ᐅ Texas Assault and Battery (TX)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Randall County, Texas


Last names: #Jack   #Jackson   #Jacobs  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Jack, Daniel Gregory
Canyon, Randall, TX
Arrested Jan 09, 2018
• assault causes bodily injury notes: weekender
Gregory Jack, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Joshua Aaron
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 07, 2011
• assault causes bodily injury to family member notes: surety bond
Aaron Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Chasin Adam
Bond: $15000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jul 09, 2010
• assault domestic violence
• burglary of habitation
Adam Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Chasin Adam
Bond: $1500
Happy, Randall, TX
Arrested Sep 08, 2015
• probation violation/unlawfully carry
• cpf/possession drug paraphernalia notes: completed sentence
• poss marij notes: refused
• harassment
• terr threat cause fear of imminent danger sbi notes: completed sentence
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon notes: refused
• possession of drug paraphernalia notes: release for payment arrangments
• terroristic threat of family member notes: completed sentence
• probation violation/driving while intoxicated
Adam Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Marie Bambi
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 02, 2017
• assault class c
Bambi Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Jean Barbara
Bond: $3000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jan 28, 2015
• b/f resist arrest search or transport
• b/f assault causes bodily injury family violence
Barbara Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Lynn Brady
Bond: $2500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 20, 2005
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Brady Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Antoin Canelius
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Dec 26, 2006
• sexual assault child/mtp notes: completed sentence
Canelius Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Skyler Chance
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Sep 08, 2019
• agg assault causes serious bodily inj
Chance Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Skyler Chance
Bond: $20000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jan 07, 2016
• ***potter co***pv/robbery notes: released to other agency
• mtp/agg assault w/deadly weapon
Chance Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Skyler Chance
Bond: $25000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jan 28, 2016
• mtp/aggravated assault
Chance Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Hubert-Justin
Bond: $5000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jun 05, 2018
• cpf/ no drivers license
• cpf/ speeding 54 in a 40 mph zone
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Hubert-Justin Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Dalton Jacey
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested May 08, 2011
• assault by contact-family notes: surety bond
Jacey Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Deandre Jamichael
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Aug 18, 2012
• assault by contact notes: completed sentence
Jamichael Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Jerome Jeremiah
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested May 31, 2012
• assault by contact-family member notes: completed sentence
• cpf-fail to maintain financial responsibility notes: completed sentence
Jeremiah Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Jerone Jeremiah
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Nov 06, 2018
• assault class c
Jeremiah Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Harrison Joel
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Oct 20, 2009
• assault causes bodily injury notes: surety bond
Joel Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Joel Joshua
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Nov 20, 2010
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury notes: surety bond
• no drivers lic notes: surety bond
Joshua Jackson, - Randall County, TX.
Jackson, H Judith
Bond: $15000
Canyon, Randall, TX
Arrested Jul 08, 2014
• intoxication assault w/vehicle sbi
Judith Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Dulane Lance
Bond: $5000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested May 07, 2012
• assault family/household member w/prev conv
Lance Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Tyrone Nathan
El Paso, Randall, TX
Arrested Jul 07, 2016
• failure to appear
• speeding
• no driver's license when unlicensed
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury notes: sentence
Nathan Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Tyrone Nathan
Bond: $5000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Aug 24, 2015
• cti: assault causes bodily injury family violence
• ctii: assault causes bodily injury notes: personal recognizance bond
Nathan Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Brent Robert
Bond: $25000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 06, 2007
• sexual assault child
Robert Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Brent Robert
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Sep 01, 2006
• parole holds notes: transfered to another jurisdiction
• assault by contact notes: transfered to another jurisdiction
Robert Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Robert-Brent
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 14, 2019
• assault by contact - family member
Robert-Brent Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Samuel
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jul 13, 2017
• mtp / assault fam/house mem impede breath/circulat
Samuel Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jackson, Cylewis Zackious
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Oct 28, 2010
• assault by contact-family member notes: completed sentence
• assault by contact-family member notes: completed sentence
• assault by contact-family member notes: completed sentence
Zackious Jackson, - Randall County, TX
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Jacobs, Edward-Arthur
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Oct 10, 2019
• assault family/household member prev conv iat, enhanced
Edward-Arthur Jacobs, - Randall County, TX
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Jacobs, Steven Erick
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jul 25, 2018
• cpf/driving while license invalid
• assault family/household member prev conv
Erick Jacobs, - Randall County, TX
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Jacobs, DMon Tetrus
Bond: $5000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 13, 2012
• mtp/lesser included offense of class a assault
• felony assault
Tetrus Jacobs, - Randall County, TX
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