ᐅ Louisiana Assault | Arrests (LA)

The webpage titled “Louisiana Assault Arrests” provides information on individuals arrested in Louisiana for assault-related charges. It allows users to search through public arrest records, including names, charges, and booking details of those arrested for assault across different counties in Louisiana. The site is designed to offer easy access to these public records, helping users stay informed about recent arrests related to assault in the state.

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Terrebonne Paris County, Louisiana


Last names: #Doles   #Domangue   #Dominguez   #Dominique   #Domino   #Donaldson   #Doren   #Doucet   #Douglas   #Dover   #Downs   #Drake  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Doles, Arnold Woodrow
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Jan 12, 2019
• domestic abuse battery
Woodrow Doles, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Domangue, Dwayne Anthony
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Jun 09, 2019
• aggravated battery
• reckless operation with accident
• unauthorized use of a movable
• domestic abuse battery
Anthony Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Domangue, Adam Corey
Arrest Age 41
Arrested May 29, 2019
• battery of a police officer
• battery of emergency room personnel, emergency services personnel, or a healthcare professional - 2 counts
Corey Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Domangue, Lynn Crystal
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Feb 02, 2020
• resisting an officer
• domestic abuse battery
Crystal Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Domangue, Jude Drake
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 66
Arrested May 09, 2021
• 14:35.3 domestic abuse battery$500
Drake Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Domangue, Jude Drake
Arrest Age 57
Arrested Sep 19, 2016
• simple battery
• assault/aggravated
• poss drugs schedule ii
Drake Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Domangue, Jude Drake
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Oct 07, 2015
• dom abuse batt(strangulation)
• probation revocation
Drake Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA
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Domangue, Alexander Hayes Arrested Sep 08, 2021
• obstruction of justice - hindrance/delay
• aggravated assault with a firearm
Hayes Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Domangue, Philip James Arrested Aug 04, 2021
• 14:35.3 domestic abuse battery
James Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Domangue, Paul Joshua
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Nov 26, 2020
• 14:35.3 domestic abuse battery
Joshua Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Domangue, Anthony Kade
Bond: $103000
Arrested Apr 28, 2022
• aggravated battery$25000
• failure to appear$5000
• failure to appear$1000
• holding for other agency$103000
• failure to appear$500
Kade Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Domangue, Renee Katelyn
Arrest Age 36
Arrested May 09, 2015
• battery/aggravated
Katelyn Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA
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Domangue, Renee Katelyn
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Jun 07, 2015
• battery/aggravated
Katelyn Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA
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Domangue, Renee Katelyn
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Nov 29, 2015
• simp crim dam property over 500
• assault/simple$500
• criminal mischief$100
• theft over $1500.00
Katelyn Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA
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Domangue, Anthony Shane
Arrest Age 59
Arrested Aug 29, 2020
• aggravated assault with a firearm
• aggravated assault on a dating partner
Shane Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Domangue, John Travis
Arrest Age 41
Arrested Jan 27, 2021
• 14:35.3 domestic abuse battery
Travis Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Domangue, John Travis
Bond: $200
Arrested Jun 03, 2021
• failure to appear$200
• hit - and - run driving with no personal injury$500
• dwi 1st
• 32:58 - careless operation$500
• failure to appear$500
• failure to appear$500
• no drivers license on person$500
• 14:35.3 domestic abuse battery$5000
Travis Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Domangue, John Wayne
Arrest Age 50
Arrested Apr 24, 2014
• simple battery
• public intimidation
• theft of goods ov/500
Wayne Domangue, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA
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Dominguez, Luis Jorge Arrested Feb 27, 2022
• 32:58 - careless operation
• hit - and - run driving with no personal injury
• aggravated assault with a firearm
• hpd unlawful discharge of f/a w/in corp limit
Jorge Dominguez, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Dominique, Ann Brianne
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 34
Arrested May 27, 2021
• 14:35.3 domestic abuse battery
• failure to appear$1000
• failure to appear$1000
Brianne Dominique, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Domino, Joseph Macklin
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 35
Arrested May 19, 2021
• holding for other agency
• holding for other agency$250
• holding for other agency$1500
• 14:35.3 domestic abuse battery
• theft of a motor vehicle$15000
Macklin Domino, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA
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Donaldson, Andrew Douglas
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Jan 09, 2014
• simple battery
• dist. peace by fighting
• aggrav criminal damage to property
• simple obstruc of highway
• disturbing peace fight
• reckless operation vehicle
• child restraint required
Douglas Donaldson, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Doren, Francis Michael
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Mar 06, 2021
• 14:35.3i domestic abuse battery with child endangerment
Michael Doren, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Doucet, Paul Brandon
Arrest Age 63
Arrested Nov 10, 2014
• agg assault with firearm
• aggr. 2nd degree battery
• agg assault with firearm
Brandon Doucet, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Douglas, Gerald
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Jun 09, 2019
• domestic abuse battery
Gerald Douglas, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Douglas, Johnathon
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Dec 20, 2018
• failure to appear$1000
• domestic abuse battery
Johnathon Douglas, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Douglas, Luke Julia
Bond: $300000
Arrest Age 17
Arrested Jan 11, 2014
• 2nd degree battery
• armed robbery$300000
Julia Douglas, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA
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Dover, James Michael
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Oct 26, 2014
• failure to appear$300
• failure to appear$1500
• failure to appear$500
• failure to appear$100
• domestic abuse: aggr assault$25000
Michael Dover, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA
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Downs, Allan Devon
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Aug 20, 2020
• 14:35.3 domestic abuse battery$5000
• failure to appear$40000
Devon Downs, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
Drake, Michael Caleb
Arrest Age 26
Arrested May 16, 2019
• domestic abuse battery involving strangulation
• simple kidnapping
Caleb Drake, - Terrebonne Paris County, LA.
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