ᐅ Kansas Assault and Battery (KS)

The possible penalties according to sentencing guidelines in Kansas for severity level seven felonies are:
11 – 34 months in jail
$100,000 fine
Probation for 36 or 24 months
Restitution to the victim
Level five felonies can result in the following:
31 – 136 months in jail
$300,000 fine
Probation for 36 or 24 months
Restitution to the victim

Arrest Records By County - Kansas (KS)

Atchison Cherokee  Dickinson  Harvey  Jefferson  Johnson  Leavenworth  Marion  McPherson  Pratt  Rooks  Saline  Wyandotte 

Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Atchison County, Kansas


Last names: #Downing   #Downing-Johnson   #Downs-Jr   #Drennen   #Drew   #Drimmel   #Droz   #Drury   #Dudley   #Duhon   #Dunbar   #Dunlap   #Durkin   #Dyer  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Downing, Wayne Justin
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 59
Atchison, Atchison, KS
Arrested Feb 12, 2012
• 21-5413(b)(1)(b) aggravated battery; intentional bodily harm with a deadly weapon: stat
Justin Downing, - Atchison County, KS.
Downing, Janelle Kerra
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 25
Atchison, Atchison, KS
Arrested Aug 24, 2012
• 21-5414(a)(1)(b1) domestic battery; knowing or reckless bodily harm to family member: stat
• 21-5813(a)(1)(b3) criminal damage to property; without consent value
Kerra Downing, - Atchison County, KS
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Downing-Johnson, Elaine Paula
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 28
Atchison, Atchison, KS
Arrested Dec 21, 2011
• 21-6203 disorderly conduct; unknown circumstance: stat
• 21-5414(a)(1)(b1) domestic battery; knowing or reckless bodily harm to family member: stat
Paula Downing-Johnson, - Atchison County, KS.
Downing-Johnson, Elaine Paula
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 30
Atchison, Atchison, KS
Arrested Aug 25, 2018
• domestic battery; bodily harm; 1st
Paula Downing-Johnson, - Atchison County, KS
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Downs-Jr, Lloyd Richard
Arrest Age 42
Muscotah, Atchison, KS
Arrested Dec 01, 2007
• 21-3412a(a)(2) domestic battery; physical contact by family member in rude manner: stat
Richard Downs-Jr, - Atchison County, KS
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Drennen, Jason Patrick
Arrest Age 21
Atchison, Atchison, KS
Arrested Sep 25, 2007
• 21-3414(a)(1)(a) aggravated battery; intentional, great bodily harm: stat
Patrick Drennen, - Atchison County, KS
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Drew, Renee Lakeshia
Bond: $2500
Lawrence, Atchison, KS
Arrested Jul 06, 2021
• battery; bodily harm
Lakeshia Drew, - Atchison County, KS
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Drimmel, Mathew Jaiden
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 32
Atchison, Atchison, KS
Arrested Jan 28, 2016
• 21-5709(a) possession of para w/intent to manufacture controlled substance: stat
• 21-5414(a)(1)(b1) domestic battery; knowing or reckless bodily harm to family member: stat
• municipal court:
• 21-5706(b)(3) possession of hallucinogenic drug; 1 prior conviction: stat
• 21-5706(a) possession of opiate, opium, narcotic or certain stimulant: stat
• municipal court:
Jaiden Drimmel, - Atchison County, KS
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Droz, Rae Lexie
Arrest Age 52
Atchison, Atchison, KS
Arrested Oct 14, 2016
• district court sentence: to serve 60 days on a aggr. battery
Lexie Droz, - Atchison County, KS
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Drury, Ashleigh Naomi
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 42
Kansas City, Atchison, KS
Arrested Jul 26, 2019
• interference with law enforcement; fel
• battery; state, county or city law enforcement officer; causing bodily harm
• theft of less than $1,500
• possession of stimulant or analog; 2nd or subs. offense
Naomi Drury, - Atchison County, KS
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Dudley, Lamar Randall
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 29
Atchison, Atchison, KS
Arrested Jan 22, 2015
• 21-5414(a)(2)(b1) domestic battery; knowing rude physical contact w/ family member: stat
Randall Dudley, - Atchison County, KS
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Duhon, William James
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 30
Atchison, Atchison, KS
Arrested Apr 22, 2012
• 21-5414(a)(2)(b1) domestic battery; knowing rude physical contact w/ family member: stat
James Duhon, - Atchison County, KS
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Dunbar, Paul Clinton
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 27
Atchison, Atchison, KS
Arrested May 06, 2008
• 21-3412a(a)(2) domestic battery; physical contact by family member in rude manner: stat
Clinton Dunbar, - Atchison County, KS
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Dunbar, Paul Clinton
Arrest Age 37
Atchison, Atchison, KS
Arrested Oct 11, 2005
• 21-3412 battery: stat
Clinton Dunbar, - Atchison County, KS
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Dunlap, Courtezell Ktorri
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 53
Atchison, Atchison, KS
Arrested Oct 06, 2013
• 21-5414(a)(1)(b1) domestic battery; knowing or reckless bodily harm to family member: stat
Ktorri Dunlap, - Atchison County, KS
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Dunlap, Courtezell Ktorri
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 25
Atchison, Atchison, KS
Arrested Jul 01, 2009
• 21-3419a aggravated criminal threat causing evacuation: stat
• 21-3720 criminal damage to property; misdemeanor: stat
• 21-3411 aggravated assault on law enforcement officer: stat
Ktorri Dunlap, - Atchison County, KS.
Durkin, Joseph Christopher
Arrest Age 33
Atchison, Atchison, KS
Arrested Feb 21, 2009
• 21-3412a(a)(1) domestic battery; intentional bodily harm caused by one family member to another: stat
Christopher Durkin, - Atchison County, KS
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Dyer, Jeffery Joseph
Arrest Age 30
Atchison, Atchison, KS
Arrested Jan 28, 2004
• 21-3720 criminal damage to property; felony: stat
• 21-3721 criminal trespass: stat
• 21-3414 aggravated battery; sub-section or degree unknown: stat
• 21-3716 aggravated burglary: stat
Joseph Dyer, - Atchison County, KS
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Dyer, Jean Kelly
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Sep 26, 2006
• 21-3412 battery: stat
Kelly Dyer, - Atchison County, KS
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Dyer, Jean Kelly
Arrest Age 30
Holton, Atchison, KS
Arrested Aug 26, 2005
• 21-3412 battery: stat
Kelly Dyer, - Atchison County, KS
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Dyer, Allaman Richard
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 32
Atchison, Atchison, KS
Arrested Apr 13, 2014
• 21-5414(a)(1)(b1) domestic battery; knowing or reckless bodily harm to family member: stat
Richard Dyer, - Atchison County, KS
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