ᐅ Iowa Assault and Battery (IA)

What is penalty for assault in Iowa?
If no other law applies, Iowa law considers an assault to be a simple misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a fine of $65 to $625.

Arrest Records By County - Iowa (IA)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Polk County, Iowa


Last names: #Troncin   #Trotter   #Trotty   #Troxel   #Truell   #Trullinger   #Trumbo   #Truong   #Tseada   #Tsegeenjav   #Tsirulnikov   #Tu   #Tucci   #Tucker  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Troncin, Troncin Denise
Arrest Age 20
Ankeny, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 22, 2014
• assault domestic abuse simple
Denise Troncin, - Polk County, IA
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Trotter, Christine Ashley
Arrest Age 42
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jan 23, 2019
• assault on peace officers and others
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
Ashley Trotter, - Polk County, IA
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Trotter, Trotter Donald
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 23
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Apr 01, 2014
• assault simple
• assault simple on police officer, fire fighter
• criminal mischief - 5th degree ( $0 - $200)
• harassment-1st degree
• violation of no contact / protective order
• driving while license denied,susp,cancelled or revoked
Donald Trotter, - Polk County, IA
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Trotter, Lee Donald
Arrest Age 50
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jan 24, 2016
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
Donald Trotter, - Polk County, IA
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Trotter, Shawn Jyden
Arrest Age 26
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Feb 22, 2019
• criminal mischief 5th degree
• assault use/display of a weapon
Jyden Trotter, - Polk County, IA
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Trotter, Ray Michael
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Mar 15, 2022
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
Michael Trotter, - Polk County, IA
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Trotty, Charles-Dehsun Jaylyn
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Mar 08, 2022
• contempt - violation of no contact or protective order
• contempt - violation of no contact or protective order
• domestic abuse assault - 2nd offense
Jaylyn Trotty, - Polk County, IA
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Troxel, Troxel Tyler
Arrest Age 31
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Sep 20, 2014
• assault domestic abuse with intent or with a weapon
Tyler Troxel, - Polk County, IA
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Truell, Lajuan Telvin
Arrest Age 33
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested May 25, 2019
• narcs - conspiracy to deliver sch ii
• narcs - possess w / intent deliver sch i
• assault on peace officers and others
Telvin Truell, - Polk County, IA
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Trullinger, Trullinger Bradley
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 27
Indianola, Polk, IA
Arrested Oct 22, 2012
• driving while license denied,susp,cancelled or revoked
• lights of improper color / front or rear
• interference with official acts
• disarming a p.o. of a dangerous weapon
• assault simple on police officer, fire fighter
Bradley Trullinger, - Polk County, IA
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Trullinger, Trullinger Larry
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 20
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Mar 28, 2014
• interference with official acts
• child endangerment (oll others - nonviolent)
• domestic abuse assault with strangulation
Larry Trullinger, - Polk County, IA.
Trumbo, Allen Grady
Arrest Age 25
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Apr 22, 2020
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
Grady Trumbo, - Polk County, IA
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Trumbo, Trumbo Grady
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 34
Arrested May 01, 2015
• assault causing bodily injury$10000
Grady Trumbo, - Polk County, IA
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Trumbo, Trumbo Kalif
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 47
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 02, 2013
• assault-going armed with intent
Kalif Trumbo, - Polk County, IA
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Trumbo, Trumbo Kalif
Arrest Age 17
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Mar 08, 2015
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
• probation violation
Kalif Trumbo, - Polk County, IA
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Trumbo, Trumbo Randy
Arrest Age 41
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Sep 25, 2012
• assault domestic abuse simple
Randy Trumbo, - Polk County, IA
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Trumbo, Wayne Russell
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 33
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 26, 2015
• assault on peace officers and others$5000
Russell Trumbo, - Polk County, IA
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Truong, Truong Johnson
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 25
Waukee, Polk, IA
Arrested Feb 25, 2014
• assault causing bodily injury or mental illness$10000
Johnson Truong, - Polk County, IA
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Truong, Hoai Vinh
Arrest Age 33
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Apr 29, 2016
• domestic abuse assault
Vinh Truong, - Polk County, IA
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Tseada, Woldu Shishay
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Apr 27, 2022
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
Shishay Tseada, - Polk County, IA
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Tsegeenjav, Byambajav
Arrest Age 45
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 20, 2019
• driving while license denied,susp,cancelled or revoked
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
• vehicles fail to respond to yellow caution signal
Byambajav Tsegeenjav, - Polk County, IA
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Tsirulnikov, Smolack Yevgeny
Arrest Age 34
Windsor Heights, Polk, IA
Arrested Jul 09, 2016
• domestic abuse assault
Yevgeny Tsirulnikov, - Polk County, IA
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Tu, Poe
Arrest Age 41
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested May 29, 2013
• assault domestic abuse with injury
Poe Tu, - Polk County, IA
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Tucci, Tucci Peter
Arrest Age 40
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 19, 2013
• assault domestic abuse with injury
Peter Tucci, - Polk County, IA
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Tucker, Laquita Ashena
Arrest Age 21
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jul 10, 2018
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
• violation of probation - 1985
Ashena Tucker, - Polk County, IA
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Tucker, John Billy
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 43
Altoona, Polk, IA
Arrested Jul 07, 2016
• consumption / intoxication
• assault (smms)
Billy Tucker, - Polk County, IA
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Tucker, Carron
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 27
Ankeny, Polk, IA
Arrested Jan 25, 2015
• child endangerment/no injury
• domestic abuse assault with strangulation
Carron Tucker, - Polk County, IA
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Tucker, Harrison Charles
Arrest Age 22
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Oct 22, 2016
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
Charles Tucker, - Polk County, IA
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Tucker, Eugene Charles
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 22
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jul 23, 2015
• consumption / intoxication
• interference w/off acts w/ injury-misdemeanor
• assault on peace officers and others
• assault on peace officers and others
• assault on peace officers and others
• assault on peace officers and others
• assault on peace officers and others
Charles Tucker, - Polk County, IA
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Tucker, Edward Don
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 48
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jul 19, 2015
• assault causing bodily injury
• child endangerment/no injury
Don Tucker, - Polk County, IA
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