ᐅ North Carolina Assault and Battery (NC)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Burke County, North Carolina


Last names: #Godfrey   #Goins   #Gomez   #Gonzalez   #Gonzalez-Geronimo   #Goode   #Goodman   #Goodson   #Gordon   #Gore   #Goss   #Gouge   #Gragg   #Graham  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Godfrey, Lee Shaun
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Jun 10, 2019
• assault on a female
Shaun Godfrey, - Burke County, NC
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Godfrey, Lee Shaun
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Mar 20, 2018
• mv theft-automobile
• indecent exposure
• assault on a female
• b & e motor vehicle
• assault on a female
• assault on a female
Shaun Godfrey, - Burke County, NC
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Goins, Steven Michael
Arrest Age 57
Arrested Aug 05, 2001
• weap-poss by felon
• driving during revocation
• assault on a female
• driving during revocation
• probation violation
• seat belt law violation
• false reports to police
• assault-point gun
• driving during revocation
Michael Goins, - Burke County, NC
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Goins, Steven Michael
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Apr 05, 2001
• poss w/int man/sell/deliver sc
• fail to appear/ failure to com
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• larceny all other
• larceny all other
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• driving during revocation
• b&e-auto/ larceny from auto
• writing of habeas corpus
• driving during revocation
• assault on a female
• parole violation
• writing of habeas corpus
• driving while under the influence
• poss cont subst w/intent manuf sched vi
• unauthorized use o
• unauthorized use of motor vehicle
Michael Goins, - Burke County, NC
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Goins, Steven Michael
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Jun 20, 2007
• assault inflicting serous injury or with deadly weapon
• writing of habeas corpus
• assault inflicting serious injury or with deadly weapon
• possession cs in prison or jail
• possession cs in prison or jail
• b&e misd/ non-forced
• writing of habeas corp
• b&e felony/ non-forced
• poss. of schedule vi controlled substance
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• assault on a female
• resist, delay or obstruct
• resisting arrest/hinder & delay
• resist, delay or obstruct
• writing of habeas corpus
Michael Goins, - Burke County, NC
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Gomez, Jesus Brayan
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Dec 24, 2017
• speeding to elude arrest felony
• communicate threats
• assault on governmental officer or employee
• assault on a female
Brayan Gomez, - Burke County, NC
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Gomez, Omar-Echevarria Joel
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Aug 08, 2019
• probation violation
• probation violation
• assault on a female
• assault on a female
• assault on a female
• assault on a female
• disorderly conduct
• disorderly conduct
• communicate threats
Joel Gomez, - Burke County, NC
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Gonzalez, Rodolfo Marcos
Bond: $4000
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Aug 30, 2008
• driving while under the influence
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• driving while under the influence
• assault on a female
• driving while under the influence
• assault on a female
• non payment of support or child support
• assault inflicting serous injury or with deadly weapon
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
Marcos Gonzalez, - Burke County, NC
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Gonzalez, Rodolfo Marcos
Arrest Age 46
Arrested Dec 04, 1998
• hit & run-felony
• domestic criminal trespass
• assault on a female
• driving during revocation
• assault on a female
• domestic criminal trespass
Marcos Gonzalez, - Burke County, NC
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Gonzalez, Rodolfo Marcos
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Feb 12, 2009
• communicate threats
• a
• trespass-second degree
• possess schedule ii
• larceny of property; receiving or possessing stolen goods
• b&e misd/ non-forced
• trespass-second degree
• assault on a female
• obtain property by false pretense
• trespass-second degree
• resisting arrest/hinder & delay
• simple possession of schedule vi
• trespass-first degree
• trespass-second degree
• trespass-second degree
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• trespass-second degree
• b & e motor vehicle
Marcos Gonzalez, - Burke County, NC
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Gonzalez, Rodolfo Marcos
Arrest Age 43
Arrested Dec 16, 2004
• writing of habeas corpus
• unauthorized use of motor vehicle
• possess schedule ii bo
• possess schedule ii
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• fail to appear
• poss cont subst w/intent manuf sched ii
• felony larceny
• communicate threats
• comm law robbery
• assault inflicting serious injury or with deadly weapon
• writing of habeas corpus
• writing of habeas corpus
• larceny after b e
• fail to appear
• parole violation
• conversion by bailee
• unauthorized use of motor vehicle
Marcos Gonzalez, - Burke County, NC
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Gonzalez-Geronimo, Maximiliano
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Apr 04, 2005
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• larceny all other
• simple assault
• possessing stolen goods
• fail to appear
• b&e felony/ forced
• probation violation
• assault inflicting serious injury or with deadly weapon
• poss stolen goods
• poss w/int man/sell/deliver sched ii
• b&e felony/ forced
• trespass-second degree
• b&e felony/ forced
• weap-poss by felon
• larceny of property; receiving or possessing stolen goods
• larceny of
• assault inflicting serous injury or with deadly weapon
Maximiliano Gonzalez-Geronimo, - Burke County, NC
