ᐅ North Carolina Assault and Battery (NC)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Burke County, North Carolina


Last names: #Laboda   #Lackey   #Lacour   #Lail   #Lambert   #Landsdale   #Lane   #Langley   #Largent   #Larkin   #Laughter  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Laboda, Michael John
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Jan 20, 2016
• assault on a female
John Laboda, - Burke County, NC
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Lackey, Lee Christopher
Bond: $480
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Apr 09, 2018
• assault on a female
Christopher Lackey, - Burke County, NC
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Lackey, Monroe Keener
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Aug 10, 2015
• fail to appear
• fail to appear
• driving during revocation
• larceny by employees
• assault-point gun
Keener Lackey, - Burke County, NC
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Lackey, Lee-J Ricky
Bond: $480
Arrest Age 49
Arrested Oct 29, 2015
• assault on a female
• assault on a female
• larceny all other
• damage to personal property
Ricky Lackey, - Burke County, NC.
Lackey, Lee Ricki
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 43
Arrested Aug 27, 1999
• assault inflicting serious injury or with deadly weapon
• simple assault / assault & battery
• communicate threats
• assault on a female
Ricki Lackey, - Burke County, NC
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Lackey, Lee Ricky
Bond: $480
Arrested Apr 28, 2022
• assault on a female
Ricky Lackey, - Burke County, NC
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Lackey, Lee Ricky
Bond: $480
Arrest Age 41
Arrested Feb 14, 2017
• damage to personal property
• assault on a female
Ricky Lackey, - Burke County, NC.
Lacour, Joseph Christopher
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Apr 09, 2021
• trespass-second degree
• identity theft
• assault on a female
• breaking entering building that is a place of worship
Christopher Lacour, - Burke County, NC
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Lail, Nashay Amanda
Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Jan 27, 2016
• communicate threats
• possess schedule ii
• probation violation
• possess schedule ii
• possess schedule ii
• probation violation
• altering, destroying or stealing evidence of criminal conduc
• probation violation
• probation violation
• assault on governmental officer or employee
• probation violation
Amanda Lail, - Burke County, NC
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Lail, Renee Angela
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Apr 20, 2020
• weap-poss by felon
• probation violation
• probation violation
• simple assault / assault & battery
Angela Lail, - Burke County, NC
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Lail, Renee Angela
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Aug 30, 2017
• simple assault / assault & battery
• fail to appear
• possess schedule iii
• probation violation
• probation violation
• fail to appear
• possess schedule iv
• fail to appear
• defrauding innkeeper or campground owner
• fail to appear
• contrib delinq minor and neglect
• probation violation
• controlled substance sch ii, iii, iv
• probation violation
• fail to appear
Angela Lail, - Burke County, NC
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Lail, Ray Glenn
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Jun 14, 2017
• assault on a female
Glenn Lail, - Burke County, NC
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Lail, Dean Matthew
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Mar 22, 2017
• assault on a female
Matthew Lail, - Burke County, NC
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Lail, Dean Matthew
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Feb 04, 2016
• possess schedule ii
• assault on a female
• mv theft-automobile
• possessing stolen goods
• fail to appear
• fail to appear
• fail to appear
• possess schedule ii
• fail to appear
Matthew Lail, - Burke County, NC
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Lail, Tyler Michael
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Jun 07, 2016
• probation violation
• assault inflicting serious injury or with deadly weapon
Michael Lail, - Burke County, NC
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Lambert, Ann Bethany
Bond: $1000
Arrested Dec 06, 2021
• assault on handicapped person-aggravated
Bethany Lambert, - Burke County, NC
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Lambert, Ray Joshua Arrested Oct 21, 2021
• domestic violence violation of protect order
• assault on a female
Joshua Lambert, - Burke County, NC
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Lambert, Ray Joshua
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Aug 02, 2000
• probation violation
• fail to appear/ failure to com
• fail to appear/ failure to com
