ᐅ Kentucky Assault and Battery (KY)

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Arrest Records By County - Kentucky (KY)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Pike County, Kentucky


Last names: #Miller   #Mills   #Mils   #Minix   #Miracle   #Mitchell   #Mollett   #Money   #Monroe   #Montgomery   #Moon   #Moore  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Miller, Toby
Arrest Age 28
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Aug 06, 2004
• assault - 4th 10 days / ttp mullins nfc rel 8/15/4
Toby Miller, - Pike County, KY
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Miller, Toby
Arrest Age 57
Fedscreek, Pike, KY
Arrested Aug 08, 2000
• aggravated assaults - 4th degree fc younce
Toby Miller, - Pike County, KY.
Mills, S Christine
Arrest Age 39
Freeburn, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 10, 2002
• aggravated assaults - 4th degree sur mullins
Christine Mills, - Pike County, KY
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Mills, K Michael
Arrest Age 58
Phelps, Pike, KY
Arrested Apr 05, 2019
• assault, 4th (domest viol) minor injury pike 4/5/19 2,000 10% wright no contact with c/w
Michael Mills, - Pike County, KY
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Mills, Remona
Arrest Age 37
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Sep 22, 2019
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury 9-22-19 pike
Remona Mills, - Pike County, KY
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Mills, J Scott
Arrest Age 34
Kimper, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 09, 2019
• terroristic threatening, 3rd degree 11-9-19 pike
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury 11-9-19 pike
• pv 11-9-19 pike
• improper equipment 11-9-19 pike ror w/ mcr see comm
• instructional permit violations 11-9-19 pike
Scott Mills, - Pike County, KY
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Mills, N Stacey
Arrest Age 29
Canada, Pike, KY
Arrested Sep 28, 2002
• assaults - 4th degree - 10% hatfield
Stacey Mills, - Pike County, KY
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Mills, Timothy
Perry, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 22, 2021
• assault, 4th, pike 11-22-2021, 2, [email&
• #160;protected] %, may
Timothy Mills, - Pike County, KY.
Mills, M Tonya
Arrest Age 32
Belcher, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 10, 2008
• assault - 4th degree -(minor injury no medical attention
• menacing fc hatfield
• terroristic threatening
Tonya Mills, - Pike County, KY.
Mills, Trivas
Arrest Age 29
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jun 26, 2019
• fleeing or evading police, 2nd degree (on foot) pike 6-26-19
• assault 3rd degree-police officer or prob officer pike 6-26-19 5000 10% wright
• resisting arrest pike 6-26-19
• pi pike 6-26-19
• disorderly conduct, 2nd degree pike 6-26-19
Trivas Mills, - Pike County, KY
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Mils, G Penny
Arrest Age 34
Hellier, Pike, KY
Arrested Dec 28, 2003
• assault 4th surety mullins nfc
Penny Mils, - Pike County, KY
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Minix, Robin
Arrest Age 46
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Mar 10, 2006
• assault, 1st degree
Robin Minix, - Pike County, KY.
Miracle, David
Arrest Age 50
Elkhorn City, Pike, KY
Arrested May 31, 2010
• fta 9m1342
• menacing 10m1169
• resisting arrest 10m1169
• assault 4th 10m1169 5000 fc mullins
David Miracle, - Pike County, KY
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Miracle, R Joni
Arrest Age 41
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Oct 11, 2008
• aggravated assaults - 4th degree 2,000 fc see comm
Joni Miracle, - Pike County, KY
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Mitchell, K Bryan
Arrest Age 42
Raccoon, Pike, KY
Arrested Apr 04, 2004
• assault - 4th degree 10% mullins
Bryan Mitchell, - Pike County, KY
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Mitchell, Kathy
Arrest Age 41
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Aug 13, 2019
• assault, 4th degree, pike, 8-13-19 2000 10% bc wright nfc no contact
Kathy Mitchell, - Pike County, KY
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Mitchell, S Randal
Arrest Age 20
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 24, 2006
• assault - 4th degree 5000 10% friend 06m1690
Randal Mitchell, - Pike County, KY.
Mitchell, S Randal
Arrest Age 53
Phyllis, Pike, KY
Arrested Aug 14, 2001
• assault - 4th degree 10% or property mullins
• terroristic threatening
Randal Mitchell, - Pike County, KY
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Mitchell, Raymond
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 20
Shelby Gap, Pike, KY
Arrested Sep 18, 2014
• assault, 4th degree, pike, 9-18-14 2,000 surety h/c sliding scale
Raymond Mitchell, - Pike County, KY
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Mitchell, A Steven
Bond: $650
Arrest Age 44
Pinsonfork, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 28, 2012
• assault 4th,7-28-12,pike 650 surety friend
Steven Mitchell, - Pike County, KY
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Mollett, L James
Arrest Age 29
Melvin, Pike, KY
Arrested Apr 29, 2002
• theft by unlawful taking or disposition -all others(felony)
• * aoc use only * assault 2nd degree 10% hatfield
James Mollett, - Pike County, KY
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Money, Mary
Arrest Age 34
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Mar 05, 2009
• assault 4th dom.viol. spouse see comments fur.
• disorderly conduct 22 hrs cs completed 03-11-09
Mary Money, - Pike County, KY
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Monroe, D Bobby
Arrest Age 34
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Oct 31, 2011
• assault 4th dom.viol. spouse 2,000 surety mullins
Bobby Monroe, - Pike County, KY
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Montgomery, W Robert
Arrest Age 22
Hellier, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 18, 2001
• aggravated assaults - 4th degree fc or property friend
• terroristic threatening
Robert Montgomery, - Pike County, KY
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Moon, A Troy
Arrest Age 53
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Oct 25, 2020
• strangulation 1st 10/25/20 pike wright
• fta 10/25/20 pike wright ror verbal
• assault, 4th (domestic) minor injury pike 10/25/20 ror verbal order judge wright
Troy Moon, - Pike County, KY.
Moore, Alisha
Arrest Age 49
Napoleon, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 01, 2003
• assault - 4th surety tc hatfield
Alisha Moore, - Pike County, KY
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Moore, S Alvin
Arrest Age 35
Shelbiana, Pike, KY
Arrested Sep 30, 2014
• assault, 4th degree 9-30-14,pike
Alvin Moore, - Pike County, KY
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Moore, D Anita
Arrest Age 36
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Sep 04, 2000
• aggravated assaults - 10% nfc friend
Anita Moore, - Pike County, KY.
Moore, David
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 29
Grundy, Pike, KY
Arrested Aug 04, 2012
• public intoxication,pike,8-4-12
• poss cont sub,pike,8-4-12, 5000 surety, hatfield
• assault, 4th degree,pike,8-4-12
• poss of marijuana,pike,8-4-12
David Moore, - Pike County, KY
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Moore, D Doyle
Arrest Age 39
Belfry, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 20, 2000
• assault 4th
Doyle Moore, - Pike County, KY.
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