 30, 2013
• assault domestic abuse with injury
• assault causing bodily injury or mental illness$1000
Matthew Bohlen, - Polk County, IA
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Bohn, Bohn Andrew
Arrest Age 22
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 20, 2013
• assault domestic abuse with injury
Andrew Bohn, - Polk County, IA
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Bohn, Bohn Emmanuel
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 36
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jul 04, 2013
• assault causing bodily injury or mental illness
Emmanuel Bohn, - Polk County, IA
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Bohn, Snow Nathan
Bond: $6000
Arrest Age 33
West Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Nov 30, 2016
• assault (smms)$300
• possession of weapon as felon$6000
• interference w/off acts w/ injury-misdemeanor
Nathan Bohn, - Polk County, IA
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Bojdol, Janusz Szymon
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 34
Polk City, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 18, 2016
• assault (smms)
Szymon Bojdol, - Polk County, IA
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Bokicha, Bifato Abdirasak
Arrest Age 41
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Nov 25, 2020
• assault causing bodily injury or mental illness
Abdirasak Bokicha, - Polk County, IA
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Bolar, Craig Kolton
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 32
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 18, 2015
• assault
Kolton Bolar, - Polk County, IA
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Bolden, Lamar Anthony
Arrest Age 74
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jan 05, 2019
• assault (smms)
Anthony Bolden, - Polk County, IA
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Bolden, Thurman Benjamin
Bond: $10000
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Feb 19, 2022
• violation of probation - 1985
• domestic abuse assault - 3rd or subsequent offense
Benjamin Bolden, - Polk County, IA
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Bolden, Thurman Benjamin
Bond: $133
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Mar 09, 2022
• provide false identification information provide false ident
• assault (smms)
• operating while intoxicated - second offense
• dominion/control of firearm/offense weapon by domestic abuse
• open container - driver 21 yrs old and older open container
• domestic abuse assault impeding flow of air/blood
• violation of probation - 1985 violation of probation - 1985
• failure to use headlamps when required
• driving while barred - habitual offender
Benjamin Bolden, - Polk County, IA
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Bolden, Shanae Ciera
Arrest Age 26
Ankeny, Polk, IA
Arrested Jul 15, 2015
• domestic abuse assault
Ciera Bolden, - Polk County, IA
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Bolden, Depree Darrius
Arrest Age 52
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 22, 2016
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
Darrius Bolden, - Polk County, IA
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Bolden, Bolden Darrius
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Apr 06, 2015
• domestic abuse assault impeding flow of air/blood
Darrius Bolden, - Polk County, IA
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Bolden, Thomas Isaiah
Arrest Age 36
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Nov 30, -0001
• domestic abuse assault impeding air/blood flow causing bodil
Isaiah Bolden, - Polk County, IA
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Bolden, Marcell Javontea
Arrest Age 41
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Feb 11, 2021
• domestic abuse assault - 3rd or subsequent offense
Javontea Bolden, - Polk County, IA
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Bolden, Bolden Javontea
Arrest Age 23
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jul 18, 2014
• assault domestic abuse simple
Javontea Bolden, - Polk County, IA
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Bolden, Marcell Javontea
Arrest Age 22
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 16, 2019
• domestic abuse assault w/intent to inflict serious injury -
• theft 5th degree
Javontea Bolden, - Polk County, IA
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Bolden, Marcell Javontea
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 16
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Feb 02, 2017
• robbery 1st degree$50000
• assault while participating in a felony
Javontea Bolden, - Polk County, IA
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Boler, Giovanni Michael
Bond: $2000
Ankeny, Polk, IA
Arrested Sep 30, 2021
• interference w/official acts, bodily injury
• disorderly conduct - loud or raucous noise
• assault on persons in certain occupations - bodily injury
Michael Boler, - Polk County, IA
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Boler, Giovanni Michael
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 27
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 27, 2017
• interference w/ official acts
• assault on a p.o./ fire fighter with a weapon
• criminal mischief 1st degree
• assault on a p.o./ fire fighter with a weapon
• striking unattended vehicle striking unattended vehicle
Michael Boler, - Polk County, IA.
Boles, Cody Austin
Arrest Age 20
Urbandale, Polk, IA
Arrested Sep 21, 2017
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
Austin Boles, - Polk County, IA
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Boles, Michael Christopher
Arrest Age 31
Altoona, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 14, 2019
• domestic abuse assault
Christopher Boles, - Polk County, IA
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Boles, Michael-Vaughn Trevor
Arrest Age 41
Ankeny, Polk, IA
Arrested Jul 15, 2017
• domestic abuse assault w/intent to inflict serious injury -
Trevor Boles, - Polk County, IA
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Boley, Lee Christopher
Arrest Age 28
Urbandale, Polk, IA
Arrested Apr 16, 2019
• domestic abuse assault
Christopher Boley, - Polk County, IA
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Bolingo, Bolingo Walter
Arrest Age 50
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Nov 14, 2013
• assault domestic abuse with injury
Walter Bolingo, - Polk County, IA
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