• writing of habeas corpus
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• larceny all other
• probation violation
• larceny all other
• writing of habe
• communicate threats
• larceny all other
• obtain property by false prete
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• true bill of indictment
• assault on governmental officer or employee
• communicate threats
• poss stolen goods
• resisting arrest/hinder & delay
Joshua Lambert, - Burke County, NC
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Lambert, Ray Joshua
Bond: $486
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Jul 30, 2013
• resisting arrest/hinder & delay
• b&e felony/ forced
• no operators license
• non payment of support or child support
• non payment of support or child support
• communicate threats
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• assault on a female
• st
• non payment of support or child support
• fail to appear
• damage/injury to real property
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• fail to appear
• possessing stolen goods
• fail to appear
• simple assault / assault & battery
Joshua Lambert, - Burke County, NC
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Lambert, Charles Michael
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Oct 11, 2015
• assault inflicting serious injury or with deadly weapon
• probation violation
• resist, delay or obstruct
Michael Lambert, - Burke County, NC
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Landsdale, Aden Johnathan
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Mar 02, 2016
• assault on a female
Johnathan Landsdale, - Burke County, NC
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Lane, Anthony Charles
Arrest Age 42
Arrested Feb 14, 2017
• assault on a female
• violation of court order
• damage to personal property
Charles Lane, - Burke County, NC
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Lane, Fantasia Cara
Arrest Age 48
Arrested Jan 15, 2017
• drunk -intoxicated and disruptive
• b&e misd/ non-forced
• drunk -intoxicated and disruptive
• drunk -intoxicated and disruptive
• simple assault / assault & battery
• fail to appear
• fail to appear
Cara Lane, - Burke County, NC
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Lane, Todd Jeffrey
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Jul 16, 2007
• failure to pay monies
• trespass-second degree
• trespass-second degree
• trespass-second degree
• b&e coin or currency operated machine
• trespass-second degree
• b&e coin or currency operated machine
• b&e coin or currency operated machine
• probation violation
• b&e coin or currency operated machine
• trespass-second degree
• possess marijuana up to 1/2 oz
• assault on a female
• possessing stolen goods
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• assault on a female
• probation violation
Jeffrey Lane, - Burke County, NC
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Lane, Ann Mary
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Sep 21, 2017
• assault inflicting serious injury or with deadly weapon
Mary Lane, - Burke County, NC
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Lane, Carl Ronald
Bond: $480
Arrest Age 58
Arrested Jun 22, 2016
• assault on a female
Ronald Lane, - Burke County, NC
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Langley, Lynn Tony
Arrest Age 47
Arrested Jan 12, 2005
• fail to appear
• b&e misd/ non-forced
• poss cont subst w/intent manuf sched ii
• poss w/int man/sell/deliver sched ii
• b&e misd/ non-forced
• simple assault
• fail to appear
• fail to appear
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• poss w/int sell or deliver
• poss w/int man/sell/deliver sched ii
• parole violation
• traffiking cocaine
• poss w/int man/sell/deliver sched ii
• drug/narcoti
• resisting arrest/hinder & delay
• drug/narcotic violatoins
Tony Langley, - Burke County, NC
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Largent, Douglas Phifer
Bond: $250
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Apr 03, 2010
• assault on a female
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
• fail to appear/ failure to comply
Phifer Largent, - Burke County, NC
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Larkin, Danielle Arrested Jul 17, 2021
• direct criminal contempt
• assault inflicting serious injury or with deadly weapon
Danielle Larkin, - Burke County, NC
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Laughter, Brandon James
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 18
Arrested Oct 20, 2017
• failure to pay monies
• driving while under the influence
• damage to personal property
• no operators license
• damage/injury to real property
• driving during revocation
• damage/injury to real property
• resisting arrest/hinder & delay
• simple assault / assault & battery
James Laughter, - Burke County, NC.
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