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Goode, Preston-K Donovan
Bond: $480
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Aug 19, 2018
• possess schedule vi
• larceny by trick misd
• resisting arrest/hinder & delay
• assault on a female
• assault on a female
• assault on a female
• poss cont subst w/intent manuf sched vi
• possess schedule i
Donovan Goode, - Burke County, NC
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Goode, Preston-K Donovan
Arrest Age 46
Arrested Aug 09, 2004
• non support
• non support
• assault on a female
• fail to appear
• common law robbery
• assault inflicting serious injury or with deadly weapon
• indecent liberties with child
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• non support
• non support
• non payment of support or child support
• resist, delay or obstruct
• sex offense-first degree
• non support
• comm law robbery
• non payment of support or child support
• non support
• assault on a female
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
Donovan Goode, - Burke County, NC
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Goode, Lavoris Olantomus
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 48
Arrested Aug 25, 2017
• simple assault / assault & battery
• fail to appear
• possession cs in prison or jail
Olantomus Goode, - Burke County, NC
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Goode, Thomas-Eugene Treyvone
Bond: $480
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Sep 12, 2020
• reckless driving to endanger
• assault on a female
• assault on a female
Treyvone Goode, - Burke County, NC
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Goodman, Leonard Davy
Bond: $40000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested May 17, 2017
• driving while under the influence
• assault on a female
• assault on a female
• possession of drug paraphernalia
• assault on a female
• fail to appear
Davy Goodman, - Burke County, NC
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Goodman, Allen Joshua
Arrest Age 50
Arrested Jan 05, 2017
• assault on a female
• assault on a female
Joshua Goodman, - Burke County, NC
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Goodson, Lee Scotty
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Oct 26, 2010
• poss stolen goods
• resisting arrest/hinder & delay
• probation violation
• probation violation
• poss stolen goods
• b&e felony/ forced
• b&e felony/ forced
• b&e felony/ forced
• communicate threats
• probation violation
• assault on a female
• probation violation
• larceny after b e
• probation violation
• obtain property by false pretense
• poss stolen goods
• fail to appear
• b&e felony/ forced
• larceny all other
• #2
• poss stolen goods
• resist, delay or obstruct
Scotty Goodson, - Burke County, NC
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Gordon, Joe Marty
Arrest Age 48
Arrested Mar 04, 1999
• assault on a female
• armed robbery
• resisting arrest/hinder & dela
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• larceny all other
• armed robbery
• writing of habeas corpus
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• armed robbery
• b&e misd/ non-forced
• simple assault
• possess
• armed robbery
• safecracking
• b&e felony/ forced
• assault on a female
• assault inflicting serious injury or with deadly weapon
• possess schedule ii
• b&e felony/ forced
• possession of drug paraphernalia
Marty Gordon, - Burke County, NC
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Gordon, Paul Michael
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 18
Arrested Apr 15, 2019
• assault on a female
• resisting arrest/hinder & delay
• larceny after b e
• breaking entering building that is a place of worship
• larceny from person
• larceny, possession or receiving goods from construction sit
Michael Gordon, - Burke County, NC
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Gore, Jerome Michael
Bond: $480
Arrested Dec 18, 2021
• assault on a female
Michael Gore, - Burke County, NC
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Goss, Sue Amie
Bond: $480
Arrest Age 43
Arrested Apr 13, 2017
• simple assault / assault & battery
Amie Goss, - Burke County, NC
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Gouge, Lee Michael
Bond: $40000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Mar 21, 2019
• child abuse-felony
• assault on child under 12
Michael Gouge, - Burke County, NC
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Gouge, Lee Michael
Bond: $250
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Sep 28, 2016
• affray
• fail to appear
• b&e misd/ forced
• affray
• probation violation
• fail to appear
• larceny all other
• communicate threats
• assault on a female
• fail to appear
• possess schedule ii
• larceny from building
• possession of drug paraphernalia
• fail to appear
• no operators license
• probation violation
• assault on a female
Michael Gouge, - Burke County, NC
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Gragg, Ralph Aaron
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Oct 16, 2015
• assault on a female notes: pretrial
Aaron Gragg, - Burke County, NC
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Gragg, Brooke Kimberly
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Feb 23, 2016
• possess schedule i
• driving while under the influence
• fail to appear
• assault-point gun
• driving while under the influence
• fail to appear
• trespass-first degree
• unauthorized use of motor vehicle
Kimberly Gragg, - Burke County, NC.
Gragg, Brooke Kimberly
Bond: $480
Arrested Jul 28, 2021
• simple assault / assault & battery
Kimberly Gragg, - Burke County, NC
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Gragg, Adam Michael
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Nov 25, 2015
• assault on a female notes: serving time
Michael Gragg, - Burke County, NC
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Graham, Rose Brittany
Arrest Age 14
Arrested Feb 06, 2017
• simple assault / assault & battery
Brittany Graham, - Burke County, NC
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