ᐅ Texas Assault and Battery (TX)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Randall County, Texas


Last names: #Gupunwa   #Guralnik   #Gurdit   #Gurrola   #Gurrola-Garbalena   #Gurrola-Medrano   #Gusman   #Gustin   #Gutierrez  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Gupunwa, David
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jul 25, 2016
• assault by threat - dv
David Gupunwa, - Randall County, TX
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Guralnik, Jacob
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 23, 2020
• assault by contact dv
Jacob Guralnik, - Randall County, TX
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Guralnik, Jacob
Bond: $2500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 16, 2021
• ctii: unlawful restraint
• ctiii: interfer w/emergency req for assistance
• cti: assault causes bodily injury family violence
• assault class c
Jacob Guralnik, - Randall County, TX
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Gurdit, Singh
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jun 10, 2013
• cpf/public intoxication notes: fine paid
• assault by contact-family violence
Singh Gurdit, - Randall County, TX
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Gurrola, Roy Alex
Bond: $5000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jul 12, 2015
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Alex Gurrola, - Randall County, TX
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Gurrola, David Anthony
Bond: $5000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jun 07, 2016
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Anthony Gurrola, - Randall County, TX
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Gurrola-Garbalena, Jesus
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Sep 22, 2020
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Jesus Gurrola-Garbalena, - Randall County, TX
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Gurrola-Medrano, Guadalupe J
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Feb 28, 2020
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
J Gurrola-Medrano, - Randall County, TX
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Gusman, Jacob John
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Dec 20, 2016
• mtp/agg assault w/deadly weapon
John Gusman, - Randall County, TX
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Gustin, Kellum Cleveland
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Dec 13, 2011
• assault by contact-dv notes: method of release
Cleveland Gustin, - Randall County, TX
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Gustin, Don Jeffery
Bond: $15000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Sep 12, 2019
• assault family member in house by impeding someones breathing or circulation
Jeffery Gustin, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Alberto
Bond: $75000
Canyon, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 04, 2014
• ct.ii/burglary of habitation notes: sentence
• burglary of habitation
• ct-i resist arrest search or transport
• ct.i/agg assault against public servant
• assault public servant
• ct-ii resist arrest search or transport notes: dismissed
• bs/poss marij
• ct-iii resist arrest search or transport notes: dismissed
Alberto Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Augustine
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Sep 11, 2008
• assault causes bodily injury notes: surety bond
Augustine Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Mary Balvina
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Oct 23, 2015
• assault by contact notes: release for payment arrangments
• no seatbelt notes: release for payment arrangments
• possession of drug paraphernalia
Balvina Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Tslas Donovan
Bond: $10000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Feb 07, 2019
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Donovan Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Joyce Elisha
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jun 23, 2019
• assault by contact
• harassment of public servant
Elisha Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Hugo Hector
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Sep 10, 2016
• assault by contact-dv
Hector Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Justin Jacob
Bond: $3500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Sep 06, 2013
• cpf/fail to maintain financial responsibility notes: completed sentence
• cpf/disorderly conduct-fighting notes: completed sentence
• cpf/theft cl c shoplifting notes: completed sentence
• cpf/no driver's license notes: completed sentence
• cpf/violate continuing obligation to appear-juvenile notes: completed sentence
• cpf/theft cl c other notes: completed sentence
• theft of firearm
• cpf/disorderly conduct-fighting notes: completed sentence
• assault by contact notes: release for payment arrangments
Jacob Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Anthony James
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jun 09, 2013
• agg assault date/family/house w/weapon notes: other - see comments
James Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Kris Jason
Bond: $10000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Sep 25, 2014
• mtp/felony assault
Jason Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Jesse
Bond: $1500
Canyon, Randall, TX
Arrested Jan 20, 2022
• assault causes bodily injury
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• assault causes bodily injury
Jesse Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, John-David
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested May 06, 2019
• assault family member in house by impeding someones breathing or circulation
John-David Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Gilbert Joseph
Bond: $20000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 05, 2014
• no seatbelt notes: completed sentence
• assault family/household member with previous conviction
• fail to maintain financial responsibility support notes: completed sentence
• asslt by contact-family member notes: completed sentence
• fta/civil contempt notes: other - see comments
• **sentence**comtempt of child support notes: fine paid
• cpf/criminal mischief >= $50 notes: completed sentence
Joseph Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Gilbert Joseph
Bond: $50000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Dec 11, 2014
• ct v: agg sexual assault child notes: surety bond
• ct iii: agg sexual assault child notes: surety bond
• ct iv: agg sexual assault child notes: surety bond
• ct ii: agg sexual assault child notes: surety bond
• ct i: agg sexual assault child
Joseph Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Gilbert Joseph
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jan 20, 2013
• assault by contact-dv
Joseph Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Gilbert Joseph
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jul 02, 2013
• cpf/ran stop sign notes: completed sentence
• assault by contact - fm notes: completed sentence
Joseph Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Gilbert Joseph
Bond: $15000
Rocklin, Randall, TX
Arrested Aug 12, 2013
• mtp/unauthorized use of a motor vehicle 31.07
• mtp/lesser included offense of robbery
• agg assault causes serious bodily inj
• theft class c notes: completed sentence
Joseph Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Gilbert Joseph
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 08, 2015
• animal at large notes: completed sentence
• animal rabies vaccination notes: completed sentence
• animal at large notes: completed sentence
• disorderly conduct profane and abusive language notes: release for payment arrangments
• animal vaccination tag notes: completed sentence
• animal vaccination tag notes: completed sentence
• animal vacci
• assault by contact - family member notes: release for payment arrangments
• animal rabies vaccination notes: completed sentence
• animal at large notes: completed sentence
Joseph Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Gilbert Joseph
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 12, 2015
• assault by contact
Joseph Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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Gutierrez, Gilbert Joseph
Bond: $15000
Canyon, Randall, TX
Arrested Dec 04, 2015
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Joseph Gutierrez, - Randall County, TX
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