ᐅ Louisiana Assault | Arrests (LA)

The webpage titled “Louisiana Assault Arrests” provides information on individuals arrested in Louisiana for assault-related charges. It allows users to search through public arrest records, including names, charges, and booking details of those arrested for assault across different counties in Louisiana. The site is designed to offer easy access to these public records, helping users stay informed about recent arrests related to assault in the state.

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Orleans Parish County, Louisiana


Last names: #Rogers   #Roig   #Rojas   #Roland   #Rolfe   #Rolland   #Rollins   #Romain  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Rogers, L Kayla
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Jul 09, 2018
• attachment-municipal notes: iss05052017
• warrant notes: jpso
• battery
Kayla Rogers, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rogers, N Kelly
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Feb 27, 2017
• domestic abuse aggravated assault
• domestic abuse battery
• theft
Kelly Rogers, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rogers, D Kenione
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Feb 04, 2014
• agg battery
Kenione Rogers, - Orleans Parish County, LA.
Rogers, C Kristina
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Sep 29, 2013
• simple battery
Kristina Rogers, - Orleans Parish County, LA.
Rogers, Landen
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Feb 01, 2020
• 2nd degree battery
Landen Rogers, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rogers, Landon
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 51
Arrested Feb 07, 2013
• battery
Landon Rogers, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rogers, Michael
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Feb 06, 2017
• accessories after fact
• domestic abuse battery
Michael Rogers, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rogers, Philip
Arrest Age 68
Arrested Mar 29, 2016
• hold notes: dna
• agg assault with a firearm
• agg assault with a firearm
Philip Rogers, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rogers, J Quentin
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Jan 14, 2014
• warrant notes: kpd
• domestic abuse battery
• lawful use of license
Quentin Rogers, - Orleans Parish County, LA.
Rogers, Ronnie
Arrest Age 20
Arrested May 28, 2015
• battery
• theft
• attachment-municipal
Ronnie Rogers, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rogers, Shantel
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Aug 16, 2017
• hold notes: dna before release
• criminal damage/domestic
• domestic abuse battery
Shantel Rogers, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rogers, Shawn
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Jun 16, 2013
• battery$400
• battery$400
Shawn Rogers, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rogers, M Wilton
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Mar 14, 2019
• agg assault w/ dangerous weapon
• domestic abuse aggravated assault
Wilton Rogers, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rogers, Wilton
Bond: $100
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Aug 06, 2020
• battery upon dating partner
• criminal trespassing
• attachment-traffic
• simple criminal damage to property
Wilton Rogers, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Roig, J George
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Mar 22, 2019
• #f2014499 iss:2202019
• hold notes: contact medical before released
• probation violation notes: 19 jef
• simple kidnapping
• warrant notes: jpso warrant
• domestic abuse battery
• prin poss schedule ii
• #13-5017 iss:12022013
• warrant notes: plaquimines warrant
• domestic abuse battery inv strangulation
• # 10-0717-det rec'v 3-22
• #doc
George Roig, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Roig, J George
Arrest Age 41
Arrested Aug 21, 2019
• attachment-municipal
• attachment-municipal
• simple battery
• attachment-municipal
• attachment-municipal
• attachment-municipal
• attachment-municipal
• attachment-municipal
• attachment-municipal
• attachment-municipal
• attachment-municipal
• attachment-municipal
• attachment-municipal
George Roig, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rojas, V Luis
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Jun 23, 2016
• public drunkeness$150.00
• assault$250.00
Luis Rojas, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Roland, M Warren
Arrest Age 27
Arrested May 23, 2018
• agg battery
• illegal use of a weapon
• poss of a firearm or weapon by felon
• agg assault with a firearm
• simple criminal damage $500 to $50,000 notes: under 1000.
Warren Roland, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Roland, Warren
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Dec 11, 2018
• agg assault with a firearm
• domestic abuse battery
• false imprisonment
• sec"h" 14:95.1 75,000-0
• warrant notes: iss:08062018-cdc w
• ill poss stolen auto $5000 to $25000
• poss of a firearm or weapon by felon
• domestic abuse battery inv strangulation
Warren Roland, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rolfe, Shawn
Arrest Age 42
Arrested Jul 27, 2017
• agg assault with a firearm
Shawn Rolfe, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rolland, L Ashley
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Oct 26, 2021
• battery
Ashley Rolland, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rollins, K Christopher
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Feb 26, 2019
• poss of mariujuana in amount > 14grams notes: court remand
• violation of proctective order notes: court remand
• poss of cds in the amount notes: court remand
• poss of cds in the amount notes: court remand
• poss sched 2 drug less than 2 grams notes: court remand
• pwit cocaine of less than 28grams notes: court remand
• domestic abuse battery notes: court remand
Christopher Rollins, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rollins, A Cyrus
Arrest Age 63
Arrested Jan 12, 2013
• domestic abuse battery
Cyrus Rollins, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rollins, Debra
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Aug 29, 2013
• hit & run driving no death/serious injur
• agg battery
• reckless operation of a vehicle
Debra Rollins, - Orleans Parish County, LA.
Rollins, Eugene
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 18
Arrested Aug 21, 2013
• agg 2nd degree battery
• criminal damage propty
• disturbing the peace
Eugene Rollins, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rollins, Joseph
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 16
Arrested Nov 16, 2013
• battery notes: par j.defraites
• warrant
Joseph Rollins, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Rollins, Troy
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 48
Arrested Nov 19, 2014
• extortion
• simple assault
• simple criminal damage to propty
• lawful use of license$100
Troy Rollins, - Orleans Parish County, LA.
Rollins, N Taurin
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Sep 23, 2016
• domestic abuse battery
• hold notes: dna before release
Taurin Rollins, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Romain, J Gian
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 47
Arrested Dec 22, 2015
• battery
Gian Romain, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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Romain, Kadeem
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Jun 10, 2021
• domestic abuse battery
Kadeem Romain, - Orleans Parish County, LA
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