ᐅ Kentucky Assault and Battery (KY)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Pike County, Kentucky


Last names: #Brown   #Browning   #Brumfield   #Bryant  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Brown, Charles
Arrest Age 50
Raccoon, Pike, KY
Arrested Dec 21, 2008
• assault - 4th degree -(minor injury no medical attention
Charles Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, Charles
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Oct 19, 2007
• driving dui suspended license-2nd offense 7t4418 friend
• fta 7m2084 60 days cts friend
• terroristic threatening 8m92 diverted for 1 yr mullins
• leaving scene of accident 7t4418 friend
• rd surety friend 7t4426 bond covers both cases nfc
• assault - 4th degree 8m92 diverted friend
• no insurance, 1st offence 7t4426 friend
• driving on dui suspended 7t4426
• pbv c comments probation revoked combs 06cr318
Charles Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, Lee Christopher
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 29
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jun 26, 2013
• criminal mischief 3rd degree pike 6/26/13
• resisting arrest pike 6/26/13
• ai pike 6/26/13 5,000 fc allow bail credit mullins
• assault 3rd degree-police off pike 6/26/13
• coc pike 6/26/13 5000 fc mullins
Christopher Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, A Dallas
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 46
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Apr 06, 2013
• assault 4th, pike, 4-6-13 2000 10% judge mullins
Dallas Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, A Dallas
Arrest Age 44
Shelbiana, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 16, 2003
• assault 4th 10% mullins nfc
Dallas Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, Dallas
Arrest Age 53
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Feb 15, 2016
• fta 2/15/16 pike 200 fc friend
• coc 2/15/16 pike must see judge friend
• criminal trespassing-3rd degree 2/15/16 pike
• public intoxication influenced under controlled substance
• assault 3rd degree-police officer or prob officer 2/15/16 pike
• disorderly conduct, 2nd degree 2/15/16 pike
• resisting arrest 2/15/16 pike
• terroristic threatening, 3rd degree 2/15/16 pike
• criminal mischief 2nd degree 2/15/16 pike
• menacing 2/15/16 pike
Dallas Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, J David
Arrest Age 30
Aflex, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 31, 2011
• assault 1st degree 11f408 mullins fc nfc
David Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, David
Arrest Age 28
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Aug 19, 2000
• criminal mischief - 76 days poobate 180 2yrs mullins
• violation of epodvo
• (fta set aside 8-21-00),747.50 fines can work county for fin
• assault 4th 2cts
• coc ttp thompson
• coc 99m-03-223 mullins
David Brown, - Pike County, KY.
Brown, E Dorothy
Arrest Age 30
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 04, 2006
• assault 4th 2000 10% friend 6m2541
Dorothy Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, D John
Arrest Age 51
Salyersville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 31, 2003
• assaults - 4th degree fc must see judge friend
• wanton endangerment 1st degree
• terroristic threatening
John Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, S Johnny
Arrest Age 19
Elkhorn City, Pike, KY
Arrested Feb 19, 2008
• assault 4th degree mullins 10% nfc no contact w/victum
Johnny Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, S Johnny
Arrest Age 19
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jun 22, 2005
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Johnny Brown, - Pike County, KY.
Brown, A Joseph
Arrest Age 61
Belfry, Pike, KY
Arrested Apr 19, 2001
• terroristic threatening
• assault 4th fc mullins
Joseph Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, S Joshua
Arrest Age 24
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Dec 19, 2009
• ai 9m1277 friend 27 hrs c/s
• ai 09m2858 bond signed 4-19-10
• assault 4th 9m2858 bond signed 4-19-10
• crim mischief 1st 8cr333 3yr pike
Joshua Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, Kendrick
Arrest Age 46
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jan 31, 2008
• assault 4th 2000 surety mullins
Kendrick Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, Lloyd
Arrest Age 38
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 23, 2018
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury, pike, 11-23-18
• resisting arrest pike 11-23-18 $1,000 surety friend
Lloyd Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, D Paul
Arrest Age 22
Raccoon, Pike, KY
Arrested May 03, 2003
• assault - 4th degree fc friend
Paul Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, J Robert
Arrest Age 22
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Aug 21, 2001
• assault - 4th degree surety mullins
Robert Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, G Randall
Arrest Age 23
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested May 29, 2007
• tbut surety off bond 6m2859 2000 10%
• assault - 4th 2000 fc friend 7m1204
• failure to appear, 6m2859 500 fc mullins
Randall Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, K Reginald
Arrest Age 36
Charlotte, Pike, KY
Arrested Apr 17, 2015
• alcohol intoxication in a public place 1st & 2nd offense
• terroristic threatening in the 3rd degree
• resisting arrest
• assault 3rd degree- pike 4/17/15 mullins 20,000 fc
• criminal mischief 3rd degree
• disorderly conduct in the 2nd degree
• assault 3rd degree-police officer or prob officer
Reginald Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, J Steve
Arrest Age 47
Harold, Pike, KY
Arrested Feb 05, 2017
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury 2/5/17 pike 2,000 fc mullins
Steve Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, M Thomas
Arrest Age 23
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Dec 09, 2015
• criminal mischief 3rd degree, pike, 12-9-15, friend
• criminal trespass-1st degree, pike, 12-9-15, friend
• assault, 4th degree, pike same as 15m1975
• criminal trespass, pike, 12-9-15
• criminal mischief 3rd degree, pike, 12-9-15
• assault 4th, pike, 12-9-15 5000 surety mullins
Thomas Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, N Timothy
Bond: $600
Arrest Age 41
Stopover, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 15, 2012
• assault 4th, 7-15-12, pike, 600 fc give bail credit mullins
Timothy Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, L Tina
Arrest Age 34
Elkhorn City, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 18, 2014
• assault, 4th degree pike 11/18/14 5000 surety h/c or 500 fc judge friend
Tina Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, E William
Bond: $397
Arrest Age 42
Elkhorn City, Pike, KY
Arrested Oct 07, 2012
• assault, 4th degree 10-8-12,pike,mullins 2,000 surety
• non-payment of fines 10-8-12,pike,mullins allow jc ttp
William Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Brown, William
Arrest Age 43
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 12, 2019
• assault, 2nd degree, harlan, 7-12-19 lisenbee-2000 fc
William Brown, - Pike County, KY
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Browning, C Anthony
Arrest Age 27
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Feb 20, 2021
• assault, 4th (domestic violence) no visible injury, pike, 02/20/21 $2000 surety wright
Anthony Browning, - Pike County, KY.
Browning, A Richard
Arrest Age 37
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested May 27, 2004
• assault - 4th degree - 10% friend nfc
Richard Browning, - Pike County, KY.
Brumfield, K Brian
Arrest Age 22
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Oct 15, 2006
• fta 6t2096 10 days cftms see comments
• assault - 4th degree 6m2426 bnd signed 10-20-6 mullins
• tbd 20,000 surety mullins 6m2466 bnd signed 10-20-6
• assault - 4th degree child abuse 6m2426
Brian Brumfield, - Pike County, KY
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Bryant, K Anita
Arrest Age 35
Elkhorn City, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 13, 2002
• alcohol intoxication in a public place 1st & 2nd offenses
• assault - 4th degree sur nfc bartley
Anita Bryant, - Pike County, KY
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