ᐅ Louisiana Assault | Arrests (LA)

The webpage titled “Louisiana Assault Arrests” provides information on individuals arrested in Louisiana for assault-related charges. It allows users to search through public arrest records, including names, charges, and booking details of those arrested for assault across different counties in Louisiana. The site is designed to offer easy access to these public records, helping users stay informed about recent arrests related to assault in the state.

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Orleans Parish County, Louisiana


Last names: #Green-Shaw   #Greenage   #Greenberry   #Greene   #Greenfield   #Greenidge   #Greenup   #Greenwald   #Greenwood   #Greer   #Gregoire   #Gregory   #Gremillion   #Gremillon   #Gresham  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Green-Shaw, Keywanda
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Feb 17, 2015
• simple criminal damage $500 to $50,000
• hold notes: dna before release
• domestic abuse aggravated assault
Keywanda Green-Shaw, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Greenage, Sydney Arrested Jan 12, 2022
• warrant notes: dow 12142021-41jdc-agg battery
• accessories after fact notes: /harboring fugitive
Sydney Greenage, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Greenberry, A Dana
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Aug 04, 2013
• warrant notes: gpd/iss 5/21/2013/muni attach
• criminal damage/domestic
• domestic abuse battery
Dana Greenberry, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Greenberry, A Desmond
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Jan 31, 2021
• simple assault
• attachment-municipal notes: 1251741
Desmond Greenberry, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Greene, D Aaron
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Apr 21, 2014
• agg assault
• agg assault upon peace officer w/firearm
• agg criminal damage to property
• agg assault upon peace officer w/firearm
• agg assault upon peace officer w/firearm
• agg assault
• agg assault
• agg assault
• agg assault
Aaron Greene, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Greene, P Bertrand
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Sep 21, 2012
• simple battery notes: court rel
• parole violation notes: hold-ct
• simple battery notes: court rel
• simple criminal damage to property notes: court rel
Bertrand Greene, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Greene, M George
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Jul 25, 2016
• simple assault
George Greene, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Greene, A Troy
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Jan 11, 2020
• domestic abuse child endangement law
• 2nd degree battery
Troy Greene, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Greenfield, A Daniel
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Jun 05, 2017
• simple battery
• hold notes: dna before release
Daniel Greenfield, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Greenidge, Kendrick
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Oct 13, 2015
• simple criminal damage to property
• domestic abuse battery
• criminal trespassing
Kendrick Greenidge, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Greenidge, K Kendrick
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Aug 04, 2021
• agg assault with a firearm
• agg assault with a firearm
• domestic abuse aggravated assault
• agg assault with a firearm
• agg assault with a firearm
Kendrick Greenidge, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Greenup, J Derrence
Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Feb 24, 2016
• agg assault with a firearm
Derrence Greenup, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Greenwald, M Kendra
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Feb 28, 2014
• criminal damage/domestic
• domestic abuse battery
Kendra Greenwald, - Orleans Parish County, LA.
Greenwood, A John
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Jan 25, 2016
• domestic abuse battery
John Greenwood, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Greenwood, A John
Arrest Age 49
Arrested Mar 18, 2015
• domestic abuse battery
John Greenwood, - Orleans Parish County, LA.
Greer, J Rodney
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Jan 21, 2016
• domestic abuse battery
Rodney Greer, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Gregoire, Ronnie Arrested Feb 15, 2022
• # 2172
• pwit distribute cocaine (crack)
• parole violation notes: by jacob-rieus
• poss of a firearm or weapon by felon
• illegal carrying weapon with cds
• poss of a firearm or weapon by felon
• agg assault with a firearm
Ronnie Gregoire, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Gregory, R Mitchel
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 47
Arrested Nov 25, 2016
• warrant notes: jpso iss 10022015...03ns01966
• criminal trepass
• battery
• lewd conduct
Mitchel Gregory, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Gregory, Q Shawn
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Jan 22, 2017
• domestic abuse battery
• domestic abuse battery inv strangulation
• domestic abuse battery inv strangulation
• theft between $500 and $1499
• 2nd degree battery
Shawn Gregory, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Gremillion, Christopher
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Sep 19, 2015
• resisting a police officer with force
• marijuana/third or subsequent convicton
• battery of police officer
Christopher Gremillion, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Gremillion, T Crystal
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Jul 29, 2021
• 2nd degree battery
• attachment-traffic notes: 2020-iss 03-05
Crystal Gremillion, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Gremillion, Michael
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Jul 30, 2013
• domestic abuse battery
Michael Gremillion, - Orleans Parish County, LA.
Gremillion, E Rachel
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Nov 03, 2018
• battery
• resist/obstruct officr
• battery
• failure to pay for food or dri
Rachel Gremillion, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Gremillion, E Rachel
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 25
Arrested May 14, 2017
• battery
• disturbing the peace
Rachel Gremillion, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Gremillion, Ronnie
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Apr 19, 2018
• domestic abuse battery
• simple criminal damage to property
Ronnie Gremillion, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Gremillion, M Ronnie
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Apr 25, 2018
• warrant notes: 18 simple battery-cdc 533739 iss 02-02
Ronnie Gremillion, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Gremillion, M Ronnie
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Mar 09, 2018
• obscene phone calls
• agg assault with a firearm
• violation of protective orders
• home invasion
• valid license plate
• simple assault
• lawful use of license
Ronnie Gremillion, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Gremillon, A Michael
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Jan 19, 2018
• warrant notes: jp
• warrant notes: jp
• domestic abuse battery
• simple criminal damage to property
• warrant notes: jp
Michael Gremillon, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Gresham, S Byron
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Dec 08, 2018
• resisting a police officer with force
• agg flight from an officer
• attachment-municipal notes: 2017-sec b iss 09-12
• agg assault w/ dangerous weapon
• attachment-municipal notes: 2017-sec b iss 09-12
Byron Gresham, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Gresham, Edward
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Oct 22, 2019
• assault
• resist/obstruct officr
• attachment-municipal notes: 1253509/iss09192019
Edward Gresham, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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