ᐅ Kentucky Assault and Battery (KY)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Daviess County, Kentucky


Last names: #Peak   #Pearl   #Pearson   #Peavler   #Peay   #Pecor   #Pedimonti-Woodcock   #Peech   #Peele   #Peeler   #Peercy   #Pelley   #Peluso   #Pendelton   #Pendergraft   #Pendleton   #Pendley   #Penglase   #Pennington  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Peak, Andrew Steven Arrested Aug 17, 2021
• unlawful imprisonment - 1st degree
• assault under extreme emotional disturbance
Steven Peak, - Daviess County, KY
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Peak, Andrew Steven
Arrest Age 31
Philpot, Daviess, KY
Arrested Jun 27, 2010
• serving misdemeanor time - contempt
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Steven Peak, - Daviess County, KY
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Pearl, Joseph Benjamin
Arrest Age 40
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Mar 13, 2011
• serving warrant (for other police agency)
• assault, 2nd degree - domestic violence
Benjamin Pearl, - Daviess County, KY
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Pearson, D Carlton
Arrest Age 49
La Florida, Daviess, KY
Arrested Jan 13, 2011
• hold for another agency - pts - assault w/ dangerous weapon - contraband in prison
Carlton Pearson, - Daviess County, KY
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Peavler, Alan David
Arrest Age 30
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Mar 20, 2013
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
• unlawful imprisonment - 1st degree
David Peavler, - Daviess County, KY
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Peay, Jayne Amanda
Arrest Age 30
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Apr 22, 2015
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Amanda Peay, - Daviess County, KY
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Peay, Jayne Amanda
Arrest Age 47
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Sep 24, 2015
• disorderly conduct in the 2nd degree
• assault 3rd degree-police officer or prob officer
• terroristic threatening in the 3rd degree
Amanda Peay, - Daviess County, KY
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Peay, A Benjamin
Arrest Age 31
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Jan 29, 2018
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Benjamin Peay, - Daviess County, KY
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Peay, June Brandy
Arrest Age 22
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested May 04, 2016
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Brandy Peay, - Daviess County, KY
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Pecor, Ray Billy
Arrest Age 31
Utica, Daviess, KY
Arrested Aug 31, 2010
• hold for hancock co
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
• poss cont sub-2nd degree-1st offense-drug unspecified
• failure to appear, citation for misdemeanor
Billy Pecor, - Daviess County, KY
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Pedimonti-Woodcock, Rachel
Arrest Age 58
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Apr 30, 2013
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Rachel Pedimonti-Woodcock, - Daviess County, KY
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Peech, Renee Tina
Arrest Age 38
Selma, Daviess, KY
Arrested Jan 15, 2010
• hold for another agnecy - pts - s. assault
Tina Peech, - Daviess County, KY
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Peele, Javonta Malik
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 38
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Sep 21, 2020
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Malik Peele, - Daviess County, KY
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Peeler, Ayuna
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Sep 10, 2019
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury
Ayuna Peeler, - Daviess County, KY
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Peercy, Marie April
Arrest Age 34
Utica, Daviess, KY
Arrested Nov 08, 2010
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
April Peercy, - Daviess County, KY
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Peercy, Ray Kenneth
Arrest Age 31
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Nov 18, 2005
• failure to appear for a citation for a misdemeanor offense
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence)
Kenneth Peercy, - Daviess County, KY
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Pelley, Milo Erik
Arrest Age 38
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Jun 08, 2010
• smt- assault 4th
Erik Pelley, - Daviess County, KY
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Peluso, Landen Devin
Bond: $2500
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Jan 28, 2022
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury
Devin Peluso, - Daviess County, KY
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Pendelton, Shawn
Arrest Age 25
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Jan 08, 2019
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Shawn Pendelton, - Daviess County, KY
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Pendergraft, Ryan Daniel
Arrest Age 30
Hartford, Daviess, KY
Arrested May 16, 2012
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
Daniel Pendergraft, - Daviess County, KY
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Pendleton, Devon Shawn
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 31
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Dec 05, 2019
• assault, 4th degree dating violence (minor injury)
• strangulation 2nd degree
Shawn Pendleton, - Daviess County, KY
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Pendley, Arnold David
Arrest Age 31
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Sep 29, 2004
• non-payment of fines
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence)
David Pendley, - Daviess County, KY
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Pendley, L Jonathan
Arrest Age 65
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Oct 22, 2017
• assault, 2nd degree
Jonathan Pendley, - Daviess County, KY
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Pendley, Lee Joshua
Arrest Age 18
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Oct 08, 2003
• possession of marijuana
• disorderly conduct
• assault, 2nd degree
Joshua Pendley, - Daviess County, KY
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Pendley, Lee Joshua
Arrest Age 32
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Jul 12, 2001
• assault - 4th degree - (minor injury no
• theft by unlawful taking or disp - auto
• persistent felony offender ii
• non-payment of fines
• criminal poss of forged instrument 2nd d
• theft by deception 10% bond
• theft by deception 10% bond
• criminal poss of forged instrument 2nd d
Joshua Pendley, - Daviess County, KY
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Pendley, Hobert Richard
Arrest Age 40
Beaver Dam, Daviess, KY
Arrested Sep 02, 2003
• simple assault-physical contact
Richard Pendley, - Daviess County, KY
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Penglase, Michael Jonathan
Arrest Age 28
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Aug 30, 2009
• failure to appear, citation for misdemeanor
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
• 1st offense to buy or possession of drug paraphernalia
• poss cont sub, 1st deg, 1st off (methamphetamine)
Jonathan Penglase, - Daviess County, KY
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Pennington, Carl Charles
Arrest Age 21
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Jun 20, 2001
• aggravated assaults - 4th degree - spous
• violation of ky epo/dvo
Charles Pennington, - Daviess County, KY
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Pennington, James Terry
Arrest Age 18
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Nov 05, 2013
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Terry Pennington, - Daviess County, KY
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Pennington, Marie Tracy
Arrest Age 41
Owensboro, Daviess, KY
Arrested Sep 26, 2012
• assault-3rd degree-police/probation officer-ident weapon
• disorderly conduct in the 2nd degree
• resisting arrest
• 1st & 2nd offenses of alcohol intoxication in a public place
Tracy Pennington, - Daviess County, KY
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