ᐅ Texas Assault and Battery (TX)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Fort Bend County, Texas


Last names: #Ha   #Haar   #Habeeb-Collins   #Hackett   #Haddad   #Hadnot   #Hahn   #Haidaree   #Haigh   #Haisten   #Hajighassem   #Hall  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Ha, Saliem
Bond: $1526
Arrest Age 58
Arrested Jun 19, 2017
• illegal parking
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• assault causes bodily inj fam viol
Saliem Ha, - Fort Bend County, TX
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Haar, Michelle Brandi
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Apr 17, 2019
• assault causes bodily inj fam viol
• continuous violence against family
• assault causes bodily inj fam viol
• assault causes bodily inj fam viol
Brandi Haar, - Fort Bend County, TX
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Habeeb-Collins, Mutasim Sabir
Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 41
Arrested Dec 30, 2019
• sexual assault
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Sabir Habeeb-Collins, - Fort Bend County, TX.
Hackett, Jackson Charlie
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Feb 26, 2021
• aslt fam/hse mem imp breath/cir(mop)
Charlie Hackett, - Fort Bend County, TX
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Hackett, Rodriguez Irma
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Jan 29, 2021
• assault f/v
Irma Hackett, - Fort Bend County, TX.
Haddad, Alan Richard
Bond: $2002
Arrest Age 17
Arrested Aug 09, 2019
• terr threat family
• viol bond/protective order
• stalking (b/r)
• assault family member
Richard Haddad, - Fort Bend County, TX
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Hadnot, Travon Jordon
Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Sep 16, 2019
• sexual assault
Jordon Hadnot, - Fort Bend County, TX.
Hadnot, Travon Jordon
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Oct 23, 2018
• aslt fam/hse mem imp breath/cir (bw)
• (hold) tdcj (b/w)
Jordon Hadnot, - Fort Bend County, TX.
Hahn, Andrew Neal
Bond: $101
Arrested Jun 06, 2021
• parole violation
• agg aslt date/fam/hous w/weapon sbi
• driving while under the influence
• driving while under the influence
Neal Hahn, - Fort Bend County, TX.
Haidaree, Rahim Sayed
Arrest Age 46
Arrested Sep 10, 2016
• man/del cs pg 1 >= 4g
• man/del cs pg 1 >= 4g
• man/del cs pg 1 >= 4g
• poss cs pg 1 >= 1g
• man/del cs pg 1 >= 4g
• assault causes bodily inj fam viol()
• fail to id fugtve giv false info ()
• dwi (bf)
• poss cs pg 1 >= 1g
• man/del cs 3/4 >= 400g (bw)
• hold tdcj
• hold tdcj (b/w)
• poss cs pg 1 >= 1g
• man/del cs 3/4 >= 400g (br)
• man/del cs pg 1 >= 4g
Sayed Haidaree, - Fort Bend County, TX
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Haidaree, Rahim Sayed
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 46
Arrested Sep 25, 2016
• terr threat cause fear imminnt sbi
• interfer w/emergency call
• assault fam viol
Sayed Haidaree, - Fort Bend County, TX.
Haidaree, Rahim Sayed
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 45
Arrested Sep 24, 2016
• terr threat cause fear imminnt sbi
• interfer w/emergency call
• assault causes bodily inj fam viol
Sayed Haidaree, - Fort Bend County, TX.
Haidaree, Rahim Sayed
Arrest Age 46
Arrested Nov 06, 2016
• assault causes bodily inj fam viol
Sayed Haidaree, - Fort Bend County, TX
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Haidaree, Rahim Sayed
Bond: $200
Arrest Age 46
Arrested Nov 02, 2016
• aggravated assault domestic violence
• reckless damage or destruction
Sayed Haidaree, - Fort Bend County, TX
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Haidaree, Rahim Sayed
Arrest Age 45
Arrested Nov 10, 2016
• assault causes bodily inj fam viol
Sayed Haidaree, - Fort Bend County, TX
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Haidaree, Rahim Sayed
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 46
Arrested Nov 24, 2016
• possession of marijuana less than 2 ounces
• assault causes bodily inj fam viol
Sayed Haidaree, - Fort Bend County, TX
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Haidaree, Rahim Sayed
Arrest Age 46
Arrested Aug 22, 2016
• man/del cs 3/4 >= 400g (br)
• man/del cs pg 1 >= 4g
• poss cs pg 1 >= 1g
• man/del cs pg 1 >= 4g
• man/del cs 3/4 >= 400g (bw)
• man/del cs pg 1 >= 4g
• poss cs pg 1 >= 1g
• man/del cs pg 1 >= 4g
• assault causes bodily inj fam viol()
• poss cs pg 1 >= 1g
• fail to id fugtve giv false info ()
• dwi (bf)
• hold tdcj (b/w)
• man/del cs pg 1 >= 4g
Sayed Haidaree, - Fort Bend County, TX
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Haigh, Mattison
Arrest Age 45
Arrested May 29, 2016
• assault causes bodily inj fam viol
Mattison Haigh, - Fort Bend County, TX
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Haisten, James Michael
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Feb 20, 2019
• assault cause bod inj (f/v)
Michael Haisten, - Fort Bend County, TX.
Hajighassem, Mohssen
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Jan 27, 2018
• assault public servant
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Mohssen Hajighassem, - Fort Bend County, TX.
Hall, Beatrice
Bond: $1200
Arrested Aug 20, 2021
• assault causes bodily inj fam viol
Beatrice Hall, - Fort Bend County, TX.
Hall, Whitney Christine
Arrest Age 45
Arrested Oct 29, 2016
• agg assault cause serious bodily inj
Christine Hall, - Fort Bend County, TX
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Hall, Wayne Corey
Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Jun 11, 2019
• sexual assault
Corey Hall, - Fort Bend County, TX.
Hall, Eugene Eddie
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Apr 26, 2020
• assault causes bodily inj fam viol
• robbery
Eddie Hall, - Fort Bend County, TX
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Hall, Eugene Eddie Arrested Jun 20, 2021
• assault causes bodily inj fam viol
• asslt fam/hse mem impede breath/circ
Eddie Hall, - Fort Bend County, TX.
Hall, Eugene Eddie
Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 42
Arrested Sep 05, 2019
• sexual assault
Eddie Hall, - Fort Bend County, TX.
Hall, Ishmael
Bond: $272
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Jan 31, 2020
• no driver license
• assault causes bodily inj fam viol
• speeding > 10% abv
Ishmael Hall, - Fort Bend County, TX
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Hall, Elijah Ishmael
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Mar 17, 2020
• assault causes bodily inj fam viol
Ishmael Hall, - Fort Bend County, TX
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Hall, Ali Jamil
Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Nov 02, 2019
• sexual assault
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Jamil Hall, - Fort Bend County, TX.
Hall, Ali Jamil
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Sep 13, 2018
• aslt fam/hse mem imp breath/cir (bw)
• (hold) tdcj (b/w)
Jamil Hall, - Fort Bend County, TX.
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