ᐅ Texas Assault and Battery (TX)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Hays County, Texas


Last names: #Villareal   #Villarreal  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Villareal, Rivera Rudy
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 48
Lockhart, Hays, TX
Arrested Jan 09, 2008
• tbc-b(hays co.)
• no battery cover-c(hays co.) notes: release without bail
Rudy Villareal, - Hays County, TX
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Villareal, Alicia Sara
Arrest Age 48
Arrested Jun 04, 2016
• aslt fv/bi-a (kpd 2016-15218)
Sara Villareal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Andrew
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 25
Wimberley, Hays, TX
Arrested Jan 04, 2010
• aslt fv/bi-f3 (hcso c10-00006)
Andrew Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Brian Anthony
Arrest Age 36
New Braunfels, Hays, TX
Arrested Jun 24, 2018
• aslt bi-a (kpd 2018-19918)
• ice detainer
Anthony Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Saldana Argelio
Arrest Age 45
Converse, Hays, TX
Arrested Jun 08, 2004
• 4 yrs tdcj(sex aslt child) notes: disp-conv
• crim solic of a minor-f3(a.g. office) notes: disp-conv
Argelio Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Benito
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 29
Austin, Hays, TX
Arrested Nov 30, 2007
• dwli (travis) notes: released per tty
• 1yr sj (fta/tbc) notes: released to tdcj
• vpta / tbc
• fals state cred-sjf (apd)
• theft-sjf (apd)
• theft (travis) notes: released per tty
• 3yrs tdcj/theft (willaimson co.) notes: released to tdcj
• theft (travis) notes: released per tty
• aslt bi/fv (travis) notes: released per tty
• v/prob tbc (travis) notes: released to tdcj
• theft of trade secret-f3 (apd)
Benito Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Casey
Arrest Age 31
San Marcos, Hays, TX
Arrested Mar 17, 2019
• interfer w/emergency req for assistance-a (hays co)
• public intoxication-c (sm muni)
• driving while license invalid-c (sm muni)
• assault causes bodily injury family member-a (hays co )
Casey Villarreal, - Hays County, TX.
Villarreal, Launelle Christina
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 26
Kyle, Hays, TX
Arrested Jun 07, 2017
• aslt bi-a (kpd 2017-16349)
Christina Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Gabriel
Arrest Age 23
Dripping Springs, Hays, TX
Arrested Aug 06, 2018
• aslt fv/impeding-f3 (hcso-1841193)
• speeding-c (hays co)
• cont vio fam-f3 (hcso-1841193)
• vpta-c (hays co)
• aslt fv prev conv-f3 (hcso-1841193)
Gabriel Villarreal, - Hays County, TX.
Villarreal, Li Izik
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 26
La Marque, Hays, TX
Arrested Jun 28, 2020
• aslt bi fv-a (smpd 20-33626)
Izik Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Michelle Jaime
Arrest Age 18
San Marcos, Hays, TX
Arrested Mar 14, 2020
• aslt cause bi fam memb-a (tsu 20008715)
Jaime Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Miguel Jesus
Bond: $35000
Arrest Age 48
Wimberley, Hays, TX
Arrested Mar 20, 2007
• indict/cti agg aslt w/dw/ctii agg aslt w/dw (hays)
• wrong charge notes: other (see release comments)
Jesus Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Idilio Jose
Arrest Age 29
Kyle, Hays, TX
Arrested Oct 19, 2008
• agg assault date/family/house w/weapon-f1(kpd-081461) notes: indictment
• 8yrs tdc (rs/pocs)
• usm detainer (felon in poss firearm) notes: released other agency
• 8yrs tdc(indict -aadw-fv ctii/ aadw-fv ctiv) notes: released other agency
• #cr-09-116 notes: released other agency
• unl poss firearm/felon-f3(kpd-081461) notes: declined
• agg kidnapping-f1(kpd-081461) notes: indictment
• aadw-f2(kpd-081461) notes: indictment
Jose Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Jose Juan
Arrest Age 24
Lockhart, Hays, TX
Arrested Aug 24, 2020
• rel sur unlaw rest-a
• rel sur burg hab-f2
• rel sur aslt bi-fv-a
• aslt preg per-f3 (hcso 2052336)
• rel sur inter w/emer call-a
• cont vio fam-f3 (hcso 2052336)
Juan Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Marie Julia
Arrest Age 19
