ᐅ North Carolina Assault and Battery (NC)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Buncombe County, North Carolina


Last names: #Nelson   #Neris   #Nesbitt   #Nesby   #Nesmith   #Nesterenko   #Netherton   #Neville   #Newell  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Nelson, Christopher
Bond: $55
Arrested Nov 28, 2021
• assault by strangulation
• non payment of support or child support
• child abuse nonassaultive (m)
• simple possess sch vi cs (m)
Christopher Nelson, - Buncombe County, NC
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Nelson, Deshaun Christopher
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Nov 07, 2019
• assault with a deadly weapon
• larceny of motor vehicle (f)
• resisting public officer
• assault with a deadly weapon
Christopher Nelson, - Buncombe County, NC
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Nelson, Deshawn Christopher
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Jun 15, 2016
• trespass-2nd degree
• assault on female
Christopher Nelson, - Buncombe County, NC.
Nelson, Gary
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Oct 15, 2012
• simple assault
Gary Nelson, - Buncombe County, NC
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Nelson, Allen Jimmy
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Oct 27, 2019
• simple assault
Jimmy Nelson, - Buncombe County, NC
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Nelson, Elizabeth Katherine
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Jun 22, 2016
• reckless driving to endanger
• simple assault
• assault govt official/emply
• driving while impaired
• simple assault
• simple assault
• simple assault
Katherine Nelson, - Buncombe County, NC
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Nelson, Elizabeth Katherine
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 41
Arrested Jul 09, 2016
• assault govt official/emply
• 24 hour hold
• probation viol-misdemeanor
Katherine Nelson, - Buncombe County, NC
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Neris, Marie Angelica
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Dec 13, 2015
• intoxicated and disruptive
• simple assault
Angelica Neris, - Buncombe County, NC.
Nesbitt, Charles
Bond: $3000
Arrested Apr 01, 2022
• assault on a female
• interfere emerg communication
Charles Nesbitt, - Buncombe County, NC
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Nesbitt, Rashad James
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Jul 03, 2014
• assault govt official/emply
• att obtain property false pretense
• poss/manufacture fraudulent id
• uttering forged instrument
• uttering forged instrument
• forgery of instrument
• poss/manufacture fraudulent id
• forgery-free text
• poss/manufacture fraudulent id
James Nesbitt, - Buncombe County, NC
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Nesbitt, Rashanda James
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Dec 27, 2019
• assault inflict serious inj(m)
James Nesbitt, - Buncombe County, NC
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Nesbitt, Jevia Arrested Dec 09, 2021
• assault and battery
Jevia Nesbitt, - Buncombe County, NC
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Nesbitt, Tinisha-Johnene Marissa
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Oct 25, 2017
• forgery of instrument
• forgery of instrument
• #16
• pretrial release violation
• uttering forged instrument
• forgery of instrument
• larceny of chose in action
• forgery of instrument
• pretrial release violation
• forgery of instrument
• uttering forged instrument
• pretrial release violation
• larceny of chose in action
• simple assault
• uttering forged instrument
• pretrial release violation
Marissa Nesbitt, - Buncombe County, NC
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Nesby, Solomon
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Jul 09, 2012
• assault on female
Solomon Nesby, - Buncombe County, NC
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Nesby, Derick Solomon
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Jan 30, 2016
• assault on female
Solomon Nesby, - Buncombe County, NC
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Nesby, Derick Solomon
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Oct 29, 2016
• driving while impaired
• open cont after cons alc 1st
• reckless driving to endanger
• assault govt official/emply
• resisting public officers
Solomon Nesby, - Buncombe County, NC.
Nesmith, Frank
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Jun 29, 2012
• assault with a deadly weapon
Frank Nesmith, - Buncombe County, NC
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Nesterenko, Dimitriye Vladislav
Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Mar 14, 2020
• trespass in the 2nd degree
• disorderly conduct
• assault govt official/emply
• resisting public officer
• possess marij paraphernalia
• open cnt mbv/unfwn property cy/cty
Vladislav Nesterenko, - Buncombe County, NC
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Nesterenko, Dimitriye Vladislav
Arrest Age 20
Arrested May 31, 2020
• assault on a female
• injury to personal property
Vladislav Nesterenko, - Buncombe County, NC
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Netherton, Wade Charlie
Arrest Age 54
Arrested May 12, 2014
• assault on female
• communicating threats
Charlie Netherton, - Buncombe County, NC
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Netherton, Wade Charlie
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 43
Arrested Apr 28, 2014
• assault on female
Charlie Netherton, - Buncombe County, NC.
Netherton, Wade Charlie
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 30
Arrested May 08, 2016
• resisting public officers
• assault govt official/emply
Charlie Netherton, - Buncombe County, NC
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Netherton, Wade Charlie
Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Feb 02, 2015
• possession-stolen goods/property(f)
• larceny after break/entering
• dwlr impaired rev
• driving while impaired bond: $
• dwlr impaired rev
• drive while license revoked not impaired rev based
• drive while license revoked not impaired rev based
• fail to secure passen under 16
• breaking and or entering felony
• assault on female
• simple possession sch iv cs (m)
• drive while license revoked not impaired rev based
Charlie Netherton, - Buncombe County, NC
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Netherton, Wade Charlie
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Oct 13, 2015
• trespass-2nd degree
• resisting public officers
• assault govt official/emply
• intoxicated and disruptive
Charlie Netherton, - Buncombe County, NC
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Neville, Franklin Benjamin
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 45
Arrested Apr 28, 2020
• pretrial release violation [15a-534(f)]
• assault on a female
• pretrial release violation [15a-534(f)]
Benjamin Neville, - Buncombe County, NC
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Neville, Benjamin Arrested Aug 12, 2021
• simple assault
Benjamin Neville, - Buncombe County, NC
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Neville, Franklin Benjamin
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Feb 10, 2016
• open container alcohol violation
• fel prob viol out of county
• fel prob viol out of county
• assault on female
• writ
Benjamin Neville, - Buncombe County, NC
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Neville, Franklin Benjamin
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Jul 23, 2015
• assault on female
Benjamin Neville, - Buncombe County, NC.
Neville, Douglas Kevin
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Oct 04, 2016
• simple assault
Kevin Neville, - Buncombe County, NC
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Newell, Andrew Micheal
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Jul 24, 2015
• assault with a deadly weapon
• child abuse-misdemeanor
• child abuse-misdemeanor
• dv protective order viol (m)
• child abuse-misdemeanor
Micheal Newell, - Buncombe County, NC.
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