ᐅ Kentucky Assault and Battery (KY)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - LaRue County, Kentucky


Last names: #Valazquez   #Vance   #Vanquez   #Vanriper   #Vanwinkle   #Vazquez   #Veach   #Vernon   #Vessels   #Villanos   #Villar   #Vincent  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Valazquez, Malpica Javier
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Oct 16, 2004
• 520.095 fleeing or evading police - 1st felony d
• 244.085(3) possession of alcoholic beverages by a minor violation
• 218a.1415 poss cont sub-1st degree-1st offense-cocaine felony d
• 189a.010(5b) oper mtr veh u/influ alc/drugs/etc. .08 (agg circum), 2nd misd
• 189.530(2) poss of open alc bev container in mtr veh prohibited violation
• 508.025 assault-3rd degree-police/probation officer-identify weapon felony
• 52
• 520.090 resisting arrest misdemeanor a
• 523.110(1) giving officer false name or address misdemeanor b
Javier Valazquez, - LaRue County, KY.
Vance, Lynn Alton
Arrest Age 26
Arrested May 13, 2007
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury 508.030
• poss cont sub-1st degree-1st offense-drug unspecified 218a.1415
• 218a.1404(1) traf in cont sub-1st offense felony d
Alton Vance, - LaRue County, KY.
Vance, Lynn Alton
Arrest Age 42
Arrested Jul 20, 2003
• 508.030 assault 4th degree-minor injury-no medical attention misdemeanor a
• 508.060 wanton endangerment-1st degree felony d
Alton Vance, - LaRue County, KY.
Vance, L Toby
Arrest Age 46
Arrested Feb 07, 2021
• agg batt public place
Toby Vance, - LaRue County, KY
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Vance, Allen Thomas
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Feb 02, 2008
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury 508.030
Thomas Vance, - LaRue County, KY.
Vanquez, Alfonso Jesus
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Mar 05, 2003
• 508.060 wanton endangerment-1st degree felony d
• 508.030 assault 4th degree-minor injury-no medical attention misdemeanor a
• 509.020 unlawful imprisonment-1st degree felony d
Jesus Vanquez, - LaRue County, KY.
Vanriper, Dell Destree
Arrest Age 18
Arrested May 10, 2006
• 508.030 assault 4th degree-minor injury-no medical attention misdemeanor a
Destree Vanriper, - LaRue County, KY.
Vanwinkle, Lymon
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Jul 12, 2017
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Lymon Vanwinkle, - LaRue County, KY
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Vazquez, Palafox Angel
Arrest Age 16
Arrested Jan 14, 2003
• 508.020 assault-2nd degree-public official-strongarm felony c
• 511.030 burglary-2nd degree-forced entry-residence felony c
• 512.040 criminal mischief-3rd degree misdemeanor b
Angel Vazquez, - LaRue County, KY.
Veach, S Michel
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Dec 13, 2002
• 520.095 fleeing or evading police - 1st felony d
• 508.010 assault-1st degree-non-family-gun felony b
• 508.060 wanton endangerment-1st degree felony d
Michel Veach, - LaRue County, KY.
Vernon, Craig
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Sep 13, 2016
• assault, 1st degree
Craig Vernon, - LaRue County, KY
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Vessels, Kevin
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Jul 08, 2019
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Kevin Vessels, - LaRue County, KY
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Vessels, Kevin
Arrest Age 50
Arrested Aug 27, 2017
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury
Kevin Vessels, - LaRue County, KY
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Villanos, R Mucio
Arrest Age 31
Arrested May 23, 2007
• 520.040 escape-3rd degree misdemeanor b
• 222.202(1) alcohol intoxication in a public place-1st & 2nd offenses violat
• 511.080 criminal trespassing-3rd degree violation
• fleeing or evading police, 1st degree (on foot) 520.095
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury 508.030
• 189a.010(5a) oper mtr veh u/influ alc/drugs/etc. .08 - 1st off misdemeanor
• 512.040 criminal mischief-3rd degree misdemeanor b
• 520.090 resisting arrest misdemeanor a
• 189a.010(5b) oper mtr veh u/influ alc/drugs/etc. .08 - 2nd
Mucio Villanos, - LaRue County, KY.
Villar, Perez Raymundo
Arrest Age 27
Arrested May 13, 2004
• 508.030 simple assault-physical contact misdemeanor a
Raymundo Villar, - LaRue County, KY.
Vincent, Laymon Harold
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Sep 23, 2005
• 508.030 simple assault-physical contact misdemeanor a
Harold Vincent, - LaRue County, KY.

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