ᐅ Kentucky Assault and Battery (KY)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Nelson County, Kentucky


Last names: #Eads   #Earp   #Eary   #Eblen   #Eby   #Edgell   #Edlin   #Edwards   #Elder   #Eldersma   #Eldridge   #Ellery   #Elliott   #Ellis   #Ellison   #Elmore   #Elzy   #Embry   #England   #Ennis   #Epperson  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Eads, Marie Jennifer
Arrest Age 30
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Sep 16, 2008
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis)
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis.)
Jennifer Eads, - Nelson County, KY
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Earp, Anne Nadine
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 42
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested May 03, 2021
• disorderly conduct in the 2nd degree
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury
Nadine Earp, - Nelson County, KY
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Eary, Bennett Robert
Arrest Age 36
Taylorsville, Nelson, KY
Arrested Sep 21, 2008
• do not use
• 525.060 disorderly conduct
• 222.202(1) (v) alcohol intoxication in a public place-1st & 2nd offenses
• 508.025 assault - 3rd degree - police/probation officer - indent weapon
• 520.090 resisting arrest (a mis.)
• 508.025 assault- 3rd degree-police/probation officer-ident weapon (d felony)
Robert Eary, - Nelson County, KY
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Eblen, Ann Kendra
Arrest Age 36
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Oct 31, 2009
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis)
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis.)
Kendra Eblen, - Nelson County, KY
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Eby, Allen Timothy
Arrest Age 25
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Jul 18, 2006
• (5) 00915
• 512.020 complicity criminal mischief-2nd degree (a mis)
• 508.010 assault, 1st degree
• (5) 13150
• 515.020 robbery, 1st degree
• 515.020 robbery, 1st degree (b felony)
• 508.010 assault, 1st degree (b felony)
• (1) 09150
• 515.020 complicity robbery, 1st degree (b felony)
Timothy Eby, - Nelson County, KY
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Edgell, John Christopher
Arrest Age 29
Sittingbourne, Nelson, KY
Arrested Dec 29, 2017
• assault 3rd degree - inmate assault on corr. empl.
• assault 3rd degree-police officer or prob officer
• public intoxication influenced under controlled substance
Christopher Edgell, - Nelson County, KY.
Edlin, Stoner Joshua
Arrest Age 29
Bloomfield, Nelson, KY
Arrested Dec 02, 2008
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis)
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis.)
Joshua Edlin, - Nelson County, KY
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Edlin, Paul
Bond: $9500
Arrest Age 31
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Jul 18, 2016
• 403.763 violation of kentucky e.p.o./d.v.o. (a mis)
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (minor injury) (a mis.)
• 514.030 theft by unlawful taking/disp-auto (d felony)
• 218a.500(2) drug paraphernalia-buy/possess
• 218a.500(2) drug paraphernalia-by/possess (a mis)
• 218a.1415 poss cont cub-1st degree,1st off(methamphetamine) (d felony)
• 218a.1415 poss of cont 1st meth
• 512.040 criminal mischief 3rd degree (b mis.)
• 514.030 theft by unlaweul taking/disp-auto
Paul Edlin, - Nelson County, KY
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Edwards, Paulette Andrea
Arrest Age 34
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Mar 14, 2015
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis)
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis.)
Andrea Edwards, - Nelson County, KY
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Edwards, Shontay Ledrick
Arrest Age 21
Bloomfield, Nelson, KY
Arrested Jan 14, 2004
• 218a.1412 traf cont sub-1st degree-1st offense-drug unspecified (c felony)
• 508.020 assault, 2nd degree
• 508.020 assault, 2nd degree (c felony)
• 218a.1412 traf cont sub-1st degree-1st offense-drug unspecified (c felony)
• 218a.1412 traf cont sub-1st degree-1st offense-drug unspecified (c felony)
Ledrick Edwards, - Nelson County, KY
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Edwards, Jawn Michael
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 30
La Grange, Nelson, KY
Arrested Jun 11, 2020
• failure to appear
• wanton endangerment-1st degree-police officer
• motor vehicle fleeing or evading police in the 1st degree
• assault, 1st degree - police officer
• receiving stolen property $10,000 or more
• criminal mischief in the 1st degree
Michael Edwards, - Nelson County, KY
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Edwards, Jawn Michael
Arrest Age 35
Georgetown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Nov 18, 2020
• 1st degree wanton endangerment
• reckless driving
• disregarding stop sign
• motor vehicle fleeing or evading police in the 1st degree
• wanton endangerment-1st degree-police officer
• robbery, 1st degree
• assault 3rd degree-police officer or prob officer
• speeding 26 mph or > speed limit
Michael Edwards, - Nelson County, KY
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Edwards, Jawn Michael
Arrest Age 36
Bloomfield, Nelson, KY
Arrested Mar 13, 2015
• 508.060 wanton endangerment-1st d
• 515.020 robbery, 1st degree
• 515.020 complicity robbery, 1st degree (b felony)
• 515.020 robbery, 1st degree (b felony)
• 508.060 wanton endangerment - 1st degree
• 515.020 robbery, 1st degree
• 508.020 assault, 2nd degree
• 508.020 assault, 2nd degree
• 508.020 assault, 2nd degree (c felony)
• 508.060 wanton endangerment-1st degree (d felony)
• 515.020 robbery, 1st degree (b felony)
• 508.060 wanton endangerment - 1st degree
• 508.020 assault, 2nd degree (c felony)
Michael Edwards, - Nelson County, KY
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Elder, Isaac Samuel
Arrest Age 46
Shepherdsville, Nelson, KY
Arrested May 09, 2014
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible signs (a mis.)
