ᐅ Kentucky Assault and Battery (KY)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Whitley County, Kentucky


Last names: #Breeding   #Breedlove   #Brent   #Brewer   #Bright   #Brimm   #Brock   #Brocks   #Brogan   #Brooks   #Broughton   #Brown  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Breeding, Chad Thomas
Arrest Age 22
Rockholds, Whitley, KY
Arrested May 24, 2010
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury
Thomas Breeding, - Whitley County, KY
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Breedlove, Shannon
Arrest Age 53
Barbourville, Whitley, KY
Arrested Jun 06, 2005
• assault, 2nd degree - domestic violence
Shannon Breedlove, - Whitley County, KY
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Brent, Joe Larry
Arrest Age 26
Corbin, Whitley, KY
Arrested May 09, 2010
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Larry Brent, - Whitley County, KY
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Brewer, Carlos
Arrest Age 36
Williamsburg, Whitley, KY
Arrested Nov 17, 2017
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury
• terroristic threatening in the 3rd degree
Carlos Brewer, - Whitley County, KY
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Brewer, W Gary
Arrest Age 16
Williamsburg, Whitley, KY
Arrested Sep 21, 2017
• criminal mischief 3rd degree
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Gary Brewer, - Whitley County, KY
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Brewer, George
Arrest Age 24
Artemus, Whitley, KY
Arrested Feb 16, 2005
• assault, 2nd degree
• assault, 2nd degree
George Brewer, - Whitley County, KY
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Brewer, M Jeannie
Arrest Age 33
Williamsburg, Whitley, KY
Arrested Feb 27, 2020
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
Jeannie Brewer, - Whitley County, KY
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Brewer, M Jeannie
Arrest Age 24
Corbin, Whitley, KY
Arrested Jun 09, 2019
• assault, 2nd degree
Jeannie Brewer, - Whitley County, KY
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Brewer, Whitney
Arrest Age 43
Williamsburg, Whitley, KY
Arrested Dec 20, 2018
• resisting arrest
• menacing
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury
• alcohol intoxication in a public place 1st & 2nd offense
Whitney Brewer, - Whitley County, KY
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Bright, Keir Douglas
Arrest Age 33
Williamsburg, Whitley, KY
Arrested Jul 01, 2005
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Douglas Bright, - Whitley County, KY.
Brimm, L David
Arrest Age 40
Corbin, Whitley, KY
Arrested Apr 23, 2010
• drug paraphernalia-deliver/manufacture-1st offense
• reckless driving
• failure to appear, citation for misdemeanor
• manufacturing methamphetamine, 1st off
• serving bench warrant for court
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
David Brimm, - Whitley County, KY
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Brimm, Edward Mark
Arrest Age 22
Williamsburg, Whitley, KY
Arrested Sep 13, 2010
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Mark Brimm, - Whitley County, KY
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Brimm, Edward Mark
Arrest Age 67
Corbin, Whitley, KY
Arrested Sep 30, 2010
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury
• carrying a concealed deadly weapon
Mark Brimm, - Whitley County, KY
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Brock, T Dallas
Arrest Age 52
Barbourville, Whitley, KY
Arrested Jun 11, 2020
• disorderly conduct in the 2nd degree
• alcohol intoxication in a public place 1st & 2nd offense
• assault 3rd degree-police officer or prob officer
• terroristic threatening in the 3rd degree
Dallas Brock, - Whitley County, KY
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Brock, Sharae Nikki
Arrest Age 44
Middletown, Whitley, KY
Arrested Dec 27, 2020
• assault, 4th degree (no visible injury)
• escape 2nd degree-(identify facility)
• disorderly conduct in the 2nd degree
• criminal littering
• terroristic threatening in the 3rd degree
Nikki Brock, - Whitley County, KY
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Brocks, Jerome Dwaine
Arrest Age 21
Middlesboro, Whitley, KY
Arrested Mar 13, 2012
• assault, 2nd degree
Dwaine Brocks, - Whitley County, KY
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Brogan, Sue Debra
Arrest Age 21
Green Bay, Whitley, KY
Arrested Nov 03, 2006
• burglary, 1st degree
• assault, 4th degree (no visible injury)
• assault, 4th degree (no visible injury)
• 1st & 2nd offenses of alcohol intoxication in a public place
Debra Brogan, - Whitley County, KY
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Brooks, Shane Ira
Arrest Age 27
Williamsburg, Whitley, KY
Arrested Sep 29, 2012
• 1st & 2nd offenses of alcohol intoxication in a public place
• violation of kentucky e.p.o./d.v.o.
