As you may have found out it is not easy to get a job with a criminal record. Even if your charges were dropped or dismissed the arrest still many times will show up. To have the best shot at that new job you need to get that criminal arrest off your record. There … Read more


Florida has some of the nation’s toughest laws for driving under the influence (DUI), even for first time offenders. Most of our clients are good people who have made a bad choice to drive home after having a few drinks. The potential consequences of a conviction for a first time offense include high fines, license … Read more


If you’ve been arrested on a DUI or DWI charge, get a defense lawyer within ten days. If you wait longer than that to get legal advice, you will lose the chance to appeal the suspension of your driver’s license. You can still fight the criminal DUI charge, but you will no longer be able … Read more


It happens all the time in Florida. A college student or an out-of-state college or high school student on spring break uses a fake ID to get into a nightclub in Florida or purchase alcohol from a liquor store. They do not take into account that there is an undercover cop who is focused on … Read more


Nothing can ruin a vacation to Florida faster than being arrested for a crime while on vacation. Besides having to spend time on your vacation dealing with the police and making bail, you now have to worry about taking additional time off to return to Florida to attend a criminal hearing – not to mention … Read more


In Florida if you get too many points in a given period of time you could lose your privilege to drive and if you get stopped driving with the suspension you may be arrested. Do not let it get that far. If you get a ticket for driving while license suspended and you pay it, … Read more


Illegal possession of just one prescription pill is enough to get you arrested. The State of Florida prosecutes drug cases, no matter how small they appear, to the fullest extent of the law. We are extremely familiar with this policy, because our attorneys passionately work for people like you. We represent good people who have … Read more


If you have been arrested on a marijuana charge, including distribution, trafficking or possession, it is important for you to seek the guidance of an experienced criminal defense lawyer to fight for your rights. The quality of your defense can affect not only the outcome of your case but also the outcome of your future. … Read more


If you are arrested – or are under investigation – you can be sure that the police and the prosecutor’s office will use all their powers to get a conviction. With all the power of the police and the prosecutor lined up against you, you deserve to have a dedicated advocate on your side to … Read more