ᐅ Texas Assault and Battery (TX)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Smith County, Texas


Last names: #Evans   #Evans-Noble   #Everding   #Everett   #Everhardt   #Everhart   #Everheart   #Everitt   #Evett   #Ewald  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Evans, Joseph Robert
Bond: $200000
Arrest Age 22
Irving, Smith, TX
Arrested Oct 26, 2007
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Robert Evans, - Smith County, TX
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Evans, Roger-Lee
Arrest Age 20
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Apr 04, 2019
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Roger-Lee Evans, - Smith County, TX
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Evans, Edward Ronald
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 39
Winona, Smith, TX
Arrested May 09, 2000
• assault causes bodily injury
Ronald Evans, - Smith County, TX
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Evans, Nakaye Samarra
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 23
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 19, 2000
• theft >= $20
• assault causes bodily injury
• assault causes bodily injury
Samarra Evans, - Smith County, TX
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Evans, Scott
Bond: $235
Arrest Age 53
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Dec 08, 2015
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
Scott Evans, - Smith County, TX
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Evans, Shavonta
Arrest Age 22
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jul 15, 2011
• assault causes bodily inj family violence enh r/p
Shavonta Evans, - Smith County, TX
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Evans, Darnell Stephen
Bond: $417
Arrest Age 25
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 08, 2021
• failure to attend school
• failure to appear
• failure to attend school
• theft
• fail to maintain financial responsibility support
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
Stephen Evans, - Smith County, TX.
Evans, D Stephen
Bond: $530
Arrest Age 45
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Oct 12, 2000
• assault class c
Stephen Evans, - Smith County, TX
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Evans, Jo Tammy
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 30
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Feb 05, 2006
• assault causes bodily injury include spouse
Tammy Evans, - Smith County, TX
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Evans, Jo Tammy
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 23
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Dec 07, 2005
• assault causes bodily injury include spouse
Tammy Evans, - Smith County, TX
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Evans, Chad Theodore
Bond: $328
Arrest Age 44
Winona, Smith, TX
Arrested Feb 25, 2001
• assault f/v class c
Theodore Evans, - Smith County, TX
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Evans, James Timothy
Arrest Age 35
Greenville, Smith, TX
Arrested Jul 30, 2013
• parole violation
• assault family member in house by impeding someones breathing or circulation
Timothy Evans, - Smith County, TX
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Evans, Denard William
Bond: $795
Arrest Age 19
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 25, 2000
• failure to maintain financial responsibility support
• theft class c
• no driver's license when unlicensed
• fail to control speed
• disorderly conduct (nonspecific)
• assault (physical contact)
William Evans, - Smith County, TX
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Evans-Noble, Dequeen Lajae
Arrest Age 41
Arrested Jul 12, 2010
• assault (threat)
Lajae Evans-Noble, - Smith County, TX
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Everding, James Benjamin
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 45
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jul 10, 2000
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
Benjamin Everding, - Smith County, TX
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Everding, James Benjamin
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 42
Flint, Smith, TX
Arrested Sep 04, 2000
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
Benjamin Everding, - Smith County, TX
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Everding, James Benjamin
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 50
Arp, Smith, TX
Arrested Nov 14, 2015
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
Benjamin Everding, - Smith County, TX
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Everett, Christian
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 23
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Sep 19, 2000
• assault public servant indictment
Christian Everett, - Smith County, TX
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Everett, James Patrick
Arrest Age 39
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Mar 11, 2018
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Patrick Everett, - Smith County, TX
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Everett, Eric Shawn
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 30
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Mar 05, 2005
• driving while lic suspended/sr
• sexual assault child/prob viol
Shawn Everett, - Smith County, TX
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Everhardt, Lloyd James
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 21
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Sep 02, 2004
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• interfer w/emergency call
James Everhardt, - Smith County, TX
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Everhardt, Lloyd James
Arrest Age 34
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Dec 29, 2017
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
James Everhardt, - Smith County, TX
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Everhart, Dariel Artra
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 34
Lancaster, Smith, TX
Arrested May 09, 2010
• disorderly conduct (nonspecific)
• ran redlight
• speeding (exceed prima facie limit)
• fail to maintian financial responsibility
• assault public servant
• evading arrest detention
• fail to maintian financial responsibility
• stop sign violation
• speeding (exceed prima facie limit)
• fail to maintian financial responsibility bon
• fail to yield right of way
• criminal trespassing
• public intoxication
Artra Everhart, - Smith County, TX
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Everhart, Douglas Carlos
Bond: $236
Arrest Age 48
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Nov 17, 2003
• no driver's license when unlicensed
• failure to appear
• speeding 1-15 over
• assault causes bodily inj/rev.prob
Carlos Everhart, - Smith County, TX
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Everhart, Christi Lasaundra
Arrest Age 25
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jun 18, 2013
• theft property >= $20
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
Lasaundra Everhart, - Smith County, TX
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Everheart, Johnnie
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 47
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Dec 08, 2015
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
• driving while intoxicated 3rd or more
Johnnie Everheart, - Smith County, TX
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Everitt, Ray Jody
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 34
Gladewater, Smith, TX
Arrested Apr 15, 2008
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Jody Everitt, - Smith County, TX
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Evett, Blake Brian
Arrest Age 52
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Dec 08, 2015
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
• assault f/v-r/p
Brian Evett, - Smith County, TX
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Evett, Lee Jennie
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 36
Lindale, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 04, 2004
• assault (threat)
• driving while intoxicated 3rd or more
Jennie Evett, - Smith County, TX
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Ewald, Michael
Arrest Age 33
Norman, Smith, TX
Arrested Feb 05, 2008
• agg sexual assault child
• parole violation
• indecency w/child sexual contact/indictment
Michael Ewald, - Smith County, TX
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