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury (a mis)
Samuel Elder, - Nelson County, KY
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Eldersma, Richard Tyler
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 34
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Dec 15, 2019
• alcohol intoxication in a public place 1st & 2nd offense
• assault, 4th degree dating violence (minor injury)
Tyler Eldersma, - Nelson County, KY
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Eldridge, Douglas William
Arrest Age 31
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Dec 08, 2004
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis)
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis.)
William Eldridge, - Nelson County, KY.
Ellery, Detray Darrian
Arrest Age 18
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Jan 05, 2013
• 520.100 fleeing or evading police, 2nd degree (on foot) (a mis.)
• 222.202(1) (v) alcohol intoxication in a public place-1st & 2nd offenses
• 520.090 resisting arrest (a mis.)
• 218a.1415 poss cont sub-1st degree
• 520.050(f)promot/contraband/ 1
• 218a1415,poss c sub 1st
• 218a.1415 poss cont sub-1st degree-1st offense-cocaine (d felony)
• 508.020 complicity assault, 2nd degree (c felony)
• 520.050 promoting contraband-1st degree (d felony)
• 508.020 assault, 2nd degree (c felony)
• 508.020 assault, 2nd degree
Darrian Ellery, - Nelson County, KY
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Ellery, Detray Darrian
Arrest Age 57
Bloomfield, Nelson, KY
Arrested Jun 02, 2016
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis.)
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis)
Darrian Ellery, - Nelson County, KY
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Ellery, Michelle Lisa
Arrest Age 39
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Mar 13, 2011
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis.)
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis)
Lisa Ellery, - Nelson County, KY
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Elliott, Michelle Amanda
Arrest Age 58
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Aug 26, 2009
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis)
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis.)
Amanda Elliott, - Nelson County, KY
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Elliott, Chad Michael
Arrest Age 27
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Jul 27, 2011
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (minor injury) (a mis.)
Michael Elliott, - Nelson County, KY
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Ellis, Leonard Jeffrey
Arrest Age 22
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Oct 28, 2018
• assault, 4th degree dating violence (minor injury)
Jeffrey Ellis, - Nelson County, KY
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Ellison, Matthew Chad
Arrest Age 28
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Dec 28, 2016
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury (a mis)
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible signs (a mis.)
• 508.080 terroristic threatening 3rd degree (a mis.)
Chad Ellison, - Nelson County, KY
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Elmore, Nicole Amanda
Arrest Age 41
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Oct 21, 2013
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis.)
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis)
Amanda Elmore, - Nelson County, KY
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Elmore, Anyothy Michael
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 22
Shepherdsville, Nelson, KY
Arrested Mar 27, 2011
• 520.090 resisting arrest (a mis.)
• 222.202(1) (v) alcohol intoxication in a public place-1st & 2nd offenses
• 508.025 assault - 3rd degree - police/probation officer - indent weapon
• 508.025 assault- 3rd degree-police/probation officer-ident weapon (d felony)
Michael Elmore, - Nelson County, KY
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Elzy, Jermaine Teo
Bond: $730
Arrest Age 30
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested May 14, 2021
• alcohol intoxication in a public place 1st & 2nd offense
• failure to appear
• assault, 1st degree
• disorderly conduct, 1st degree
Teo Elzy, - Nelson County, KY
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Embry, Marie Shawne
Arrest Age 22
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Jan 01, 2009
• 222.202(1) (v) alcohol intoxication in a public place-1st & 2nd offenses
• 525.060 disorderly conduct
• 520.090 resisting arrest (a mis.)
• do not use
• 508.025 assault - 3rd degree - police/probation officer - indent weapon
• 508.025 assault- 3rd degree-police/probation officer-ident weapon (d felony)
Shawne Embry, - Nelson County, KY
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England, R Jennifer
Arrest Age 27
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Dec 08, 2019
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Jennifer England, - Nelson County, KY
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Ennis, Lee Wendell
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 31
Bardstown, Nelson, KY
Arrested Oct 13, 2013
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis.)
• 511.080 (v) criminal trespass 3rd
• 508.080 terroristic threatening 3rd degree (a mis.)
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury (a mis)
Wendell Ennis, - Nelson County, KY
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Epperson, Matthew Wayne
Arrest Age 46
Guston, Nelson, KY
Arrested Sep 04, 2009
• 508.030 assault, 4th degree (minor injury) (a mis.)
• 508.080 terroristic threatening 3rd degree (a mis.)
Wayne Epperson, - Nelson County, KY
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