ᐅ Texas Assault and Battery (TX)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Randall County, Texas


Last names: #Stewart   #Stidham   #Stile   #Stiner   #Stinnett   #Stites   #Stockard   #Stockton   #Stockwell   #Stoddard   #Stoffle   #Stokes   #Stone   #Stoneham   #Stoney   #Stotts   #Stout   #Stovall  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Stewart, Rene Tracy
Bond: $10000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 31, 2006
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Tracy Stewart, - Randall County, TX
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Stidham, David Dale
Bond: $5000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 22, 2015
• poss of drug para notes: completed sentence
• resisting arrest search or transport
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Dale Stidham, - Randall County, TX
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Stile, Wayne Anthony
Bond: $500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 13, 2020
• aslt by contact-fv
• public intoxication
Anthony Stile, - Randall County, TX
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Stiner, Jaconette Deborah
Bond: $1500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 16, 2013
• assault by contact notes: release for payment arrangments
• interfer w/public duties
Deborah Stiner, - Randall County, TX
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Stinnett, Dale Richard Arrested Dec 01, 2011
• assault by threat-fv notes: completed sentence
Richard Stinnett, - Randall County, TX
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Stites, Gavriel Jenaya
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 22, 2012
• assault-dv notes: completed sentence
• cpf-public intoxication notes: completed sentence
Jenaya Stites, - Randall County, TX
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Stockard, Gregory Sean
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 17, 2004
• assault (physical contact) notes: transferred to tdc
• no drivers license notes: transferred to tdc
• bench warrant notes: transferred to tdc
• no license plate light notes: transferred to tdc
Sean Stockard, - Randall County, TX
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Stockton, Else Jessica
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Aug 11, 2021
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• terroristic threat of family/household
Jessica Stockton, - Randall County, TX
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Stockwell, Evans Jeffrey
Bond: $1500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Feb 28, 2017
• criminal trespassing
• assault public servant
• resisting arrest search or transport
Jeffrey Stockwell, - Randall County, TX
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Stoddard, Ricordo Enrique
Canyon, Randall, TX
Arrested Feb 24, 2017
• cpf/speeding 58mph in a 45mph zone
• mtp/cti: agg assault against public servant
• mtp/ctii: burglary of habitation
• cpf/driving while license invalid
Enrique Stoddard, - Randall County, TX
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Stoffle, Wade Steven
Panhandle, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 25, 2015
• *sentenced*agg sexual assault child notes: sentence
• potter/bs/fail to comply sex offense reg/life notes: released to other agency
Steven Stoffle, - Randall County, TX
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Stokes, Myrle Quinton
Bond: $1500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jul 31, 2015
• assault causes bodily injury
Quinton Stokes, - Randall County, TX
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Stone, Montgomery Christian
Bond: $5000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jun 02, 2014
• no driver's license notes: release for payment arrangments
• no valid inspection certificate notes: release for paym
• no driver's license notes: release for payment arrangments
• fail to maintain financial responsibility support notes: release for payment arrangments
• fail to maintain financial responsibility support notes: release for payment arrangments
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• violate continuing obligation to appear-juvenile notes: release for payment arrangments
Christian Stone, - Randall County, TX
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Stone, Montgomery Christian
Bond: $1500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jan 25, 2015
• poss marij
• assault family member in house by impeding someones breathing or circulation notes: charge modified
Christian Stone, - Randall County, TX
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Stone, W Coda
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 25, 2013
• cpf/fail to identify to a police officer notes: completed sentence
• *sentenced* 75 days rcj* agg assault enhanced notes: sentence
Coda Stone, - Randall County, TX
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Stone, Wayne Coda
Bond: $3500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jul 16, 2010
• mtp/burglary of habitation
• bs/fraud use/poss identifying info
• assault class a
Coda Stone, - Randall County, TX
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Stone, Glen Darrel
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jan 03, 2009
• assault causes bodily inj-mtp notes: completed sentence
Darrel Stone, - Randall County, TX
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Stone, Richard Jeremy
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jan 11, 2004
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury notes: surety bond
Jeremy Stone, - Randall County, TX
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Stone, Maria Jesseka
Bond: $15000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jan 03, 2012
• assault family member in house by impeding someones breathing or circulation
Jesseka Stone, - Randall County, TX
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Stone, Kathleen Kelley
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Nov 25, 2013
• assault by contact-family member notes: completed sentence
Kelley Stone, - Randall County, TX
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Stone, Brec Phillip
Bond: $10000
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jul 05, 2011
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
Phillip Stone, - Randall County, TX.
Stone, Roger Shane
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Oct 23, 2011
• public intoxication notes: completed sentence
• assault by contact notes: completed sentence
Shane Stone, - Randall County, TX
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Stone, Kevin Spencer
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 17, 2019
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury notes: other - see comments
Spencer Stone, - Randall County, TX
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Stoneham, Patrick Scott
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Aug 17, 2015
• assault by contact fam member notes: release for payment arrangments
Scott Stoneham, - Randall County, TX
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Stoney, Wayne Jeffrey
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Apr 07, 2014
• assault by contact-fm notes: completed sentence
Jeffrey Stoney, - Randall County, TX
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Stotts, Alexander Charles
Bond: $2500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jun 25, 2008
• assault causes bodily inj family violence enh
• viol of protective order/assault/stalking
Charles Stotts, - Randall County, TX
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Stotts, Vernon Shane
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Dec 29, 2019
• **fugitive** interference with the reporting of a crime
• assault family member in house by impeding someones breathing or circulation
• **fugitive** domestic battery
• **fugitive** domestic battery
• **fugitive** domestic battery
• **fugitive** operate veh after being habitual traffic offender
• **fugitive** operating vehicle while intoxicated: prior conviction
• **fugitive** theft
• **fugitive** domestic battery w/ bodily injury pregnant woman
• **fugitive** invasion of privacy-viol of protective order issued
Shane Stotts, - Randall County, TX
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Stout, Michael Bryan
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Nov 05, 2018
• sexual assault
Bryan Stout, - Randall County, TX
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Stout, Williemax Robert
Bond: $50000
Canyon, Randall, TX
Arrested Mar 09, 2008
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
• agg assault date/family/house w/weapon
• agg assault date/family/house w/weapon
• abandon endanger child imminent danger bodily inj notes: sentence
Robert Stout, - Randall County, TX
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Stovall, Reon Dequon
Bond: $7500
Amarillo, Randall, TX
Arrested Jun 22, 2013
• asslt fam/house/mem impeding breath circulation
• assault family/household member w/prev conv
Dequon Stovall, - Randall County, TX
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