ᐅ Iowa Assault and Battery (IA)

What is penalty for assault in Iowa?
If no other law applies, Iowa law considers an assault to be a simple misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a fine of $65 to $625.

Arrest Records By County - Iowa (IA)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Polk County, Iowa


Last names: #Pottorff   #Potts   #Poulsen   #Pour   #Poush   #Powell   #Powers   #Pradhan   #Praseuth   #Prather   #Pratt  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Pottorff, Pottorff Greg
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 21
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Sep 26, 2012
• assault - willful injury
• criminal gang participation
Greg Pottorff, - Polk County, IA
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Potts, Michael Larry
Arrest Age 26
West Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Oct 11, 2018
• domestic abuse assault
Larry Potts, - Polk County, IA
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Poulsen, Robertson-Fox James
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 36
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Oct 07, 2016
• narcs - possession sch ii - methamphetamine
• assault causing bodily injury
• violation of parole - 1985
James Poulsen, - Polk County, IA
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Pour, Jeff
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 24
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Apr 26, 2017
• violation of parole - 1985
• intimidation with a dangerous weapon - injure/provoke fear
• false imprisonment
• domestic abuse assault w/intent or displays a weapon
• harassment 1st degree
Jeff Pour, - Polk County, IA
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Poush, Poush Julie
Arrest Age 59
Maxwell, Polk, IA
Arrested Oct 28, 2012
• assault domestic abuse with injury
Julie Poush, - Polk County, IA
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Powell, Rachelle Amanda
Arrest Age 32
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Feb 01, 2016
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
Amanda Powell, - Polk County, IA
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Powell, Isaac Baby
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 30
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Nov 13, 2015
• assault causing bodily injury
• domestic abuse assault impeding air/blood flow causing bodil
Baby Powell, - Polk County, IA
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Powell, Isaac Baby
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 33
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Nov 19, 2015
• domestic abuse assault impeding air/blood flow causing bodil$20000
• violation of no contact / protective order
• domestic abuse assault display or use of a weapon - 1st offe
• violation of no contact / protective order
Baby Powell, - Polk County, IA
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Powell, Powell Corey
Arrest Age 42
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested May 05, 2013
• assault domestic abuse with intent or with a weapon
Corey Powell, - Polk County, IA.
Powell, Joseph Don
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Dec 04, 2016
• interference with official acts
• assault on peace officers and others
Don Powell, - Polk County, IA
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Powell, Waylon Jeffrey
Arrest Age 28
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 20, 2018
• assault with intent to inflict serious injury
Jeffrey Powell, - Polk County, IA
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Powell, Powell Jeffrey
Arrest Age 51
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Mar 17, 2015
• domestic abuse assault
Jeffrey Powell, - Polk County, IA.
Powell, Robert John
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 42
Urbandale, Polk, IA
Arrested Dec 31, 2016
• child endangerment -- substantial risk
• domestic assault ref. 708.2(1) - 1989 (agms)
• obstruction of emergency communications obstruct e911 -- pur
John Powell, - Polk County, IA.
Powell, Powell Todd
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 40
Ankeny, Polk, IA
Arrested Mar 30, 2014
• assault simple
• assault causing bodily injury or mental illness
• assault causing bodily injury or mental illness
Todd Powell, - Polk County, IA.
Powers, Powers David
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 49
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Dec 04, 2012
• assault causing bodily injury or mental illness
David Powers, - Polk County, IA
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Powers, Gene Jason
Arrest Age 41
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Dec 03, 2020
• assault causing bodily injury
Jason Powers, - Polk County, IA
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Powers, Powers Ryan
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 45
Pleasant Hill, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 02, 2014
• assault causing serious injury$1000
Ryan Powers, - Polk County, IA
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Pradhan, Arun
Arrest Age 34
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Feb 02, 2019
• domestic abuse assault display or use of a weapon - 1st offe
Arun Pradhan, - Polk County, IA
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Praseuth, Benny Sourisack
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 47
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Oct 17, 2015
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
• trespass -- no damage/injury
Sourisack Praseuth, - Polk County, IA
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Prather, Prather Catherine
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 19
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Apr 01, 2014
• assault domestic abuse with injury
• obstruction of emergency communications
Catherine Prather, - Polk County, IA.
Prather, Prather Jimmy
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 22
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Apr 17, 2013
• assault - willful injury
Jimmy Prather, - Polk County, IA
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Prather, Prather Jimmy
Arrest Age 47
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Dec 08, 2013
• assault domestic abuse with intent or with a weapon
• assault domestic abuse simple
Jimmy Prather, - Polk County, IA
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Prather, Prather Tammy
Arrest Age 22
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Nov 21, 2013
• assault domestic abuse with intent or with a weapon
Tammy Prather, - Polk County, IA
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Prather, Prather Tammy
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 26
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Mar 21, 2015
• driving while license denied or revoked (srms) driving while
• assault on persons in certain occupations - bodily injury
• assault on peace officers and others
• assault on peace officers and others
• leave scene of accident - property damage only
• operating while under the influence 1st offense
• assault on peace officers and others
Tammy Prather, - Polk County, IA
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Pratt, Kaye Allison
Arrest Age 34
Ames, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 05, 2018
• assault - general
Allison Pratt, - Polk County, IA
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Pratt, Pratt Jason
Arrest Age 42
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Mar 19, 2014
• assault domestic abuse with injury
Jason Pratt, - Polk County, IA
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Pratt, Shane Jerry
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 37
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Dec 19, 2016
• assault use/display of a weapon
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
• possession of schedule i control substance
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
• violation of parole - 1985
• drug paraphernalia
Jerry Pratt, - Polk County, IA
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Pratt, Pratt John
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 46
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 27, 2013
• assault simple
• narcs - manufacturing sch ii - methamphetamine
John Pratt, - Polk County, IA
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Pratt, Pratt John
Arrest Age 28
Norwalk, Polk, IA
Arrested Oct 26, 2013
• assault causing bodily injury or mental illness
John Pratt, - Polk County, IA
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Pratt, Jordan Malik
Arrest Age 24
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Apr 08, 2016
• assault causing bodily injury
Malik Pratt, - Polk County, IA
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