ᐅ Kentucky Assault and Battery (KY)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Breckinridge County, Kentucky


Last names: #Shanks   #Shartzer   #Shaull   #Shaw   #Shelton   #Shepard   #Shepherd   #Shively   #Shoptaw   #Short   #Shreve   #Shrewsberry   #Shrum   #Shuffett   #Shultz   #Siler   #Simmons   #Simoneit   #Simpson  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Shanks, Ray Damon
Arrest Age 30
Irvington, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jun 07, 2013
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Damon Shanks, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shartzer, Donovan Kyle
Arrest Age 47
Hawesville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jan 04, 2009
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence)
Kyle Shartzer, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shartzer, Lee Ronald
Arrest Age 22
Rock Port, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jan 06, 2013
• burglary, 2nd degree
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
• criminal mischief 3rd degree
Ronald Shartzer, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shartzer, Tim
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Apr 13, 2001
• assault 4th.
Tim Shartzer, - Breckinridge County, KY.
Shaull, Douglas Steven
Arrest Age 39
Hudson, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jun 10, 2017
• terroristic threatening in the 3rd degree
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Steven Shaull, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shaw, Renee Jean
Arrest Age 31
Clarksville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Aug 18, 2013
• alcohol intoxication in a public place 1st & 2nd offense
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
• violation of a foreign epo/dvo
Jean Shaw, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shaw, Kendell Laymon
Arrest Age 55
Hardinsburg, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Mar 26, 2020
• poss cont sub, 1st degree, 2nd offense (methamphetamine)
• buy or possession of drug paraphernalia
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury
Laymon Shaw, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shelton, Eugene Ronald
Arrest Age 52
Hardinsburg, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Sep 22, 2009
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence)
Ronald Shelton, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shelton, Dale Steven
Arrest Age 54
Arrested Oct 23, 2020
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Steven Shelton, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shelton, Dale Steven
Arrest Age 22
Clarkson, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Aug 11, 2006
• assault 4th degree (physical contact) (m
• criminal mischief-3rd degree (m) {ucr:
• menacing (m) {ucr:
• assault 4th degree (physical contact) (m
Steven Shelton, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shepard, Dean Kimberly
Arrest Age 23
Irvington, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Aug 18, 2015
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Kimberly Shepard, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shepard, Marie Mindy
Arrest Age 27
Big Clifty, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jul 14, 2018
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Mindy Shepard, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shepherd, Thomas Brian
Arrest Age 46
Hardinsburg, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Apr 29, 2009
• assault 4th degree-minor injury-no medic
• receiving stolen property o/$300
• probation violation (for felony offense)
• assault 4th degree-minor injury-no medic
Brian Shepherd, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shively, Daniel Jacob
Arrest Age 36
Garfield, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Feb 06, 2004
• aggravated assault-4th degree-spouse abu
• aggravated assault-4th degree-spouse abu
Jacob Shively, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shoptaw, L Kenneth
Arrest Age 30
Louisville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Dec 19, 2002
• aggravated assault-4th degree-spouse abu
• aggravated assault-4th degree-spouse abu
Kenneth Shoptaw, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Short, Jo Tammy
Arrest Age 28
Hawesville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested May 10, 2003
• assault 4th degree-minor injury-no medic
• assault 4th degree-minor injury-no medic
Tammy Short, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shreve, Lynn Heather
Arrest Age 26
Irvington, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested May 08, 2016
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
Heather Shreve, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shrewsberry, Matthew Derek
Arrest Age 40
Lewisport, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Feb 02, 2018
• assault, 2nd degree - police officer
Derek Shrewsberry, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shrum, Ray Stephen
Arrest Age 39
Garfield, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jul 14, 2008
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence)
Stephen Shrum, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shuffett, James Christopher
Arrest Age 40
Hardinsburg, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested May 18, 2008
• assault-3rd degree-police/probation offi
Christopher Shuffett, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shultz, Dwayne Darrell
Arrest Age 25
Lewisport, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Sep 02, 2018
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Darrell Shultz, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Shultz, James Edward
Arrest Age 34
North Sioux City, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Nov 19, 2012
• assault, 4th degree (no visible injury)
Edward Shultz, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Siler, Reece Darrell
Arrest Age 22
Eastview, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Dec 13, 2008
• operating on suspended or revoked operators
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence)
• operating motor veh under influence of i
• assault, 1st degree
• assault, 1st degree
• assault, 1st degree
• operating motor veh under influence of i
Darrell Siler, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Siler, Reece Darrell
Arrest Age 35
Franklin, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jun 14, 2001
• assaults 1st degree - other
Darrell Siler, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Simmons, Earl Clinton
Arrest Age 31
Oud Gastel, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Sep 25, 2013
• fleeing or evading police, 1st degree (on foot)
• assault 3rd degree-police officer or prob officer
Clinton Simmons, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Simoneit, John Donald
Arrest Age 30
McDaniels, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Sep 18, 2011
• persistent felony offender, 1st degree
• assault 4th degree-minor injury-no medic
• unlawful imprisonment-2nd degree
• burglary, 2nd degree
• shock probation in felony convictions
Donald Simoneit, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Simpson, James Allen
Arrest Age 29
Louisville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Oct 18, 2011
• assault, 2nd degree
Allen Simpson, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Simpson, James Allen
Arrest Age 23
Lewisport, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested May 15, 2018
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Allen Simpson, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Simpson, Marie Ashley
Arrest Age 38
Springs, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Mar 12, 2019
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
• burglary, 2nd degree
• criminal trespass-1st degree
• prescription cont sub not proper contain 1st off
Ashley Simpson, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Simpson, Stephen Brian
Arrest Age 41
Hawesville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jun 29, 2012
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Brian Simpson, - Breckinridge County, KY
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