ᐅ Louisiana Assault | Arrests (LA)

The webpage titled “Louisiana Assault Arrests” provides information on individuals arrested in Louisiana for assault-related charges. It allows users to search through public arrest records, including names, charges, and booking details of those arrested for assault across different counties in Louisiana. The site is designed to offer easy access to these public records, helping users stay informed about recent arrests related to assault in the state.

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Orleans Parish County, Louisiana


Last names: #Bryant   #Buchanan   #Buck   #Buckhalter   #Buckles   #Buckley   #Buckner   #Buffington   #Buffone   #Buggage  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Bryant, L Dezero
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Apr 01, 2020
• warrant notes: jpso s1275511
• warrant notes: gpd i6203313.1 iss 01-04-2019
• warrant notes: jpso 19-0136
• battery upon dating partner
Dezero Bryant, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Bryant, Drew
Arrest Age 18
Arrested Apr 22, 2014
• ill poss stolen things $500 to $1500
• simple robbery
• simple battery
• ill poss of stolen things
• credit card fraud by merchant
• ill poss of stolen things
Drew Bryant, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Bryant, M Dejohn Arrested Jan 11, 2022
• violation of protective orders
• violation of protective orders
• agg assault with a firearm
• illegal carrying weapons
Dejohn Bryant, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Bryant, M Donald
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Jun 21, 2020
• domestic abuse aggravated assault
• domestic abuse aggravated assault
• agg assault with a firearm
• domestic abuse aggravated assault
• agg assault child endangerment law
• domestic abuse aggravated assault
• warrant notes: 2014-cdc iss 08-28
Donald Bryant, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Bryant, Drue
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Mar 10, 2016
• warrant notes: gpd iss112713
• agg assault
• agg assault
• agg assault
• hold notes: no dna kits
• #237005
Drue Bryant, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Bryant, A Gregory
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Aug 21, 2013
• parole violation notes: hold
• battery
• warrant notes: cdc
• pwit marijuana
• warrant notes: cdc
Gregory Bryant, - Orleans Parish County, LA.
Bryant, P Jonathan
Arrest Age 73
Arrested Feb 24, 2018
• domestic abuse battery
Jonathan Bryant, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Bryant, A Kabbrisha Arrested Mar 28, 2022
• domestic abuse battery
• domestic abuse child endangement law
• warrant notes: 2019-jpso s1185319 iss 09-04
Kabbrisha Bryant, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Bryant, Kareem
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Apr 15, 2013
• domestic abuse battery notes: no victim notice given
Kareem Bryant, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Bryant, S Reuben
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Mar 04, 2020
• discharging firearm during violent crime
• warrant notes: -jpso w820523640-0
• agg battery notes: with gun
• poss of a firearm or weapon by felon
Reuben Bryant, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Bryant, N Thariyon
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Oct 06, 2018
• agg battery
• criminal damage/domestic
• agg assault with a firearm
Thariyon Bryant, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Bryant, Thariyon
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Jul 17, 2018
• simple assault
• simple assault
Thariyon Bryant, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Buchanan, M Isaiah
Arrest Age 45
Arrested Jul 08, 2017
• simple battery notes: sibling
• simple battery notes: girlfriend/boyfriend
Isaiah Buchanan, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Buchanan, Travis
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Apr 19, 2020
• domestic abuse battery
• domestic abuse battery
Travis Buchanan, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Buck, Daniel
Arrest Age 56
Arrested Jun 29, 2018
• agg assault w/ dangerous weapon
Daniel Buck, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Buck, C Randolph
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Feb 20, 2015
• assault
Randolph Buck, - Orleans Parish County, LA.
Buckhalter, Arie
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Jul 29, 2017
• battery
Arie Buckhalter, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Buckhalter, R Jasmine
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Mar 15, 2019
• warrant notes: jpso warrant
• domestic abuse battery
Jasmine Buckhalter, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Buckles, Isaih
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Jan 05, 2016
• hold notes: dna before release
• domestic abuse battery
Isaih Buckles, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Buckley, David
Bond: $60
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Oct 01, 2018
• poss marijuana
• dealer's temp plates notes: f/t
• warrant notes: 2017 simple battery-cdc 533838 iss 07-31
• possession of cocaine (crack)
• possession of drug paraphernalia
• over 1 month tag expire
• driving license suspended
• registration certifict notes: f/t
• ecstasy (mdma) pos
David Buckley, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Buckley, D Jimmy
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Mar 15, 2019
• domestic abuse battery
Jimmy Buckley, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Buckley, Jimmy
Arrest Age 27
Arrested May 15, 2017
• poss marijuana
• poss suboxone
• possession of cocaine
• amphetamine pos
• poss of a firearm or weapon by felon
• # 591430-det rec'v 5-16
• simple battery
• parole violation notes: 17 doc
• illegal carrying weapons
• armed robbery with a firearm
• agg assault with a firearm
• diazepam pos
• oxycodone possession
• creating/operating clandestine drug lab
• poss witd heroin
• schedule iv drugs to wit tramadol
Jimmy Buckley, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Buckley, J Raymond
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Jul 23, 2017
• domestic abuse battery inv strangulation
• domestic abuse battery
Raymond Buckley, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Buckner, C Sterling
Arrest Age 54
Arrested Jun 26, 2013
• domestic abuse battery
Sterling Buckner, - Orleans Parish County, LA.
Buffington, M Ian
Arrest Age 45
Arrested Apr 15, 2017
• domestic abuse battery
• hold notes: dna before release
Ian Buffington, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Buffone, N Alfred
Arrest Age 54
Arrested Jan 27, 2019
• attachment-municipal notes: case
• # 1236737 iss 1172019
• domestic abuse battery
• violation of protective orders
Alfred Buffone, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Buggage, Kevin
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Oct 01, 2014
• domestic abuse battery
Kevin Buggage, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Buggage, Leroy
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Sep 22, 2015
• domestic abuse battery
• domestic abuse battery inv strangulation
• domestic abuse battery
• criminal damage/domestic
Leroy Buggage, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Buggage, K Larry
Arrest Age 17
Arrested Dec 19, 2021
• agg assault with a firearm
• ill poss stolen things $25000 or more
• warrant notes: 0/jpso/rs:14 62/iss. 10-27-2021
• att 2nd degree murder
• discharging firearm during violent crime
• warrant notes: 0/jpso/rs 14:62/iss.10-27-2021
• warrant notes: 0/jpso/rs 14:62/iss. 10-27-2021
• warrant notes: 0/jpso/14:62/iss.10-27-2021
• ill poss stolen auto $5000 to $25000
• warrant notes: 0/jpso/rs 14:62/iss. 10-27-2021
Larry Buggage, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Buggage, Marquis
Arrest Age 43
Arrested May 31, 2015
• domestic abuse battery
Marquis Buggage, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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