ᐅ Iowa Assault and Battery (IA)

What is penalty for assault in Iowa?
If no other law applies, Iowa law considers an assault to be a simple misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a fine of $65 to $625.

Arrest Records By County - Iowa (IA)

Cerro Gordo  Clinton  Dallas  Dubuque Hardin  Johnson  Linn  Marshall  Polk  Scott  Story  Warren  Woodbury 

Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Dubuque County, Iowa


Last names: #Johnson   #Johnston   #Jones   #Jones-Warren   #Jordan   #Jormelu  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Johnson, Lee Anthony
Bond: $300
Arrested Aug 20, 2021
• warrant out of jurisdiction
• assault -simple - no injury
• assault with injury - simple assault
• warrant out of state
• warrant out of jurisdiction
Anthony Johnson, - Dubuque County, IA
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Johnson, Allen Dwayne
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Feb 17, 2021
• criminal mischief 4th degree
• domestic assault - simple
Dwayne Johnson, - Dubuque County, IA
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Johnson, Lee Edward
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Feb 16, 2020
• violation of domestic abuse protective order
• domestic assault with injury - simple assault
Edward Johnson, - Dubuque County, IA
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Johnson, Davell Jarrell
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 56
Arrested Oct 21, 2020
• domestic assault/strangulation - simple assault
• harassment 2nd degree
• harassment 1st degree
• driving while barred
• probation violation
Jarrell Johnson, - Dubuque County, IA
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Johnson, Davell Jarrell
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Oct 05, 2020
• drug possession of controlled substance
• harassment 1st degree
• domestic assault/strangulation - simple assault
• contempt - violation of no contact order
• false imprisonment
• domestic assault with injury - simple assault
• domestic assault - simple
• pretrial supervision violation
• intimidation with a dangerous weapon
Jarrell Johnson, - Dubuque County, IA
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Johnson, Jaleel Jerome
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Jul 28, 2019
• domestic assault with injury - simple assault
• harassment 1st degree
• child endangerment
Jerome Johnson, - Dubuque County, IA
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Johnson, Lewis Juantero
Bond: $10000
Arrested Jul 20, 2021
• domestic assault/strangulation
• domestic assault with injury - simple assault
• pretrial supervision violation
Juantero Johnson, - Dubuque County, IA
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Johnson, Ann Laura
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Mar 23, 2019
• domestic assault with injury - simple assault
Laura Johnson, - Dubuque County, IA
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Johnson, Livi
Arrest Age 37
Arrested May 08, 2020
• domestic assault/strangulation - simple assault
• domestic assault with injury - simple assault
Livi Johnson, - Dubuque County, IA
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Johnson, Livi
Bond: $15000
Arrested Dec 03, 2021
• probation violation
• willful injury - causing serious injury
• domestic abuse assault- 3rd or subseq- aggravated
• probation violation
• probation violation
Livi Johnson, - Dubuque County, IA
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Johnson, Jerry Shango
Bond: $2000
Arrested Apr 13, 2022
• contempt - violation of no contact/protective order
• assault while displaying a weapon
Shango Johnson, - Dubuque County, IA
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Johnson, Jerry Shango
Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Mar 29, 2020
• contempt of court
• child endangerment
• probation violation
• domestic assault/strangulation - simple assault
• domestic assault with injury - simple assault
Shango Johnson, - Dubuque County, IA
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Johnston, Aaron Decore
Bond: $2000
Arrested Feb 12, 2022
• domestic abuse assault - simple
• contempt - violation of no contact/protective order
• contempt - violation of order domestic abuse
• probation violation
• contempt - violation of order domestic abuse
Decore Johnston, - Dubuque County, IA
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Jones, Michael Cory
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Jul 18, 2020
• domestic assault/strangulation - aggravated
• domestic assault with injury - aggravated assault
Cory Jones, - Dubuque County, IA
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Jones, Jackie
Bond: $1000
Arrested Feb 05, 2022
• disorderly conduct-fighting/violent behavior
• assault causing bod inj/men illness - viol of individ rights
Jackie Jones, - Dubuque County, IA
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Jones, Oscar Joseph
Arrest Age 54
Arrested Jul 29, 2019
• domestic assault - simple
Joseph Jones, - Dubuque County, IA
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Jones, Martice Ladarrel
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Jan 29, 2021
• providing false identification information
• contempt - violation of no contact order
• domestic assault with injury - simple assault
• domestic assault/strangulation - aggravated
• warrant out of state
Ladarrel Jones, - Dubuque County, IA
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Jones, Martice Ladarrel
Bond: $3000
Arrested Oct 14, 2021
• assault on persons in certain occupations
• child endangerment
• contempt - violation of no contact/protective order
• interference w/official acts - no injury/damage
• burglary 1st degree - burglary/breaking and entering
• harassment 1st degree
• obstruction 0f emergency communication
• domestic abuse assault with injury - simple assault
Ladarrel Jones, - Dubuque County, IA
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Jones, Martice Ladarrel
Bond: $5000
Arrested Nov 11, 2021
• contempt - violation of order domestic abuse
• harassment 1st degree
• domestic abuse assault with injury - simple assault
• interference w/official acts - no injury/damage
Ladarrel Jones, - Dubuque County, IA
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Jones, Derrell Lemond
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Mar 27, 2020
• inmate assault with bodily fluids
• parole violation, new evidence
Lemond Jones, - Dubuque County, IA
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Jones, Tavoris Marsalis Arrested Jun 26, 2021
• domestic assault with injury - simple assault
Marsalis Jones, - Dubuque County, IA.
Jones, Maurice
Bond: $20000
Arrested Jan 27, 2022
• drug possession of controlled substance
• failure to appear-felony arr (felony)
• assault causing bodily injury/mental illness - aggravated
• failure to appear-non felony arr(serious)
• pretrial supervision violation
Maurice Jones, - Dubuque County, IA
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Jones, James Nicholas
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Aug 08, 2018
• child endangerment - simple assault
• burglary 2nd degree - burglary/breaking and entering
Nicholas Jones, - Dubuque County, IA
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Jones, Lee-Ann Shelby
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Apr 04, 2021
• domestic assault - simple - 2nd offense
Shelby Jones, - Dubuque County, IA
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Jones, Shannet Shinta
Bond: $2000
Arrested Jul 26, 2021
• assault while displaying a weapon
Shinta Jones, - Dubuque County, IA
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Jones, Deanthony Tyrone
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Jan 13, 2021
• probation violation
• contempt - violation of no contact order
• probation violation
• interference w/official acts - bodily injury
• interference w/official acts - no injury/damage
• domestic assault with injury - aggravated assault
• driving while barred
• contempt - violation of no contact order
• child endangerment
• contempt - violation of no contact order
Tyrone Jones, - Dubuque County, IA
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Jones-Warren, Jerrel Jermaine Arrested Jan 31, 2022
• domestic abuse assault with injury - simple assault
Jermaine Jones-Warren, - Dubuque County, IA
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Jones-Warren, Jerrel Jermaine Arrested Nov 04, 2021
• domestic assault/with intent or weapon
• shooting projectiles
• willful injury - causing serious injury
Jermaine Jones-Warren, - Dubuque County, IA
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Jordan, Doretha Ashleigh
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Sep 19, 2019
• child endangerment w/o ser injury
• assault w/bodily injury(hate) - simple assault
Ashleigh Jordan, - Dubuque County, IA
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Jormelu, Joe
Bond: $1000
Arrested Jun 15, 2021
• possession of drug paraphernalia
• assault with injury - simple assault
Joe Jormelu, - Dubuque County, IA
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