ᐅ Texas Assault and Battery (TX)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Randall County, Texas


Last names: #Carbajal   #Carbajal-Garcia   #Cardenas   #Cardenas-Aguirre   #Cardenas-Salas   #Cardona   #Cardoza   #Carey   #Cargile   #Carisales-Rodriguez   #Carleton   #Carlson   #Carlton   #Carmona   #Carnero   #Carnes   #Carothers   #Carpenter   #Carr  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Carbajal, R Javier
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested May 12, 2004
• assault causes bodily injury notes: surety bond
Javier Carbajal, - Randall County, TX
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Carbajal-Garcia, Ivan Javier
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Dec 26, 2015
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon notes: transfered to another jurisdiction
Javier Carbajal-Garcia, - Randall County, TX
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Cardenas, Joseph Christopher
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 24, 2011
• assault c by threat-dv notes: completed sentence
Christopher Cardenas, - Randall County, TX
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Cardenas, Hiram Jose
Bond: $500
Choctaw, Randall, TX
Arrested Feb 05, 2018
• assault by contact
Jose Cardenas, - Randall County, TX
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Cardenas, Anthony Mark
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested May 28, 2018
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Mark Cardenas, - Randall County, TX
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Cardenas, Anthony Mark
Bond: $10000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 15, 2016
• speeding 4030 notes: completed sentence
• cpf/no dl notes: completed sentence
• cpf/oper of veh w/exp lp notes: completed sentence
• assault family/household member w/prev conv
• cpf/no val insp cert notes: completed sentence
• cpf/fail to main fin resp notes: completed sentence
• cpf/no dl notes: completed sentence
Mark Cardenas, - Randall County, TX
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Cardenas-Aguirre, Abraham
Bond: $5000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jan 04, 2019
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Abraham Cardenas-Aguirre, - Randall County, TX
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Cardenas-Salas, Altinor
Bond: $10000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jul 07, 2010
• cpf/fail to identify to a police officer notes: completed sentence
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Altinor Cardenas-Salas, - Randall County, TX
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Cardona, Miguel Christopher
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 03, 2020
• assault by contact
Christopher Cardona, - Randall County, TX
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Cardona, Ruben
Bond: $5000
Canyon, Randall, TX
Arrested Feb 04, 2006
• agg assault w/deadly weapon/family violence
Ruben Cardona, - Randall County, TX
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Cardoza, King Robert
Bond: $5000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Dec 23, 2013
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Robert Cardoza, - Randall County, TX
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Carey, Mae Jessica
Canyon, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 13, 2022
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• interfer w/emergency req for assistance
Jessica Carey, - Randall County, TX
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Carey, Deon Keisha
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Sep 12, 2016
• assault class c
Keisha Carey, - Randall County, TX
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Cargile, Darryl Jon
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Oct 24, 2011
• driving while license invalid notes: other - see comments
• fail to maintain financial responsibility support notes: other - see comments
• assault class c f/m notes: other - see comments
• failed to signal start notes: other - see comments
Jon Cargile, - Randall County, TX
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Carisales-Rodriguez, Santos
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested May 16, 2013
• assault by contact-family member notes: release for payment arrangments
Santos Carisales-Rodriguez, - Randall County, TX
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Carleton, Ray Cameron
Bond: $15000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Aug 25, 2015
• assault family/household member w/prev conv
• interfer w/emergency req for assistance
Cameron Carleton, - Randall County, TX
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Carleton, Clark Roger
Bond: $2500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 06, 2013
• no seatbelt notes: completed sentence
• potter/burglary of vehicle
• ct-i agg assault w/deadly weapon notes: sentence
• ct-ii unl poss firearm by felon notes: sentence
• bs/evading arrest/detention notes: transfered to another jurisdiction
• ct-iii tamper/fabricate phys evid notes: sentence
• fail to signal intent of turn notes: completed sentence
Roger Carleton, - Randall County, TX
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Carlson, Leigh Lynetta
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested May 04, 2012
• profane/abusive language notes: other - see comments
• assault by contact-dv notes: other - see comments
Lynetta Carlson, - Randall County, TX
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Carlton, Oscar Franklin
Bond: $10000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 26, 2014
• ctii:tamper/fabricate phys evid w/intent to impair notes: surety bond
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
• cti:theft property >= $1,500
Franklin Carlton, - Randall County, TX
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Carmona, Jaime Agustin
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 26, 2019
• weekender***agg assault causes serious bodily inj notes: weekender
Agustin Carmona, - Randall County, TX
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Carmona, Jaime Agustin
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Sep 28, 2018
• ***potter/sentenced notes: sentence
• ice hold/a094573288
• ctii: agg assault w/deadly weapon, enhanced
• cti: sexual assault, enhanced
Agustin Carmona, - Randall County, TX
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Carnero, Anchondo Socorro
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jun 02, 2019
• assault by threat-domestic
Socorro Carnero, - Randall County, TX
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Carnes, Tanner J
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jan 21, 2020
• ***sentenced***gray co hold/probation revocation/burglary of habitation
• ***sentenced***agg sexual assault child
J Carnes, - Randall County, TX
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Carnes, Tanner J
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 27, 2020
• assault by contact
J Carnes, - Randall County, TX
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Carothers, Tanner Jason
Bond: $1500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jun 28, 2019
• terroristic threat against peace officer/judge
• assault ems personnel prov serv
• driving while intoxicated
Jason Carothers, - Randall County, TX
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Carpenter, Weldon Carl
Bond: $1500
Dalhart, Randall, TX
Arrested Jul 04, 2017
• resisting arrest search or transport
• assault public servant
• harassment of public servant
• assault by contact
• harassment of public servant
Carl Carpenter, - Randall County, TX
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Carr, Lee Donald
Bond: $15000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Aug 03, 2013
• probation violation - driving while intoxicated notes: completed sentence
• assault family member in house by impeding someones breathing or circulation
• theft of property equal to$20 or less than $500 by check
Donald Carr, - Randall County, TX
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Carr, Charles Herbert
Canyon, Randall, TX
Arrested Sep 30, 2018
• assault family member in house by impeding someones breathing or circulation
• driving while intoxicated 3rd or more
Herbert Carr, - Randall County, TX.
Carr, Cardiel Irma
Bond: $5000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 24, 2013
• violate continuing to appear-juvenile notes: completed sentence
• violate continuing to appear-juvenile notes: completed sentence
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Irma Carr, - Randall County, TX
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Carr, Clinton John
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Dec 16, 2011
• assault causes bodily injury to family member notes: method of release
John Carr, - Randall County, TX
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