ᐅ Kentucky Assault and Battery (KY)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Pike County, Kentucky


Last names: #Hinkle   #Hitchcock   #Hobbs   #Hodge   #Hodges   #Hogg   #Holbrook   #Holbrooks  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Hinkle, D Jody
Arrest Age 56
Phelps, Pike, KY
Arrested May 01, 2001
• assault - 4th degree - fc friend
• fta fc mullins
Jody Hinkle, - Pike County, KY
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Hinkle, B John
Arrest Age 19
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Dec 31, 2003
• resisting arrest
• assault 2nd degree - police officer - (strongarm)
• disorderly conduct
• ai surety nfc friend
John Hinkle, - Pike County, KY.
Hinkle, B John
Arrest Age 46
Lookout, Pike, KY
Arrested May 30, 2000
• aggravated assaults - 4th degree 10% property nfc friend
John Hinkle, - Pike County, KY.
Hinkle, R Nathan
Arrest Age 28
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Mar 11, 2003
• criminal mischief - 3rd degree
• fta 99-t-6714 ttp hall (floyd c0.)
• assaults - 4th degree surety friend bnd signed
• coc fc thompson
Nathan Hinkle, - Pike County, KY
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Hinkle, R Nathan
Arrest Age 40
Majestic, Pike, KY
Arrested Oct 10, 2002
• assault - 4th degree surety mullins nfc
Nathan Hinkle, - Pike County, KY
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Hitchcock, D Jimmy
Arrest Age 20
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 05, 2006
• persistent felony offender ii 6cr141 ati coleman
• assaults 1st degree fc 6cr141 afs 10yrs
Jimmy Hitchcock, - Pike County, KY
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Hobbs, Kera
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Mar 02, 2022
• disorderly conduct in the 2nd degree
• harboring a vicious animal
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
• wanton endangerment-2nd degree pike 3/2/22 2,000 10% with b/c judge may
• owner permitting vicious dog to run at large
Kera Hobbs, - Pike County, KY.
Hodge, D Vicki
Arrest Age 44
Fedscreek, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 27, 2018
• assault, 4th degree (no visible injury), pike, 7-27-18 ror freind no contact w/vic
Vicki Hodge, - Pike County, KY
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Hodges, M Christopher
Arrest Age 39
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 24, 2000
• assault 4th, 30 days friend
Christopher Hodges, - Pike County, KY.
Hodges, Jennifer
Arrest Age 25
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested May 04, 2008
• assault - 4th degree 8m941 friend fc
Jennifer Hodges, - Pike County, KY
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Hodges, Jennifer
Arrest Age 33
Ashcamp, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 08, 2008
• assault 1st 8cr154 20000 surety combs
• burglary 1st degree 8cr154
Jennifer Hodges, - Pike County, KY
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Hodges, Jennifer
Arrest Age 44
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Sep 12, 2006
• assault - 4th degree -(minor injury no medical attention
Jennifer Hodges, - Pike County, KY
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Hogg, D Natasha
Arrest Age 18
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 21, 2003
• assault - 4th degree -(minor injury no medical attention
• violation of epodvo
• alcohol intox in public place 10% friend nfc
Natasha Hogg, - Pike County, KY
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Holbrook, C Adam
Arrest Age 23
Elkhorn City, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 27, 2019
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) pike 7-27-19- 2000fc- may
Adam Holbrook, - Pike County, KY
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Holbrook, N Ashley
Arrest Age 43
Elkhorn City, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 15, 2011
• assault 2nd degree 11f373 friend surety mcr nfc
Ashley Holbrook, - Pike County, KY
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Holbrook, E Chad
Arrest Age 26
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Dec 19, 2003
• domestic violence & abuse, duties of law enforcement agency
• aggravated assaults - 4th degree fc nfc mullins
• possession of marijuana
• drug paraphernalia; use, posses, 1st offense
Chad Holbrook, - Pike County, KY
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Holbrook, C Denver
Arrest Age 27
Ashcamp, Pike, KY
Arrested May 22, 2000
• assault 4th 10% hatfield
Denver Holbrook, - Pike County, KY.
Holbrook, L Freda
Arrest Age 45
Pinsonfork, Pike, KY
Arrested Apr 15, 2004
• assault 4th surety mullins
Freda Holbrook, - Pike County, KY
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Holbrook, L-Cld Gregory
Arrest Age 28
Myra, Pike, KY
Arrested Apr 06, 2001
• assault - 4th degree 10% or property nfc mullins
Gregory Holbrook, - Pike County, KY
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Holbrook, John
Arrest Age 48
Elkhorn City, Pike, KY
Arrested Dec 20, 2008
• assault - 4th degree -(minor injury no medical attention
John Holbrook, - Pike County, KY
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Holbrook, John
Arrest Age 29
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jun 20, 2002
• fta 02-m-1298 14 days friend
• non-payment of fines fc friend paid fine rec in file
• assault 2nd 5mts consecutive with time now serving
• alcohol intoxication in a public place 1st & 2nd offenses
• atr escape 2nd degree - 2yrs coleman
• surety off bnd circ coleman 2 yrs atr
• open container in vehicle fc friend
• fleeingevading police 2nd
• disorderly conduct
• ai surety bnd signed friend
• resisting arrest
• atr 2yrs probation revoked served out on this case
John Holbrook, - Pike County, KY
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Holbrook, R Kerby
Arrest Age 23
Shelbiana, Pike, KY
Arrested Oct 31, 2005
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury
• resisting arrest
Kerby Holbrook, - Pike County, KY.
Holbrook, Mabry Phillip
Arrest Age 37
Belfry, Pike, KY
Arrested Jan 08, 2000
• wanton endangerment 1st degree ati surety coleman
• assault 4th 90 days mullins
• violation of epodvo
• aggravated assaults - 4th degree - spouse abuse
• terroristic threatening
• resisting arrest
Phillip Holbrook, - Pike County, KY.
Holbrooks, Brandon
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Sep 22, 2021
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury 9-22-21 pike ror may
Brandon Holbrooks, - Pike County, KY.
Holbrooks, E Christine
Arrest Age 32
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jun 22, 2006
• assault 4th degree 2,000 10% friend
Christine Holbrooks, - Pike County, KY
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Holbrooks, A Christoper
Arrest Age 38
Phelps, Pike, KY
Arrested Mar 17, 2004
• aggravated assaults - 4th degree 60 days concurrent
• probation violation (for felony offense) 2 yrs coleman
Christoper Holbrooks, - Pike County, KY
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Holbrooks, M Christopher
Arrest Age 46
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Oct 03, 2007
• assault - 4th degree 2000 surety hatfield 7m2190
• ftpf 155.50 fc friend 7f413
Christopher Holbrooks, - Pike County, KY
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Holbrooks, M Christopher
Arrest Age 25
Elkhorn City, Pike, KY
Arrested Aug 11, 2004
• assault - 4th fc mullins
Christopher Holbrooks, - Pike County, KY
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Holbrooks, M Christopher
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Dec 18, 2003
• aggravated assaults - 4th degree
Christopher Holbrooks, - Pike County, KY
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Holbrooks, M Christopher
Arrest Age 36
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jun 10, 2001
• menacing
• assault, simple (physical contact) 10% property mullins
• resisting arrest
Christopher Holbrooks, - Pike County, KY
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