ᐅ Texas Assault and Battery (TX)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Randall County, Texas


Last names: #Aaron   #Abbott   #Abdalrahman   #Abdulhadi   #Abdullayev   #Abdur-Razzaaq   #Abegg   #Abernathy   #Abram   #Abrego-Vargas   #Aburto   #Aceto   #Aceves   #Acklin   #Acord   #Acosta  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Aaron, Wade Justin
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Nov 10, 2021
• assault family/household member prev conv
Justin Aaron, - Randall County, TX
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Aaron, Wade Justin
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Sep 24, 2013
• mtp/ctii: abandon endanger child criminal negligence notes: released to other agency
• mtp/cti: aggravated assault with a deadly weapon notes: other - see comments
• mtp/ctiv: abandon endanger child criminal negligence notes: released to other agency
• cpf/public intoxication notes: completed sentence
• mtp/ctiii: abandon endanger child criminal negligence notes: released to other agency
Justin Aaron, - Randall County, TX
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Abbott, Worley John
Bond: $50000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Dec 29, 2010
• failure to appear notes: surety bond
• ran stop sign notes: surety bond
• expired drivers license notes: surety bond
• failure to appear notes: surety bond
• fail to maintain financial responsibility support notes: surety bond
• failure to maintain proof of financial responsibility notes: surety bond
• red
• exp tags notes: surety bond
• no drivers license notes: surety bond
• driving while license invalid notes: surety bond
• ct-ii agg assault w/deadly weapon domestic violence
John Abbott, - Randall County, TX
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Abbott, John
Bond: $20000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jan 25, 2007
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
• bs/assault causing bodily injury fv, enhanced
• bs/dwi 3rd offense
John Abbott, - Randall County, TX
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Abdalrahman, Mekki Abdalrahman
Bond: $5000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Nov 03, 2016
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Abdalrahman Abdalrahman, - Randall County, TX
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Abdulhadi, Adel Hiba
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Oct 18, 2016
• assault class c
Hiba Abdulhadi, - Randall County, TX
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Abdullayev, Nichole Dominique
Palisades, Randall, TX
Arrested Jun 10, 2021
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Dominique Abdullayev, - Randall County, TX
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Abdur-Razzaaq, Moore Tamarcus
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Feb 16, 2013
• simple assault-fv
Tamarcus Abdur-Razzaaq, - Randall County, TX
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Abdur-Razzaaq, Moore Tamarcus
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Nov 05, 2012
• cpf/poss cs notes: completed sentence
• assault by contact-family member notes: completed sentence
Tamarcus Abdur-Razzaaq, - Randall County, TX
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Abegg, Charles William
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Aug 05, 2017
• assault class c
William Abegg, - Randall County, TX
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Abernathy, Walker Tommy
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Oct 14, 2018
• assault by threat fv
Tommy Abernathy, - Randall County, TX
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Abernathy, Gillman Travis
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Dec 20, 2013
• assault by contact-family member notes: release for payment arrangments
Travis Abernathy, - Randall County, TX
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Abernathy, Leigh Whitni
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested May 28, 2021
• assault by threat
Whitni Abernathy, - Randall County, TX
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Abernathy, Robert William
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested May 13, 2019
• public intoxication
• assault by contact
William Abernathy, - Randall County, TX
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Abram, Earl James
Bond: $25000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Aug 14, 2010
• agg assault causes serious bodily inj
James Abram, - Randall County, TX
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Abrego-Vargas, Horacio Silvino
Bond: $50000
Canyon, Randall, TX
Arrested Nov 18, 2011
• mtp/indecency with a child
• mtp/ct.ii/indecency with a child notes: transferred to tdc
• mtp/aggravated sexual assault of a child
• mtp/ct.ii/indecency with a child notes: transferred to tdc
• mtp/ct.i/indecency with a child
• mtp/ct.iii/indecency with a child notes: transferred to tdc
• mtp/aggravated sexual assault of a child bond:
• mtp/ct.i/indecency with a child
Silvino Abrego-Vargas, - Randall County, TX
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Aburto, Irving Julio
Bond: $500
Guymon, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 20, 2014
• assualt by contact
Julio Aburto, - Randall County, TX
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Aburto, Julio
Bond: $20000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jan 05, 2010
• felony assault
Julio Aburto, - Randall County, TX
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Aburto, Irvin Julio
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 29, 2008
• mtr/agg assault w/deadly weapon notes: completed sentence
Julio Aburto, - Randall County, TX
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Aceto, Juanita Tommie
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Dec 09, 2009
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury notes: surety bond
Tommie Aceto, - Randall County, TX
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Aceves, Gonzalez Alberto
Bond: $75000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Aug 08, 2014
• ct iii: unl poss firearm by felon notes: sentence
• agg assault causes serious bodily inj notes: charge modified
• ct ii: poss cs pg 1 >= 4g notes: sentence
• poss cs pg 1 >= 4g
• ct i: agg assault w/deadly weapon
Alberto Aceves, - Randall County, TX
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Aceves, Gonzalez Alberto
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Aug 25, 2017
• fail to maintain financial responsibility support
• dl-expired driver's license
• turned right too wide
• assault family/household member w/prev conv
Alberto Aceves, - Randall County, TX
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Aceves, Jacob Kelee
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jun 24, 2014
• assault by threat
• poss of drug para notes: refused
• driving while license invalid notes: release for payment arrangments
Kelee Aceves, - Randall County, TX
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Aceves, Gonzalez Keli
Bond: $500
Jefferson, Randall, TX
Arrested Aug 08, 2014
• assault class c- by threat
Keli Aceves, - Randall County, TX
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Aceves, Gonzalez Keli
Bond: $100000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jul 12, 2004
• agg assault w/deadly weapon enhanced
• unlawful possession of firearm by felon
• agg assault causes serious bodily inj
Keli Aceves, - Randall County, TX
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Acklin, Krystal
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Nov 30, 2007
• assault causes bodily injury notes: surety bond
Krystal Acklin, - Randall County, TX
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Acord, Lee James
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Oct 12, 2004
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury notes: charges dropped
James Acord, - Randall County, TX
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Acosta, Alexander Angelo
Plainview, Randall, TX
Arrested Dec 07, 2019
• mtp/ viol bond/protective order assault/stalk iat
Angelo Acosta, - Randall County, TX
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Acosta, Cherub
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 28, 2021
• assault public servant
Cherub Acosta, - Randall County, TX
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Acosta, Swan-Athena Cherub
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 24, 2021
• potter co/ assault domestic violence
Cherub Acosta, - Randall County, TX
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