ᐅ Iowa Assault and Battery (IA)

What is penalty for assault in Iowa?
If no other law applies, Iowa law considers an assault to be a simple misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a fine of $65 to $625.

Arrest Records By County - Iowa (IA)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Polk County, Iowa


Last names: #McNew   #McPartlin   #McPeak   #McPeters   #McPhee   #McPherren   #McPherson   #McRae   #McReynolds   #McVey   #McWherter   #McWilliams   #Meacham   #Mead  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
McNew, Mcnew Jolene
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Aug 17, 2012
• assault causing bodily injury or mental illness$1000
• false imprisonment$1000
• theft all other-2nd degree$5000
• theft all other-3rd degree$2000
• harassment of public officers and employees
• burglary-1st degree (possessing a weapon)$25000
• probation violation$1000
Jolene McNew, - Polk County, IA
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McNew, Ray Joshua
Arrest Age 30
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Sep 20, 2019
• assault
Joshua McNew, - Polk County, IA
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McPartlin, Joseph Timothy
Arrest Age 46
Arrested Feb 23, 2019
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
Timothy McPartlin, - Polk County, IA
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McPeak, Scott
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 36
Valley Center, Polk, IA
Arrested Sep 07, 2013
• assault simple
Scott McPeak, - Polk County, IA.
McPeters, Jason Douglas
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 50
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 10, 2015
• assault$1000
Douglas McPeters, - Polk County, IA
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McPhee, Mcphee Kirk
Arrest Age 41
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 15, 2014
• assault domestic abuse with injury
Kirk McPhee, - Polk County, IA
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McPhee, Mcphee Neil
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 24
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 22, 2012
• assault - willful injury$25000
Neil McPhee, - Polk County, IA
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McPherren, Nicole Valerie
Arrest Age 44
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Oct 16, 2018
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
• theft 3rd degree
• theft 4th degree
Valerie McPherren, - Polk County, IA
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McPherson, Jon Michael
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 24
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 02, 2017
• violation of no contact / protective order
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness$10000
• carrying weapons$2000
• intimidation with a dangerous weapon to injure/provoke fear/
Michael McPherson, - Polk County, IA
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McRae, Ali-Sahr Jordan
Arrest Age 51
Johnston, Polk, IA
Arrested Oct 17, 2018
• domestic abuse assault impeding air/blood flow causing bodil
Jordan McRae, - Polk County, IA
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McRae, Mcrae Joshua
Bond: $263
Arrest Age 23
Urbandale, Polk, IA
Arrested Apr 03, 2014
• stopping on paved part of highway
• assault domestic abuse with intent or with a weapon
• leaving scene of accident - damage to vehicle only
Joshua McRae, - Polk County, IA.
McRae, Ann Temika
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 17
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Mar 19, 2017
• possession of a controlled substance$1000
• assault (smms)$1000
Temika McRae, - Polk County, IA
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McReynolds, Joel Todd
Arrest Age 41
Arrested Sep 13, 2018
• theft 2nd degree
• willful injury - causing bodily injury
• assault while displaying a dangerous weapon
• willful injury - causing bodily injury
Todd McReynolds, - Polk County, IA
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McVey, Taylor Benjamin
Arrest Age 19
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jul 10, 2017
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
Benjamin McVey, - Polk County, IA.
McVey, T Benjamin
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 59
Arrested Apr 16, 2016
• theft 5th degree
• assault on peace officers and others
Benjamin McVey, - Polk County, IA.
McVey, Edward Donald
Arrest Age 26
Altoona, Polk, IA
Arrested Oct 08, 2018
• interference with official acts
• domestic abuse assault- injury or mental illness - 1st offen
Donald McVey, - Polk County, IA
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McVey, Levi Dylan
Arrest Age 20
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Apr 03, 2019
• voluntary absence from custody
• probation violation
• assault (smms)
• probation violation
• assault causing bodily injury
• probation violation
Dylan McVey, - Polk County, IA
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McVey, Levi Dylan
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 32
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Mar 20, 2017
• domestic abuse assault$1000
• interference w/official acts no injury or damage$1000
Dylan McVey, - Polk County, IA
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McVey, Mcvey Lacey
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 36
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested May 23, 2015
• operating while intoxicated - 1st offense - owi 1st
• assault on peace officers and others
• violation - financial liability coverage
• dnu - interference w/ official acts -
• driving on wrong side of two way highway -
Lacey McVey, - Polk County, IA
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McVey, Mcvey Martin
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 23
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Sep 18, 2012
• assault simple$1000
• disorderly conduct$1000
Martin McVey, - Polk County, IA
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McVey, Mcvey Sierra
Arrest Age 49
Bondurant, Polk, IA
Arrested Apr 13, 2013
• assault causing bodily injury or mental illness
Sierra McVey, - Polk County, IA.
McVey, Mcvey Sierra
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 23
Ankeny, Polk, IA
Arrested Nov 10, 2013
• child endangerment (oll others - nonviolent)
• child endangerment (oll others - nonviolent)
• assault domestic abuse with intent or with a weapon
• violation of no contact / protective order
Sierra McVey, - Polk County, IA
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McVey, Michael Steven
Arrest Age 37
Clive, Polk, IA
Arrested Sep 09, 2019
• domestic abuse assault
Steven McVey, - Polk County, IA
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McWherter, Mcwherter Sharron
Arrest Age 31
Polk City, Polk, IA
Arrested Sep 02, 2013
• assault causing bodily injury or mental illness
Sharron McWherter, - Polk County, IA
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McWilliams, Rose Lauren
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 18
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jan 27, 2021
• theft 1st degree
• provide false identification information provide false ident
• assault while participating in a felony
• robbery-2nd degree
• interference with official acts -- no injury or damage
Lauren McWilliams, - Polk County, IA
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McWilliams, Audie Steve
Bond: $1000
West Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Dec 20, 2021
• leave scene of injury accident (srms) leave scene of injury
• domestic abuse assault display or use of a weapon - 1st offe
• willful injury - causing bodily injury
• child endangerment - serious injury-- deprive necessary care
• interference w/official acts no injury or damage
Steve McWilliams, - Polk County, IA
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McWilliams, Mcwilliams Steve
Arrest Age 48
Urbandale, Polk, IA
Arrested May 15, 2013
• assault domestic abuse simple
Steve McWilliams, - Polk County, IA
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Meacham, Meacham Amber
Arrest Age 22
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 08, 2013
• assault domestic abuse with injury
• assault domestic abuse with injury
Amber Meacham, - Polk County, IA
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Mead, Allen Chad
Arrest Age 33
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 03, 2017
• domestic abuse assault display or use of a weapon - 1st offe
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
Chad Mead, - Polk County, IA
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Mead, Mead Diann
Arrest Age 38
Mitchellville, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 13, 2015
• domestic abuse assault- injury or mental illness - 1st offen
Diann Mead, - Polk County, IA.
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