ᐅ North Carolina Assault and Battery (NC)

Arrest Records By County - North Carolina (NC)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Burke County, North Carolina


Last names: #Grant   #Granville   #Gray   #Graybeal   #Green   #Greene   #Greenlee   #Greer   #Grethen   #Griffin   #Grindstaff   #Grogan   #Gross   #Guar  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Grant, Joseph Christopher
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Oct 17, 2005
• obtain property by false pretense
• assault on a female
• probation violation
• poss / distribute meth precursor
• parole violation
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• poss stolen goods
• resisting arr
• oper veh w/o insurance
• manufacture of methamphetamine
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• assault on a female
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• assault on a female
• b&e felony/ non-forced
• writing of habeas corpus
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• probation violation
Christopher Grant, - Burke County, NC
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Granville, Michael
Bond: $350
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Jan 19, 2017
• fail to appear
• sexual battery
• trespass-second degree
• fail to appear
• non payment of support or child support
Michael Granville, - Burke County, NC
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Gray, Lee Bobby
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Apr 21, 2009
• assault by strangulation
• b&e felony/ forced
• assault on a female
• driving during revocation
• probation violation
• poss w/int man/sell/deliver sched ii
• poss cont subst w/intent manuf sched iii
• communicate threats
• probation violation
• larceny all other
• communicate threats
• b&e felony/ forced
• fail to appear on felony
• assault on a female
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• larceny all other
• assault by strangulation
• domestic violence violation of protect order
Bobby Gray, - Burke County, NC
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Gray, Sloan Callie
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Sep 11, 2007
• communicate threats
• fail to appear
• larceny after b e
• fail to appear
• communicate threats
• probation violation
• driving during revocation
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• writing of habeas corp
• simple assault
• probation violation
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• driving while under the influence
• possess schedule ii
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• possess schedule ii
• parole violation
• probation violation
• parole violation
• possess schedule ii
Callie Gray, - Burke County, NC
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Gray, Sloan Callie
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 54
Arrested Aug 11, 2016
• unauthorized use of motor vehicle
• simple assault / assault & battery
• larceny cable tv service
Callie Gray, - Burke County, NC
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Graybeal, Renee Alexis
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Aug 14, 2013
• obtain property by false pretense
• fail to appear
• trespass-second degree
• fail to appear
• no operators license
• probation violation
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• probation violation
• writing of habeas corpus
• adw
• fail to appear
• probation violation
• probation violation
• simple assault / assa
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• probation violation
• probation violation
• drug/narcotic violatoins
• poss / sell / buy alt gun serial no
Alexis Graybeal, - Burke County, NC
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Graybeal, Shay Curston
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 42
Arrested Dec 18, 2005
• fail to appear
• simple assault
• possession of drug paraphernalia
• comm law robbery
• probation violation
• larceny all other
• resisting arrest/hinder & delay
• forgery-uttering
• obtain property by false pretense
• armed robbery
• fail to appear/ f obt property false pretense
• probation violation
• #19
• possess schedule iv
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• weap-poss by felon
• larceny all other
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• simple possession of schedule vi
Curston Graybeal, - Burke County, NC
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Green, Drake Benajmin
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Jun 27, 2001
• false reports to police
• probation violation
• probation violation
• assault on a female
• fail to a
• true bill of indictment
• communicate threats
• assault on a female
• writing of habeas corpus
• communicate threats
• assault on a female
• true bill of indictment
• fail to appear
• fail to appear
• fail to appear
• unauthorized use of motor vehicle
• assault by strangulation
• assault on a female
• writing of habeas corpus
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
Benajmin Green, - Burke County, NC.
Green, Arvil Benjamin
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Aug 31, 2007
• probation violation
• probation violation
• trafficking drugs
• unauthorized use of motor vehicle
• assault on a female
• carrying concealed weapon-unlawful
• possession cs in prison or jail
• larceny of property; receiving or possessing stolen goods
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• fail to appear
• damage to personal property
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• larceny all other
• ccw
• trafficking drugs
• non support
• poss stolen goods
• fail to app
Benjamin Green, - Burke County, NC
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Green, Leon-J Robert
Arrest Age 55
Arrested Oct 29, 1998
• probation violation
• driving during revocation
• fail report sex offender non-comply
• fail to appear
• fail to appear
• rape statutory (
• probation violation
• fail to appear
• damage to personal property
• probation violation
• assault inflicting serious injury or with deadly weapon
• probation violation
• fail to appear/ failure to com
• driving during revocation
• rape-1st degree
• dri
• fail to appear/ failure to com
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• trafficking drugs
Robert Green, - Burke County, NC
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Green, Ernest Timothy
Bond: $1000
Arrested Jun 17, 2021
• assault on a female
• assault on a female
• assault on a female
Timothy Green, - Burke County, NC
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Greene, William James
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Mar 13, 2018
• assault on a female
• assault on a female
James Greene, - Burke County, NC
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Greene, William James
Bond: $480
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Apr 19, 2016
• assault on a female
James Greene, - Burke County, NC
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Greene, David Jeremy
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 28
Arrested May 17, 2017
• possessing stolen goods
• b&e co
• obtain property by false pretense
• possess schedule iii
• obtain property by false pretense
• possession of drug paraphernalia
• fail to appear
• driving while under the influence
• fail to appear on felony
• obtain property by false pretense
• possess schedule iv
• obtain property by false pretense
• assault on a female
• assault on a female
• assault on a female
• b&e coin or currency operated machine
• obtain property by false pretense
Jeremy Greene, - Burke County, NC
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Greene, Casey Joshua
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 47
Arrested May 24, 2000
• possessing stolen goods
• writing of habeas corpus
• writing of habeas corpus
• trespass-second degree
• writing of habeas corpus
• writing of habeas corpus
• writing of habeas corpus
• b&e felony/ non-forced
• habitual felon
• as
• b&e felony/ forced
• assault on a female
• larceny-firearm
• fail to appear/ failure to com
• larceny after b & e
• murder
• b&e felony/ forced
• resisting arrest/hinder & dela
• b&e felony/ forced
• driving while under the influence
Joshua Greene, - Burke County, NC
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Greene, Billy Roland
Arrest Age 41
Arrested May 18, 1999
• stalking
• assault on a female
• tre
• driving during revocation
• open container after consuming
• probation violation
• violation of court order
• assault by strangulation
• larceny all other
• b&e-auto/ larceny from auto
• probation violation
• driving while under the influence
• assault on a female
• probation violation
• assault on a female
• domestic violence violation
• assault on a female
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• probation violation
• communicate threats
Roland Greene, - Burke County, NC.