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Ira Brooks, - Whitley County, KY
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Brooks, Rodney
Arrest Age 18
Hinkle, Whitley, KY
Arrested Dec 08, 2005
• following another vehicle too closely
• leaving scene of accident/fail to render aid or assistance
• assault-3rd degree-police/probation officer-ident weapon
• resisting arrest
• wanton endangerment-1st degree-police officer
• criminal littering
• operating motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs with a bac .08 1st offense
• disorderly conduct
• reckless driving
• improper registration plate
• speeding, 10 mph over limit
• 1st degree wanton endangerment
Rodney Brooks, - Whitley County, KY
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Broughton, Lynn Barbara
Arrest Age 47
Barbourville, Whitley, KY
Arrested May 12, 2007
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
Barbara Broughton, - Whitley County, KY
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Broughton, Rebecca Jeanetta
Arrest Age 16
Pineville, Whitley, KY
Arrested Jul 08, 2005
• 1st & 2nd offenses of alcohol intoxication in a public place
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury
Jeanetta Broughton, - Whitley County, KY
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Broughton, A Kevin
Arrest Age 34
Corbin, Whitley, KY
Arrested Jul 14, 2006
• criminal mischief-3rd degree
• resisting arrest
• assault-3rd degree-police/probation officer-ident weapon
• menacing
Kevin Broughton, - Whitley County, KY.
Broughton, Brent Kyle
Arrest Age 38
Corbin, Whitley, KY
Arrested Nov 15, 2007
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury
Kyle Broughton, - Whitley County, KY
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Broughton, Chad Russell
Arrest Age 22
Corbin, Whitley, KY
Arrested Jan 03, 2012
• persistent felony offender, 1st degree
• assault, 4th degree (no visible injury)
• disorderly conduct, 1st degree
• manufacturing methamphetamine, 1st off
Russell Broughton, - Whitley County, KY
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Brown, Charles Andrew
Arrest Age 37
Williamsburg, Whitley, KY
Arrested May 07, 2009
• serving warrant (for other police agency)
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Andrew Brown, - Whitley County, KY
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Brown, M Andrew
Arrest Age 29
Williamsburg, Whitley, KY
Arrested Nov 13, 2008
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
• alcohol intox in public place-3rd or > off w/12 months
Andrew Brown, - Whitley County, KY
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Brown, Quntin Bennis
Arrest Age 41
Manchester, Whitley, KY
Arrested Oct 10, 2012
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
• operating motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs with a bac .08 1st offense
• resisting arrest
Bennis Brown, - Whitley County, KY
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Brown, Quntin Bennis
Arrest Age 32
Williamsburg, Whitley, KY
Arrested Mar 01, 2016
• non payment of fines
• traff in cont sub, 2nd degree (suboxen)
• failure to appear
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
• contempt of court libel/slander resistanc to order
• possession of marijuana
Bennis Brown, - Whitley County, KY
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Brown, Brandon
Arrest Age 22
Williamsburg, Whitley, KY
Arrested Apr 30, 2019
• failure to appear
• disorderly conduct in the 2nd degree
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury
• failure to appear
Brandon Brown, - Whitley County, KY
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Brown, Charlotte
Arrest Age 40
Gray, Whitley, KY
Arrested May 15, 2007
• 1st offense to buy or possession of drug paraphernalia
• assault-3rd degree-police/probation officer-ident weapon
• endangering the welfare of a minor
• assault-3rd degree-police/probation officer-ident weapon
• traf in marijuana-less than 8 oz-1st offense
• poss cont sub-2nd degree-1st offense-drug unspecified
• possession of marijuana
Charlotte Brown, - Whitley County, KY
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