ᐅ Iowa Assault and Battery (IA)

What is penalty for assault in Iowa?
If no other law applies, Iowa law considers an assault to be a simple misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a fine of $65 to $625.

Arrest Records By County - Iowa (IA)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Marshall County, Iowa


Last names: #Haas   #Hall   #Harris   #Hassan   #Hayward   #Henderson   #Hernandez   #Hernandez-Garcia   #Hjelmeland   #Hope   #Hulin   #Hutchinson  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Haas, Allan Tracy Arrested Sep 20, 2021
• domestic abuse assault- injury or mental illness - 1st off
Tracy Haas, - Marshall County, IA
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Hall, Dapree Demario
Bond: $2000
Arrested Feb 17, 2021
• agms
• domestic abuse assault- injury or mental illness - 1st off
Demario Hall, - Marshall County, IA
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Harris, Joy Melissa Arrested Jan 01, 2021
• domestic abuse assault- 1st offense dom ab asslt -- divorced spouse, general
Melissa Harris, - Marshall County, IA
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Hassan, Abdalla Ismat
Bond: $1000
Arrested Dec 26, 2019
• false imprisonment$1000
• domestic abuse assault - 3rd or subseq offense
Ismat Hassan, - Marshall County, IA
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Hayward, Kay Melisa Arrested Jan 09, 2022
• domestic abuse assault, 1st off causing bodily inj
Melisa Hayward, - Marshall County, IA
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Henderson, Dean Robert Arrested Oct 22, 2019
• felb
• smms
• assault while participating in a felony
• feld
Robert Henderson, - Marshall County, IA
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Hernandez, Guadalupe Arrested Mar 04, 2022
• domestic abuse assault, 1st off causing bodily inj
Guadalupe Hernandez, - Marshall County, IA
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Hernandez-Garcia, De-Jesus Jose
Bond: $2000
Arrested Aug 11, 2020
• agms
• domestic abuse assault- injury or mental illness - 1st off
• agms
Jose Hernandez-Garcia, - Marshall County, IA
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Hernandez-Garcia, De-Jesus Jose
Bond: $300
Arrested Apr 14, 2021
• warrant: bench warrant fecr092797 issued by marshall, ia
• domestic abuse assault impeding air/blood flow causing bodily inj
• smms
Jose Hernandez-Garcia, - Marshall County, IA
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Hjelmeland, Mae Alycia Arrested Jan 25, 2022
• domestic abuse assault, 1st off causing bodily inj
Alycia Hjelmeland, - Marshall County, IA
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Hjelmeland, Mae Alycia
Bond: $2500
Arrested Mar 20, 2022
• warrant: bench warrant owcr099504 issued by marshall, ia
• domestic abuse assault, resident household member
• warrant: bench warrant agcr097642 issued by marshall, ia
• warrant: bench warrant smcr097641 issued by marshall, ia
Alycia Hjelmeland, - Marshall County, IA.
Hjelmeland, Mae Alycia
Bond: $2000
Arrested Apr 26, 2021
• agms
• domestic abuse assault- injury or mental illness - 1st off
Alycia Hjelmeland, - Marshall County, IA
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Hope, Wayne Tyler
Bond: $1000
Arrested May 09, 2022
• obstruct e911 -- purposely interfere/obstruct$300
• domestic abuse assault, strangulation
• domestic abuse assault 2nd off, prior/this ser/agg
• interfere w/ official acts, bodily injury result$1000
• false imprisonment$1000
Tyler Hope, - Marshall County, IA
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Hulin, John Jacob
Bond: $3000
Arrested Jul 13, 2020
• domestic abuse assault- injury or mental illness - 1st off$3000
• agms
• possession schedule i controlled substance 1st offense
• agms
• agms
Jacob Hulin, - Marshall County, IA
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Hulin, Ray Lucas
Bond: $2000
Arrested Oct 17, 2021
• assault on persons in certain occupations - bodily injury/mental ill$2000
Lucas Hulin, - Marshall County, IA
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Hulin, Ray Matthew Arrested Nov 20, 2019
• domestic abuse assault impeding flow of air/blood - no loss of consiousness-no weapon
Matthew Hulin, - Marshall County, IA
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Hutchinson, J Derek
Bond: $300
Arrested May 15, 2021
• driving while license under suspension$300
• no valid drivers license$354
• interference with official acts - bodily injury - serious$1000
• domestic abuse assault impeding air/blood flow causing bodily inj
• driving while license under suspension$300
Derek Hutchinson, - Marshall County, IA
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