Greene, Wilson Tyler
Arrest Age 43
Arrested May 21, 2004
• b&e auto/ larceny auto accessories
• driving during revocation
• driving during revocation
• probation violation
• b&e-auto/ larceny from auto
• b&e-auto/ larceny from auto
• reckless driving to endanger
• fail to appear
• assault-point gun
• driving during revocation
• driving during revocation
• b&e auto/ larceny auto accessories
• b&e-auto/ larceny from auto
• b&e-auto/ larceny from auto
• driving
• speeding to elude arrest misd
• weap-poss by felon
• b&e-auto/ larceny from auto
Tyler Greene, - Burke County, NC
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Greenlee, Deshawn Lyron
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Aug 18, 2017
• parole violation
• fail to appear
• trespass-second degree
• fail to appear
• fail to appear on felony
• resist, delay or obstruct public officer
• poss cont subst w/intent manuf sched ii
• resisting arrest/hinder & delay
• probation violation
• non payment of support or child support
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• probation violation
• assault inflicting serious injury or with deadly weapon
• fail to appear
• larceny from person
• poss cont subst w/intent manuf sched ii
Lyron Greenlee, - Burke County, NC
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Greenlee, Deshawn Lyron
Arrest Age 25
Arrested May 09, 2011
• fail to appear
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• possess schedule vi
• assault on a female
• larceny after b e
• larceny after b e
• b&e felony/ forced
• probation violation
• probation violation
• larceny of property; receiving or possessing stolen goods
• possess schedule ii
• b&e felony/ non-forced
• probation violation
• larceny from a
• failure to pay monies
• probation violation
• possess schedule ii
• poss w/int man/sell/deliver sched ii
• manuf control subst sched vi
Lyron Greenlee, - Burke County, NC
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Greenlee, Jerome Norman
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Jul 10, 2016
• fail to appear
• assault on a female
• probation violation
Norman Greenlee, - Burke County, NC
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Greer, Bryon Rodney
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 25
Arrested May 17, 2018
• poss drug paraphernalia - marijuana
• damage to personal property
• driving while under the influence
• domestic violence violation of protect order
• assault on a female
• driving while under the influence
• hit & run-felony
Rodney Greer, - Burke County, NC
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Greer, Bryon Rodney
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Jan 10, 2005
• probation violation
• writing of habeas corpus
• trespass-first degree
• writing of habeas corpus
• probation violation
• communicate threats
• assault inflicting serious injury or with deadly weapon
• writing of habeas corpus
• weap-poss by felon
• simple assault
• false reports to police
• probation violation
• ccw
• resisting arrest/hinder & delay
• writing of habeas corpus
Rodney Greer, - Burke County, NC
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Greer, Wayne Timothy
Bond: $480
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Oct 30, 2017
• assault on a female
• kidnapping
• possess schedule ii
Timothy Greer, - Burke County, NC
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Grethen, Warren Eugene
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 47
Arrested Sep 04, 2015
• assault on a female
Eugene Grethen, - Burke County, NC.
Griffin, Todd Jonathan
Arrest Age 17
Arrested Jan 31, 2021
• assault on governmental officer or employee
• assault on governmental officer or employee
Jonathan Griffin, - Burke County, NC
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Griffin, Todd Jonathan
Bond: $480
Arrest Age 24
Arrested May 17, 2018
• driving while under the influence
• poss drug paraphernalia - marijuana
• assault on a female
• damage to personal property
Jonathan Griffin, - Burke County, NC
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Grindstaff, Elaine Kasey
Bond: $3500
Arrest Age 56
Arrested Apr 08, 2019
• assault on governmental officer or employee
Kasey Grindstaff, - Burke County, NC
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Grogan, Ray Dustin
Bond: $480
Arrest Age 46
Arrested Nov 22, 2017
• assault on a female
Dustin Grogan, - Burke County, NC
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Gross, Lee David
Bond: $480
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Feb 24, 2016
• assault on a female
David Gross, - Burke County, NC
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Guar, Teddy Trokon
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Oct 06, 2011
• b&e misd/ non-forced
• larceny all other
• probation violation
• assault inflicting serious injury or with deadly weapon
• probation violation
• probation violation
• probation violation
• possess schedule ii
• possess schedule ii
• fail to appear
• possess schedule ii
• assault on a female
Trokon Guar, - Burke County, NC
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