Kyle, Hays, TX
Arrested Mar 15, 2022
• aslt bi fv-a (hcso 2022-15357)
Julia Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Robert Luis
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 24
San Marcos, Hays, TX
Arrested Feb 19, 2012
• aslt bi/fv-a (hcso c12-06151)
Luis Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Guel Margarita
Arrest Age 20
New Braunfels, Hays, TX
Arrested Apr 25, 2019
• aslt bi fv-a (smpd 19-20763)
Margarita Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Cruz Melissa
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 33
San Marcos, Hays, TX
Arrested Jan 05, 2016
• aslt bi fv-a (smpd 16-1181)
Melissa Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Deleon Michael
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 41
Crowley, Hays, TX
Arrested Oct 24, 2007
• aslt bi/fv-a (ft worth)
• aslt bi/fv-a (ft worth)
Michael Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Deleon Michael
Arrest Age 33
San Marcos, Hays, TX
Arrested May 21, 2004
• ins detainee notes: disp-conv
• rest arst-a(smpd 04-24567) notes: disp-conv
• pi-c(hcso c04-1805) notes: disp-conv
• aslt bi/fv-a(smpd 04-24567) notes: disp-conv
• evad arst-b(smpd 04-24567) notes: disp-conv
Michael Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Noel
Bond: $75000
Arrest Age 31
Buda, Hays, TX
Arrested Apr 30, 2012
• bi/agg sex aslt chld ct v-f2 (hays co)
• bi/agg sex aslt chld ct v1-f2 (hays co)
• bi/agg sex aslt chld ct iii -f2 (hays co)
• bi/agg sex aslt ct i -f2 (hays co)
• bi/agg sex aslt chld ct iv -f2 (hays co)
• bi/agg sex aslt chld ct vii-f2 (hays co)
Noel Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Aniceto Raul
Arrest Age 26
Kyle, Hays, TX
Arrested Apr 25, 2018
• agg aslt w/dead weap-f2 (hcso-189251)
• agg aslt w/dead weap-f2 (hcso-189251)
• pom-b (hcso-1822497)
Raul Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Ricardo
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 35
San Marcos, Hays, TX
Arrested Jan 24, 2011
• vio prob/aslt fv(travis co.)
• aslt bi/fv enh-f3(travis co.)
• aslt bi/fv enh-f3(travis co.)
Ricardo Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Gaytan Ruben
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 30
San Marcos, Hays, TX
Arrested Jan 06, 2005
• aslt/cont-c(smpd05-00836) notes: disp-conv
• dwls-b(smpd05-00836)
• evad arst/mv-sjf(smpd05-00836)
Ruben Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Rudy
Arrest Age 29
San Marcos, Hays, TX
Arrested Jul 29, 2021
• unl poss firearm by felon-f3 (smpd 21-44329)
• assault family/house w/ prev conv iction-f2 (potter co)
Rudy Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Rudy-Joseph
Arrest Age 34
San Marcos, Hays, TX
Arrested Sep 05, 2019
• intrfr w/ emer call-a (hcso-1947839)
• aslt bi fm-a (hcso-1947839)
• bf/poss firearm felon (bexar co)
• aslt fv imped-f3 (hcso-1947839)
• bf/pocs w/ intent del (bexar co)
• pocs (bexar co)
• unlaw poss firearm felon-f3 (hcso-1947839)
Rudy-Joseph Villarreal, - Hays County, TX.
Villarreal, Juanita San
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 18
San Marcos, Hays, TX
Arrested Mar 22, 2009
• aslt/bi/fv-a(hcsoc09-10622)
• aband/end/child/crim/neg-sjf
• mtag/evad/arst-b(hays)
• inter/w/emer/call-a(hcsoc09-10622)
• aslt/bi/fv-a(hcsoc09-10622)
San Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Jean Sandra
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 24
Wimberley, Hays, TX
Arrested Nov 07, 2014
• aslt fv/bi-a (hcso c14-41397)
Sandra Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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Villarreal, Olivares Sara
Arrest Age 38
Kyle, Hays, TX
Arrested Jul 16, 2018
• aslt bi-a (hays co)
Sara Villarreal, - Hays County, TX.
Villarreal, Tobias Steven
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 45
Wimberley, Hays, TX
Arrested Sep 13, 2010
• 2 yrs tdcj(aslt bi/fv) notes: released to tdcj
• aslt fv/bi w/prev conv-f3(hcso c10-35258) notes: indictment
• vio prot ord-a (hays)
• indict(aslt fv rep off)
Steven Villarreal, - Hays County, TX
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