Virginia Assault | Arrests (VA)

Accessing Public Arrest Records in Virginia
Public arrest records in Virginia are accessible to the general public. These records provide information about individuals who have been arrested.

The web page “Virginia Assault Arrests” provides detailed information on recent arrests related to assault in Amherst, as well as other counties in Virginia, such as Arlington, Bedford, Buchanan, Campbell, Chesapeake, Danville, Dickenson, Halifax, Hanover, Henrico, Lee, Lynchburg, Montgomery, Norfolk, Pulaski, Rappahannock, Roanoke, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Stafford, Suffolk, Tazewell, Virginia Beach, Washington, Williamsburg, Wise. Users can view arrest records sorted alphabetically by last name, including charges brought against individuals, dates of arrests, and case details.

This resource is especially useful for those who want to stay informed about public safety issues in their region, whether for personal or professional reasons. It may be of interest to local residents who want to know about criminal activity in their area, journalists covering local crimes, or legal professionals seeking quick access to public arrest records.

By offering easy access to this information, the page promotes transparency and helps the public stay up to date on arrests in these counties.

Arrest Records By County - Virginia (VA)

Amherst  Arlington  Bedford  Buchanan  Campbell  Chesapeake  Danville  Dickenson  Halifax  Hanover  Henrico  Lee  Lynchburg  Montgomery  Norfolk  Pulaski  Rappahannock  Roanoke  Russell  Scott  Smyth  Stafford  Suffolk  Tazewell  Virginia Beach  Washington Williamsburg  Wise 

Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Washington County, Virginia


Last names: #Belcher   #Belisle   #Bell   #Bell-Brown   #Bellamy   #Benard   #Benckert   #Bennett  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Belcher, Mckinley Brian
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Jan 17, 2019
• nar-3022-f5 - drugs: possess sch i or ii
• pre-5031-m1 - bail/pretrial services violation-misd. fta
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• con-3210-s9 - contempt of court: w/o jury
Brian Belcher, - Washington County, VA
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Belcher, Glen Brian
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Mar 10, 2017
• assault-simple assault against family member
• supervision violation-community diversion (cdi) violation - type not clear
Brian Belcher, - Washington County, VA
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Belcher, Wesley Chad
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Jul 19, 2013
• assault & battery - family member
Chad Belcher, - Washington County, VA
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Belcher, Lee Jimmy
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Apr 22, 2007
• assault & battery - family member
• law enf command: disregard or elude, endanger
• driving after forfeiture of license
Jimmy Belcher, - Washington County, VA
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Belcher, Renee Lillie
Arrest Age 49
Arrested Feb 01, 2007
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• obstruct justice: w/ threats/force
• profane swearing or intoxication in public
• trespass: after being forbidden to do so
Lillie Belcher, - Washington County, VA
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Belcher, Ray Sammy
Arrest Age 18
Arrested Feb 03, 2012
• monument: intentional damage, value
• (accessory before the fact)aggravated sexual battery:victim incapacity/etc
• assault & battery - family member
Sammy Belcher, - Washington County, VA
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Belcher, Colby Travis
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Apr 30, 2021
• van-2938-m1 - vehicle/boat/etc: climb into/on to commit crime
• con-5035-s9 - fail to appear-felony/misdemeanor/summons
• con-5035-s9 - fail to appear-felony/misdemeanor/summons
• con-5035-s9 - fail to appear-felony/misdemeanor/summons
• trs-5717-m1 - enter property to damage, etc.:
• con-5035-s9 - fail to appear-felony/misdemeanor/summons
• asl-1313-m1 - assault: (misdemeanor)
Travis Belcher, - Washington County, VA
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Belcher, Colby Travis
Arrest Age 41
Arrested Mar 29, 2017
• assault-simple assault against family member
Travis Belcher, - Washington County, VA
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Belisle, Thomas James
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Feb 03, 2006
• assault & battery - family member
James Belisle, - Washington County, VA
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Bell, Derek-Kenneth Charles
Arrest Age 33
Arrested May 21, 2020
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
Charles Bell, - Washington County, VA
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Bell, Derek-Kenneth Charles
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Jul 13, 2005
• aggravated sexual battery: victim incapacity/etc
Charles Bell, - Washington County, VA
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Bell, Adam Christopher
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Jul 01, 2017
• jus-4828-m1 - obstruct justice: w/ threats/force
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
• nar-3020-m9 - drugs: possess marijuana, 1st off
• pri-3261-f5 - prisoner: poss sch iii drug/marij/synth
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
Christopher Bell, - Washington County, VA
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Bell, Adam Christopher
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Nov 29, 2016
• assault-simple assault against family member
Christopher Bell, - Washington County, VA
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Bell, Adam Christopher
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Dec 13, 2016
• assault-simple assault against family member
Christopher Bell, - Washington County, VA
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Bell, Wayne David
Arrest Age 43
Arrested Jan 01, 2007
• profane swearing or intoxication in public
• assault & battery - family member
David Bell, - Washington County, VA
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Bell, Wayne David
Arrest Age 26
Arrested May 05, 2007
• profane swearing or intoxication in public
• obstruct justice: w/o threats/force
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
David Bell, - Washington County, VA
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Bell, Leon Gregory
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Oct 27, 2011
• assault & battery - family member
• dwi: refusal of blood or breath test, 2 off
• dwi: 2nd off w/in 5y
Gregory Bell, - Washington County, VA
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Bell, Ann Jennifer
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Jun 22, 2010
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• law enf command: disregard or elude, endanger
• probation: violation on misdemeanor offense
• probation: violation on misdemeanor offense
Jennifer Bell, - Washington County, VA
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Bell, Lynn Kathy
Arrest Age 64
Arrested Jul 29, 2020
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
• jus-4831-m1 - resisting arrest
Kathy Bell, - Washington County, VA
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Bell, Leshon Keith
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Aug 14, 2015
• assault & battery - family member
• contempt of court: disobey process, judgment/etc
• monument: intentional damage, value
• phone: injure/tap line; copy/obstruct message
• malicious wounding
• abduction: by force, intimidation or deception
Keith Bell, - Washington County, VA
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Bell, Evans Timothy
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Jul 07, 2012
• assault & battery - family member
Timothy Bell, - Washington County, VA.
Bell-Brown, Michelle Kimberley Arrested Apr 12, 2022
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• rec-6625-m1 - reck dr: generally, endanger life/limb/property
• jus-4829-m1 - obstruct justice: w/o threats/force
Kimberley Bell-Brown, - Washington County, VA
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Bellamy, Daniel James
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Jun 29, 2007
• probation violation on a felony offense
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
James Bellamy, - Washington County, VA
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Bellamy, Dwayne Marcus
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Mar 20, 2010
• drugs: possess marijuana, 1st off
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• obstruct justice: w/o threats/force
• disorderly conduct
• (principle 2nd degree)drugs: sell/distrib sch iii drug - not steroid
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
Marcus Bellamy, - Washington County, VA
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Bellamy, Allen Robert
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Jan 03, 2012
• dwi: 1st offense
• assault: (misdemeanor)
Robert Bellamy, - Washington County, VA
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Bellamy, Dalton William
Arrest Age 67
Arrested Jun 09, 2011
• resisting arrest
• assault: (misdemeanor)
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
William Bellamy, - Washington County, VA.
Benard, Renae Shanon
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Oct 27, 2007
• assault & battery - family member
Shanon Benard, - Washington County, VA
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Benckert, Bridget
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Nov 10, 2014
• assault & battery - family member
Bridget Benckert, - Washington County, VA
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Bennett, Faye Connie
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Jun 29, 2019
• wpn-5251-m1 - firearm/etc: pointing/brandishing
• asl-1313-m1 - assault: (misdemeanor)
Connie Bennett, - Washington County, VA
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Bennett, Edd Hurbert
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Apr 30, 2018
• rec-6624-f6 - law enf command: disregard or elude, endanger
• fam-3808-f6 - abuse/neglect child: reckless disregard for life
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
• trs-5709-m1 - trespass: after being forbidden to do so
Hurbert Bennett, - Washington County, VA
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