ᐅ Kentucky Assault and Battery (KY)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Pike County, Kentucky


Last names: #Radcliff   #Radcliffe   #Rader   #Raines   #Rainey   #Ramey   #Ramsey   #Rasnick   #Rathbone   #Ratliff  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Radcliff, A Brandy
Arrest Age 28
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jun 12, 2016
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury 6-13-16 pike tmp mullins
Brandy Radcliff, - Pike County, KY
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Radcliffe, Daniel
Bond: $650
Arrest Age 25
Mouthcard, Pike, KY
Arrested Sep 15, 2012
• assault, 4th degree 9-15-12 pike 650 fc h/c friend
Daniel Radcliffe, - Pike County, KY
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Rader, D Joshua
Arrest Age 43
Belfry, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 03, 2000
• assault - 4th degree -( no bnd friend
Joshua Rader, - Pike County, KY.
Raines, Thomas David
Arrest Age 20
Tompkinsville, Pike, KY
Arrested Dec 01, 2006
• disorderly conduct
• assault - 4th degree -(minor injury no medical attention
David Raines, - Pike County, KY
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Raines, Anthony Mark
Arrest Age 48
Phelps, Pike, KY
Arrested Mar 19, 2008
• assault - 4th degree 8m559 friend surety
Mark Raines, - Pike County, KY
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Raines, Michael
Arrest Age 36
Phelps, Pike, KY
Arrested Mar 24, 2001
• assault - 4th degree surety friend 100 bef rel
Michael Raines, - Pike County, KY
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Raines, Michael
Arrest Age 30
Fords Branch, Pike, KY
Arrested Sep 10, 2000
• violation of epodvo
• assault 4th fc nfc friend
Michael Raines, - Pike County, KY.
Raines, P Nathaniel
Arrest Age 27
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jun 14, 2004
• assault - 4th degree 10%property mullins
Nathaniel Raines, - Pike County, KY.
Rainey, William
Arrest Age 27
Majestic, Pike, KY
Arrested Dec 09, 2013
• assault, 4th, 12/10/13,pike
William Rainey, - Pike County, KY
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Ramey, N Amber
Arrest Age 42
Jamboree, Pike, KY
Arrested Dec 30, 2009
• dui .08 2nd offense 9t4210 mullins tms ttp
• assault 1st degree 10cr7 combs fc nfc no contact
Amber Ramey, - Pike County, KY
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Ramey, S Brenda
Arrest Age 24
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Mar 01, 2001
• assault - 4th degree -(minor injury no medical attention
Brenda Ramey, - Pike County, KY
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Ramey, C Jonathan
Arrest Age 40
Elkhorn City, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 24, 2011
• aggravated assaults - 4th degree
Jonathan Ramey, - Pike County, KY
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Ramey, A Mark
Arrest Age 33
Ivel, Pike, KY
Arrested Sep 08, 2004
• * aoc use only * assault 1st degree
Mark Ramey, - Pike County, KY
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Ramey, D Richard
Arrest Age 32
Hatfield, Pike, KY
Arrested Sep 06, 2008
• assault 4th degree 5,000 10% mullins 8m1921
Richard Ramey, - Pike County, KY
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Ramey, Kay Sandy
Arrest Age 19
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jun 28, 2006
• aggravated assaults - 4th degree surety off bnd
Sandy Ramey, - Pike County, KY
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Ramey, K Sharon
Arrest Age 25
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Apr 10, 2014
• assault, 4th degree 4/10/14 pike
• violation of a kentucky epo/dvo 4/10/14 pike
Sharon Ramey, - Pike County, KY
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Ramey, Tiffany
Arrest Age 19
Jenkins, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 02, 2016
• assault, 4th degree, pike, 7/2/16, 5000 10%, per friend, no contact
• fta pike 7/2/16 200 fc friend
Tiffany Ramey, - Pike County, KY
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Ramey, R Vanessa
Arrest Age 40
Virgie, Pike, KY
Arrested Oct 18, 2006
• assault - 4th 5000 10% property mullins 6m2440
Vanessa Ramey, - Pike County, KY.
Ramsey, Cheryl
Arrest Age 25
Jenkins, Pike, KY
Arrested Jun 03, 2008
• assault - 4th degree 2,000 surety friend
Cheryl Ramsey, - Pike County, KY
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Ramsey, L Joey
Arrest Age 23
Phelps, Pike, KY
Arrested Apr 22, 2018
• assault, 4th degree pike, 4/22/18 2,000 10% w/ bail crt mullins
Joey Ramsey, - Pike County, KY
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Ramsey, Jordan
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Mar 25, 2022
• assault, 2nd degree, pike, 3/26/22
• reckless driving, pike, 3/25/22, $10,000 fc -judge may
• leav scene of accident/fail to rndr aid/assist w/death or serious phys inj, pike, 3/26/22
Jordan Ramsey, - Pike County, KY.
Ramsey, R Kenneth
Arrest Age 24
Kortrijk, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 15, 2006
• contempt of court, 6t2700 2m529
• assault 4th degree ror friend bnd signed 12-9-06 6m2617
• fta 6t2700 30 days and 106 hrs c/s b4 rel friend
Kenneth Ramsey, - Pike County, KY
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Rasnick, B Walter
Arrest Age 45
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jun 12, 2009
• assault - 4th degree -(minor injury no medical attention
Walter Rasnick, - Pike County, KY
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Rathbone, Christian
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 46
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Apr 29, 2014
• assault, pike, 4/29/14, 2000 surety, mullins
Christian Rathbone, - Pike County, KY
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Ratliff, D Amber
Arrest Age 33
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Oct 04, 2002
• assault - 4th degree surety mullins
Amber Ratliff, - Pike County, KY
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Ratliff, S Anetha
Arrest Age 30
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 12, 2006
• assault 4th 5000 surety friend 6m1609
Anetha Ratliff, - Pike County, KY
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Ratliff, R Angela
Arrest Age 37
Ashcamp, Pike, KY
Arrested Aug 31, 2014
• indecent exposure, 2nd degree, pike 8-31-14
• disorderly conduct, 2nd degree, pike 8-31-14
• assault, 4th degree (no visible injury), pike 8-31-14
• pi, pike 8-31-14 2000 fc friend
Angela Ratliff, - Pike County, KY
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Ratliff, E Bart
Arrest Age 29
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Mar 30, 2003
• aggravated assaults - 4th degree - spouse abuse
Bart Ratliff, - Pike County, KY
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Ratliff, S Brittany
Arrest Age 62
Belfry, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 07, 2013
• assault, 4th degree 11-7-13 pike
Brittany Ratliff, - Pike County, KY
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Ratliff, S Britteny
Arrest Age 30
Lick Creek, Pike, KY
Arrested Sep 09, 2008
• assault 1st degree afs 8cr00001
Britteny Ratliff, - Pike County, KY
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