ᐅ Louisiana Assault | Arrests (LA)

The webpage titled “Louisiana Assault Arrests” provides information on individuals arrested in Louisiana for assault-related charges. It allows users to search through public arrest records, including names, charges, and booking details of those arrested for assault across different counties in Louisiana. The site is designed to offer easy access to these public records, helping users stay informed about recent arrests related to assault in the state.

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Iberville County, Louisiana


Last names: #Lagarde   #Lake   #Lanaute   #Landaiche   #Landry   #Lane   #Langlois   #Larson   #Lathers   #Latiolais   #Lawrence   #Lee   #Lejeune-Jones   #Lemoine   #Leonard   #Lewis  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Lagarde, Devanta
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 60
Arrested Aug 11, 2019
• ill dischrg weapon from veh
• assault/aggravated$500
Devanta Lagarde, - Iberville County, LA.
Lake, A Rickey
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Feb 07, 2022
• aggravated assault
• dom. abuse w/child endanger
Rickey Lake, - Iberville County, LA
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Lanaute, Courtney
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Apr 07, 2015
• pwitd marij/sched. 1canbinoid
• poss of firearm by felon
• simple battery$500
• failure to appear
• simple assault$500
• domest abuse battery
• 2nd degree battery
Courtney Lanaute, - Iberville County, LA
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Landaiche, Ketih
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Feb 10, 2017
• aggrav criminal damage to property$15000
• assault/aggravated$2000
• illegal use of weapon$20000
• assault/aggravated$2000
• poss of firearm by felon$20000
• assault/aggravated$2000
Ketih Landaiche, - Iberville County, LA
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Landry, L Andrew
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Nov 29, 2019
• battery/aggravated$20000
• criminal trespassing$500
• robbery/simple$15000
Andrew Landry, - Iberville County, LA
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Landry, J Gerald
Arrest Age 17
Arrested Mar 03, 2016
• simp criminal dam property
• agg assault with firearm
Gerald Landry, - Iberville County, LA
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Landry, Lynn Mikie
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Apr 19, 2022
• simp criminal dam property
• poss of sched 4 narc
• contraband in correct center
• unauth entry of inhab dwelli
• simple battery
• theft
Mikie Landry, - Iberville County, LA
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Landry, Tory
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Oct 16, 2016
• simple assault$500
• violation of protective order
• simple battery$500
Tory Landry, - Iberville County, LA
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Landry, Travis Arrested Mar 03, 2022
• dom. abusue batt (misd)
Travis Landry, - Iberville County, LA
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Lane, J Marquise
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Feb 21, 2018
• 2nd degree battery$8000
• contraband in correct center$5000
• contraband in correct center$10000
• murder second degree$500000
• 2nd degree battery$8000
• poss of firearm by felon$25000
• att. second degree murder$150000
Marquise Lane, - Iberville County, LA
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Langlois, Lindsey
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Apr 26, 2020
• child desertion
• domestic abuse battery
Lindsey Langlois, - Iberville County, LA
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Larson, Phillip
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Jul 29, 2016
• domest abuse battery
Phillip Larson, - Iberville County, LA
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Lathers, Alvin
Bond: $1000000
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Sep 18, 2018
• 2nd degree battery$10000
• 2nd degree battery$8000
• murder second degree$1000000
• 2nd degree battery$8000
• 2nd degree battery
Alvin Lathers, - Iberville County, LA
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Latiolais, L Candy
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Mar 13, 2018
• failure to appear
• battery/aggravated$10000
Candy Latiolais, - Iberville County, LA
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Latiolais, L Candy
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Apr 12, 2017
• simp criminal dam property
• 2nd degree battery
Candy Latiolais, - Iberville County, LA
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Latiolais, R-J Gene
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 53
Arrested May 25, 2015
• simple crim damage 500-50000
• 2nd degree battery
• home invasion
• disturbing peace fight$500
• home invasion
Gene Latiolais, - Iberville County, LA
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Lawrence, Augusts Stephen
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Feb 26, 2015
• simple assault$500
• agg cruelty to animals
• domest abuse battery
• battery/aggravated
• fugitive
Stephen Lawrence, - Iberville County, LA
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Lawrence, J Trevon
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 47
Arrested Mar 20, 2016
• simple battery$500
• aggr. 2nd degree battery$15000
Trevon Lawrence, - Iberville County, LA
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Lee, J Blake
Arrest Age 33
Arrested May 13, 2022
• assault/aggravated
Blake Lee, - Iberville County, LA
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Lee, J Blake
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Jun 04, 2020
• #10
• resisting an officer$10000
• agg assault with firearm$20000
• agg assault with firearm$20000
• agg assault with firearm$20000
• poss. of sched. 2$10000
• agg assault with firearm$20000
• agg assault with firearm$20000
• agg assault with firearm$20000
• agg assault with firearm$20000
Blake Lee, - Iberville County, LA
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Lee, J Blake
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 45
Arrested Apr 09, 2022
• failure to appear$1500
• simple battery$1000
• resisting an officer$2500
Blake Lee, - Iberville County, LA
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Lee, J Blake
Arrest Age 46
Arrested Jan 31, 2020
• dom. abusue batt (misd)
Blake Lee, - Iberville County, LA
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Lee, J Blake
Bond: $100000
Arrest Age 18
Arrested Feb 07, 2018
• aggr. 2nd degree battery$30000
• criminal hazing fe$10000
• criminal hazing fe$10000
• armed robbery$100000
• murder-first degree$300000
• aggr. 2nd degree battery$30000
• battery/aggravated
Blake Lee, - Iberville County, LA
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Lee, Lawrence
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Jul 08, 2016
• first degree rape$250000
• 2nd degree battery$50000
• 2nd degree battery$2000
Lawrence Lee, - Iberville County, LA
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Lee, E Thomas
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 22
Arrested May 24, 2016
• disturbing peace fight$500
• sim. battery of the infirm$1000
• simple battery on the infirm$1000
• aggr. 2nd degree battery$15000
Thomas Lee, - Iberville County, LA
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Lejeune-Jones, E Jordan
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Jun 18, 2019
• theft of motor vehicle$10000
• possession of drug para
• poss of sched 1 narc$5000
• 2nd degree battery
Jordan Lejeune-Jones, - Iberville County, LA.
Lemoine, John
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Apr 04, 2021
• domest abuse battery$2500
• failure to appear
• false imprisonment$2500
John Lemoine, - Iberville County, LA
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Leonard, Reid
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 53
Arrested Nov 10, 2015
• disturbing peace fight$500
• domest abuse battery
Reid Leonard, - Iberville County, LA
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Lewis, E Daniel Arrested Mar 04, 2022
• resisting an officer
• resisting an officer
• simple burglary
• battery of a police officer
• battery of a police officer
Daniel Lewis, - Iberville County, LA
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Lewis, J Darrell
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Jan 21, 2016
• aggr. 2nd degree battery
Darrell Lewis, - Iberville County, LA
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