ᐅ Texas Assault and Battery (TX)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Denton County, Texas


Last names: #Jones  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Jones, Lanee Maurice
Bond: $25000
Denton, Denton, TX
Arrested Apr 05, 2010
• sexual assault
Maurice Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Mercedes
Bond: $40000
Carrollton, Denton, TX
Arrested Oct 19, 2010
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Mercedes Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Stacey Michael
Bond: $3000
The Colony, Denton, TX
Arrested Jan 16, 2014
• parole hold
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Michael Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Damone Michael
Bond: $3500
Lewisville, Denton, TX
Arrested May 20, 2010
• assault family/household member w/prev conv
Michael Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Thomas Michael
Bond: $5000
Granbury, Denton, TX
Arrested Dec 31, 2010
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Michael Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Lamar Michael
Bond: $1500
Lewisville, Denton, TX
Arrested Dec 15, 2007
• driving while license invalid
• assault causes bodily injury notes: released to other agency
Michael Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Roshay Makacia
Denton, Denton, TX
Arrested Sep 18, 2019
• disorderly conduct
• resisting arrest search or transport
• assault public servant
Makacia Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Carlton Nicholas
Irving, Denton, TX
Arrested Nov 12, 2019
• assault family/household member w/prev conv
Nicholas Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Brent Nicolas
Bond: $1500
Rosenberg, Denton, TX
Arrested Aug 26, 2012
• assault causes bodily injury
Nicolas Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Brent Nicolas
Dallas, Denton, TX
Arrested Jul 16, 2015
• comm-agg sexual assault child - count 1,2 / indecency with child sexual contact - count 3 (36010001)
Nicolas Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Dean Paul
Bond: $2500
Trophy Club, Denton, TX
Arrested Oct 09, 2009
• assault causes bodliy injury family violence
Paul Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Jo Peggy
Bond: $20000
Irving, Denton, TX
Arrested Feb 28, 2008
• accident involving damage to vehicle >= $200
• reckless driving
• evading arrest detention w/veh
• evading arrest detention
• agg assault against pub servant
Peggy Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Capize Phil
Dallas, Denton, TX
Arrested Feb 10, 2010
• burglary with intent to commit assault notes: released to other agency
• fail to identify fugitive intent to give false information notes: released to other agency
• lesser incl robbery notes: released to other agency
Phil Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, K Quincy
Denton, Denton, TX
Arrested Dec 22, 2007
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury notes: time served
• evading arrest detention notes: time served
• viol of protective order notes: time served
• fta/assault causes bodily inj date/family/house notes: time served
• fta/criminal trespass notes: time served
• fta/theft 50-500 notes: time served
Quincy Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Renard Quincy
Denton, Denton, TX
Arrested Nov 03, 2019
• comm - assault fam/house mem impede breath/circulat
Quincy Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Renard Quincy
Bond: $5000
Houston, Denton, TX
Arrested Aug 25, 2018
• possession of marijuana less than 2 ounces
• misc offense - no code
• mtr - assault causes bodily injury family violence
Quincy Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Romail Radondo
Bond: $5000
Frisco, Denton, TX
Arrested Dec 23, 2017
• assault family member in house by impeding someones breathing or circulation
Radondo Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Wink Reagaon
Bond: $8500
Carrollton, Denton, TX
Arrested Feb 10, 2022
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
• assault family member in house by impeding someones breathing or circulation
Reagaon Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Ray Richard
Bond: $5000
Lewisville, Denton, TX
Arrested Feb 26, 2009
• ice hold notes: released to other agency
• engage in organized criminal activity
• assault causes bodily inj-mtag
Richard Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Odell Robert
Bond: $5000
Denton, Denton, TX
Arrested Apr 01, 2005
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
• ice detainer notes: released to other agency
Robert Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Ronald
Denton, Denton, TX
Arrested May 19, 2008
• assault causes bodily injury notes: time served
Ronald Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Ronald
Bond: $15000
Dallas, Denton, TX
Arrested Jun 14, 2006
• man del diazepam 4.3 grams notes: bond posted
• man del cs pg 3/4 >= 28g
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Ronald Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Eric Royce
Fort Worth, Denton, TX
Arrested Jan 22, 2022
• comm - agg assault causes serious bodily inj
Royce Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Tyrann Samuel
Bond: $500
Little Elm, Denton, TX
Arrested Oct 07, 2013
• assault family member in house by impeding someones breathing or circulation
Samuel Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Tyrann Samuel
Lewisville, Denton, TX
Arrested May 03, 2008
• 17.16/unl carrying weapon notes: released to other agency
• assault causes bodily inj date/family/house prob viol notes: released to other agency
• 17.16/criminal mischief 500-1500 notes: released to other agency
• 17.16/evading arrest detention notes: released to other agency
Samuel Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Samuel-Tyrann
Bond: $1000
Denton, Denton, TX
Arrested Oct 18, 2018
• mtr/mta - assault causes bodily injury family member
• mtr/mta - unlawful restraint
Samuel-Tyrann Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Jack Scott
Bond: $10000
Dallas, Denton, TX
Arrested Oct 15, 2017
• assault public servant
• resisting arrest search or transport
Scott Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Yvonne Shateria
Bond: $500
Fort Worth, Denton, TX
Arrested Jun 22, 2011
• simple assault notes: hold released by issuing agency
• mtag/theft property $20-$500 by check
Shateria Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Yvonne Shateria
Bond: $2500
Lewisville, Denton, TX
Arrested Aug 30, 2008
• assault causes bodily injury
Shateria Jones, - Denton County, TX
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Jones, Ellis Shean
Bond: $5000
Lewisville, Denton, TX
Arrested Sep 27, 2019
• failure to appear poss of marijuana
• fta - assault causes bodily injury family member
• fta - fail to identify giving false/fictitious info
• fta - resist arrest search or transport
Shean Jones, - Denton County, TX
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