Virginia Assault | Arrests (VA)

Accessing Public Arrest Records in Virginia
Public arrest records in Virginia are accessible to the general public. These records provide information about individuals who have been arrested.

The web page “Virginia Assault Arrests” provides detailed information on recent arrests related to assault in Amherst, as well as other counties in Virginia, such as Arlington, Bedford, Buchanan, Campbell, Chesapeake, Danville, Dickenson, Halifax, Hanover, Henrico, Lee, Lynchburg, Montgomery, Norfolk, Pulaski, Rappahannock, Roanoke, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Stafford, Suffolk, Tazewell, Virginia Beach, Washington, Williamsburg, Wise. Users can view arrest records sorted alphabetically by last name, including charges brought against individuals, dates of arrests, and case details.

This resource is especially useful for those who want to stay informed about public safety issues in their region, whether for personal or professional reasons. It may be of interest to local residents who want to know about criminal activity in their area, journalists covering local crimes, or legal professionals seeking quick access to public arrest records.

By offering easy access to this information, the page promotes transparency and helps the public stay up to date on arrests in these counties.

Arrest Records By County - Virginia (VA)

Amherst  Arlington  Bedford  Buchanan  Campbell  Chesapeake  Danville  Dickenson  Halifax  Hanover  Henrico  Lee  Lynchburg  Montgomery  Norfolk  Pulaski  Rappahannock  Roanoke  Russell  Scott  Smyth  Stafford  Suffolk Tazewell  Virginia Beach  Washington  Williamsburg  Wise 

Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Suffolk County, Virginia


Last names: #Cherry   #Childress   #Chipman   #Chisley   #Chough   #Chriqui   #Chrisman   #Christian   #Church   #Cipollaro   #Cirilli   #Cirwithian   #Cisco   #Claggett   #Clanton   #Clark  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Cherry, Evette Shelvonda
Arrest Age 34
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Sep 19, 2017
• larceny-shoplift, alter price tags >= $200
• supervision violation-probation violation - felony
• supervision violation-probation violation - felony
• assault-simple assault / assault and battery
Shelvonda Cherry, - Suffolk County, VA
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Cherry, Nikola Shaneil
Arrest Age 42
Franklin, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Jul 03, 2008
• assault simple assault
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
Shaneil Cherry, - Suffolk County, VA
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Cherry, Lawrence Tommie
Arrest Age 26
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Feb 03, 2010
• larceny firearms - regardless of value - not from person
• larceny $200 or more w/intent to sell/distribute
• burglary dwelling at night w/intent commit fel/ lar-dead wep
• assault firearm use in commission of felony-(first offense)
• robbery residence
• failure to appear fail to appear in court for misdemeanor offense
• contempt of court general - without a jury
• failure to appear fail to appear in court for misdemeanor offense
• larceny $200 or more not from person
• contempt of court general - without a jury
Tommie Cherry, - Suffolk County, VA
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Cherry, Lavon Travis
Arrest Age 35
Windsor, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Apr 17, 2015
• sexual assault intercourse w/victim thru mental incapacity/helplessness
Travis Cherry, - Suffolk County, VA
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Cherry, Robert William
Arrest Age 18
Smithfield, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Feb 25, 2010
• assault simple assault
William Cherry, - Suffolk County, VA.
Childress, Lynn Julie
Arrest Age 37
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Jun 09, 2016
• assault simple assault against family member
Julie Childress, - Suffolk County, VA.
Chipman, Joseph James
Arrest Age 24
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Dec 28, 2020
• assault-malicious wounding - stab, cut, wound with malicious intent
• assault-simple assault law enforcement, judge, fire/rescue personnel
• larceny-grand larceny - auto theft
• kidnappin
• traffic - driving while intoxicated-driving on suspended license after dwi conviction
• traffic - reckless driving-aggressive driving with intent to injure
• robbery-robbery - carjacking
• assault-simple assault law enforcement, judge, fire/rescue personnel
• traffic - reckless driving-disregard police command to stop, endangerment
James Chipman, - Suffolk County, VA
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Chisley, Sean Christian
Arrest Age 54
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Apr 07, 2016
• kidnapping abduction of person with intent to defile
• sexual assault battery - sexual
Christian Chisley, - Suffolk County, VA
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Chough, Eunice
Arrest Age 44
Norfolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Jul 09, 2018
• assault-assault during commission of a felony
• assault-malicious wounding - victim permanently impaired
Eunice Chough, - Suffolk County, VA
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Chriqui, Dani
Arrest Age 33
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Dec 07, 2017
• vandalism, damage property-damage telephone line etc. - prevent summoning law
• assault-malicious wounding - attempted
• assault-simple assault against family member
• strangulation resulting in wounding or bodily injury
Dani Chriqui, - Suffolk County, VA
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Chrisman, Russell Kevin
Arrest Age 42
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Dec 13, 2011
• assault simple assault on law enforce/ doc/ fire/ rescue per
Kevin Chrisman, - Suffolk County, VA.
Christian, Demetric
Arrest Age 47
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Jun 02, 2018
• assault-simple assault against family member
• assault-firearm use in commission of felony-(first offense)
• assault-malicious wounding - stab, cut, wound with malicious intent
Demetric Christian, - Suffolk County, VA
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Christian, Theodore Kevin
Arrest Age 50
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Mar 25, 2018
• vandalism, damage property-damage telephone line or intercept message
• strangulation resulting in wounding or bodily injury
• kidnapping-abduct by force, deception, etc. without justification
• assault-simple assault against family member
Kevin Christian, - Suffolk County, VA
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Christian, Michelle Nicole
Arrest Age 30
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Mar 22, 2010
• assault simple assault against family member
Nicole Christian, - Suffolk County, VA
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Christian, Hunter Sherri
Arrest Age 41
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Feb 16, 2006
• assault simple assault on law enforce/ doc/ fire/ rescue per
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• assault simple assault on law enforce/ doc/ fire/ rescue per
Sherri Christian, - Suffolk County, VA
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Church, Anthony Marcus
Knoxville, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Aug 24, 2021
• supervision violation-probation violation - felony
• supervision violation-probation violation - felony
• assault-simple assault against family member
• assault-simple assault / assault and battery
• failure to appear-fail to appear in court for felony offense
Marcus Church, - Suffolk County, VA
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Cipollaro, Paul Anthony
Arrest Age 22
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Dec 03, 2006
• assault simple assault against family member
Anthony Cipollaro, - Suffolk County, VA.
Cirilli, Alyse Jessica
Arrest Age 27
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested May 30, 2016
• assault simple assault against family member
• strangulation resulting in wounding or bodily injury
Jessica Cirilli, - Suffolk County, VA.
Cirwithian, Joshua
Arrest Age 25
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Jun 28, 2014
• robbery residence
• burglary other structure intent to murder etc.-deadlyweapon
• kidnapping abduct by force without justification
• attempted - assault stab - cut - wound with malicious intent
• family offense minors cruelty and injuries to children
• kidnapping abduct by force without justification
• assault firearm use in commission of felony-(first offense)
• weapons convicted felon (non-violent) possess/transp firea
• attempted - assault pregnant victim perm. impaired or pregnancy terminated
Joshua Cirwithian, - Suffolk County, VA.
Cisco, Keith Dustin
Arrest Age 38
Norfolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Feb 12, 2020
• sexual assault-object sexual penetration by force, threat, etc
Dustin Cisco, - Suffolk County, VA
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Claggett, Warren William
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Jun 16, 2004
• assault simple assault against family member
William Claggett, - Suffolk County, VA.
Clanton, Fitzgerald Alvin
Arrest Age 46
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Jul 08, 2009
• assault simple assault against family member
Alvin Clanton, - Suffolk County, VA
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Clanton, Novell Donta
Arrest Age 31
Franklin, Suffolk, VA
Arrested May 20, 2012
• drv w/susp lic 3rd dwi in 10yrs
• weapons convicted felon possess concealed weapon (other than firearm)
• narcotics possession
• assault simple assault against family member
Donta Clanton, - Suffolk County, VA
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Clark, Ronald Alton
Arrest Age 21
Virginia Beach, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Aug 12, 2006
• assault simple assault against family member
Alton Clark, - Suffolk County, VA
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Clark, Angela
Arrest Age 23
Franklin, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Feb 11, 2005
• assault simple assault against family member
• assault simple assault against family member
Angela Clark, - Suffolk County, VA.
Clark, Lehonn Anthony
Arrest Age 23
Stafford, Suffolk, VA
Arrested May 22, 2008
• assault simple assault against family member
Anthony Clark, - Suffolk County, VA
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Clark, Maliek Byron
Arrest Age 40
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Jul 31, 2010
• family offense minors gross/wanton/reckless care of child
• sexual assault victim under age 13
• sexual assault victim under age 13
• family offense minors child abuse and neglect
• sexual assault victim under age 13
• family offense minors gross/wanton/reckless care of child
• sexual assault victim under age 13
• family offense minors gross/wanton/reckless care of child
• sexual assault victim under age 13
Byron Clark, - Suffolk County, VA
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Clark, Warren Bruce
Arrest Age 29
Virginia Beach, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Nov 04, 2010
• #1
• burglary dwelling with intent to commit murder - rape - rob - arson
• kidnapping abduct by force without justification
• assault firearm use in commission of felony-(first offense)
• kidnapping abduct by force without justification
• conspiracy - murder killing for hire
• assault firearm use in commission of felony-(first offense)
• robbery residence
• assault firearm use in commission of felony-(first offense)
• conspiracy - murder killing for hire
• weapons convicted felon (violent) possess/transport firear
Bruce Clark, - Suffolk County, VA
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Clark, Eugene Calvin
Arrest Age 23
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested May 18, 2014
• assault simple assault against family member
• vandalism, damage property intentionally - damage/destroy any property or monument -
• trespass after being forbidden to do so
• larceny less than $200 not from person
Calvin Clark, - Suffolk County, VA
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Clark, Eugene Calvin
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Feb 16, 2004
• kidnapping abduct by force without justification
• assault simple assault against family member
• burglary dwelling house with intent to commit larceny - a & b - etc.
• extortion stalking with intent to cause fear of death, etc
• burglary dwelling house with intent to commit larceny - a & b - etc.
Calvin Clark, - Suffolk County, VA.
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