ᐅ Kentucky Assault and Battery (KY)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Breckinridge County, Kentucky


Last names: #Lamarr   #Lamb   #Lammers   #Landry   #Lang   #Laraby   #Laslie   #Lawalin   #Lawrence   #Lawson   #Lee   #Leedy   #Leezer   #Lehmann   #Leigh   #Leinenbach   #Lemmons   #Lerette   #Leslie   #Lewis  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Lamarr, S Brian
Arrest Age 38
Louisville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Aug 06, 2000
• po
• traf cont sub 1st deg, 1st off (cocaine)
• possession of defaced firearm
• unlawful transaction with minor 2nd degr
• operating motor veh. under drugs/ other
• driving suspended license
• carrying a concealed deadly weapon - spe
• endangering the welfare of a minor
• assault - 4th degree - (minor injury no
• assault - 4th degree - (minor injury no
• trafficking meth
• disorderly conduct
• domestic violence & abuse, duties of law
• unlawful transaction w/ a minor - 3rd de
• reckless driving
Brian Lamarr, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lamb, Leon
Arrest Age 38
Louisville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Nov 29, 2018
• assault, 4th degree (domestic) 3rd or > w/i 5 years
Leon Lamb, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lammers, David Gregory
Arrest Age 22
Hawesville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jun 24, 2000
• assault
• robbery
Gregory Lammers, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Landry, Clarence
Arrest Age 20
Elk City, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Sep 28, 2020
• fleeing or evading police, 2nd degree (on foot)
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
Clarence Landry, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Landry, Lisa Lana
Arrest Age 63
Hardinsburg, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested May 02, 2020
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
• alcohol intoxication in a public place 1st & 2nd offense
Lana Landry, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Landry, James Nickolis
Arrest Age 23
Louisville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jan 27, 2016
• assault, 2nd degree
• robbery, 1st degree
• manslaughter 1st degree
Nickolis Landry, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lang, Joe Samantha
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Nov 29, 2020
• robbery, 2nd degree
• promoting contraband - 1st degree
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
• engaging in organized crime
• 1st degree or 1st offense possession of controlled substance methamphetamine
Samantha Lang, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lang, George Willard
Arrest Age 37
Hardinsburg, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested May 10, 2019
• harassment - physical contact - no injury
• theft by deception or include cold checks under $500
• assault under extreme emotional disturbance
• terroristic threatening in the 3rd degree
• unlawful imprisonment - 2nd degree
• criminal mischief 3rd degree
• shock probation in felony convictions
Willard Lang, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Laraby, L Nash
Arrest Age 39
Middleborough, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Mar 01, 2017
• assault 3rd degree-police officer or prob officer
Nash Laraby, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Laslie, Ryan David
Arrest Age 27
Cloverport, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jan 28, 2015
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
• receiving stolen property u/$500
David Laslie, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Laslie, Ray Kory
Arrest Age 25
Hardinsburg, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Mar 08, 2010
• wanton endangerment-2nd degree-police of
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence)
• wanton endangerment-2nd degree-police of
Kory Laslie, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lawalin, Michael Ryan
Arrest Age 37
Irvington, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Apr 17, 2006
• aggravated assault-4th degree
• aggravated assault-4th degree
Ryan Lawalin, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lawrence, Elizabeth Stephanie
Arrest Age 22
Owensboro, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Aug 15, 2004
• violation of kentucky e.p.o./d.v.o.
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Stephanie Lawrence, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lawrence, Lamont Terry
Arrest Age 23
Louisville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Nov 06, 2008
• assault under extreme emotional disturba
• wanton endangerment-1st degree (f) {ucr:
• poss a cont sub-1st offense (m) {ucr:
Terry Lawrence, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lawrence, Lamont Terry
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Apr 27, 2016
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Terry Lawrence, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lawrence, James Theron Arrested May 06, 2022
• assault, 4th degree (no visible injury)
Theron Lawrence, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lawson, Renee Angela
Arrest Age 34
Hawesville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Oct 13, 2014
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Angela Lawson, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lawson, Timothy Riley
Arrest Age 30
Hartford, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Sep 09, 2020
• oper mtr vehicle u/infl alc .08 (189a.010(1a) - 1st
• assault, 1st degree
Riley Lawson, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lee, Ty Joshua
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Oct 14, 2020
• assault under extreme emotional disturbance
Joshua Lee, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Leedy, Paul Kenneth
Arrest Age 24
Whitesville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Apr 17, 2009
• assault, 2nd degree
• burglary, 2nd degree
Kenneth Leedy, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Leezer, William James
Arrest Age 44
Irvington, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Oct 10, 2018
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
James Leezer, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lehmann, Anthony Jordan
Arrest Age 32
Hardinsburg, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Oct 16, 2016
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Jordan Lehmann, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Leigh, Farris Norman Arrested Nov 19, 2021
• assault, 4th degree dating violence (minor injury)
Norman Leigh, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Leinenbach, Joe Randy
Arrest Age 21
Hendon, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Oct 12, 2006
• assault, 3rd degree - sports official, 1
Randy Leinenbach, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lemmons, Mason William
Arrest Age 33
Houston, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Sep 04, 2014
• 1st degree wanton endangerment
• burglary, 1st degree
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
• terroristic threatening in the 3rd degree
• kidnapping-adult
• 1st degree wanton endangerment
William Lemmons, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lerette, Michelle Denise Arrested Jan 16, 2022
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
• criminal mischief 2nd degree
• carrying a concealed weapon
Denise Lerette, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Leslie, Nicole Casey
Arrest Age 42
Lewisport, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Apr 30, 2011
• alcohol intoxication in a public place 1st offense
• assault-3rd degree-police/probation offi
Casey Leslie, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lewis, Jack Bobby
Arrest Age 33
Hawesville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jul 31, 2005
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
Bobby Lewis, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lewis, Scott Eric
Arrest Age 34
Irvington, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jul 30, 2018
• criminal mischief 3rd degree
• fleeing or evading police, 2nd degree (on foot)
• assault 3rd degree-police officer or prob officer
• alcohol intoxication in a public place 1st & 2nd offense
Eric Lewis, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Lewis, Timotea Janae
Arrest Age 43
Hardinsburg, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Aug 24, 2020
• assault, 1st degree
• 1st degree wanton endangerment
• oper mtr vehicle u/infl alc .08 (189a.010(1a) - 1st (agg cir)
Janae Lewis, - Breckinridge County, KY
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