Virginia Assault | Arrests (VA)

Accessing Public Arrest Records in Virginia
Public arrest records in Virginia are accessible to the general public. These records provide information about individuals who have been arrested.

The web page “Virginia Assault Arrests” provides detailed information on recent arrests related to assault in Amherst, as well as other counties in Virginia, such as Arlington, Bedford, Buchanan, Campbell, Chesapeake, Danville, Dickenson, Halifax, Hanover, Henrico, Lee, Lynchburg, Montgomery, Norfolk, Pulaski, Rappahannock, Roanoke, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Stafford, Suffolk, Tazewell, Virginia Beach, Washington, Williamsburg, Wise. Users can view arrest records sorted alphabetically by last name, including charges brought against individuals, dates of arrests, and case details.

This resource is especially useful for those who want to stay informed about public safety issues in their region, whether for personal or professional reasons. It may be of interest to local residents who want to know about criminal activity in their area, journalists covering local crimes, or legal professionals seeking quick access to public arrest records.

By offering easy access to this information, the page promotes transparency and helps the public stay up to date on arrests in these counties.

Arrest Records By County - Virginia (VA)

Amherst  Arlington  Bedford  Buchanan  Campbell  Chesapeake  Danville  Dickenson  Halifax  Hanover  Henrico  Lee  Lynchburg  Montgomery  Norfolk  Pulaski  Rappahannock  Roanoke  Russell  Scott  Smyth  Stafford  Suffolk  Tazewell  Virginia Beach  Washington  Williamsburg Wise 

Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Williamsburg County, Virginia


Last names: #Goode   #Goodman   #Goods   #Goodsell   #Goodsite   #Goodson   #Goodspeed   #Goodwin   #Goodwyn   #Gootee   #Gorby   #Gordinier   #Gordley   #Gordon   #Gori   #Gorman   #Gossage   #Gould   #Gouldrup   #Goulette  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Goode, Hakeem Darian
Arrest Age 29
Greensboro, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested May 03, 2017
• assault simple assault against family member
• family offense minors gross/wanton/reckless care of child
• vandalism, damage property intentionally - damage/destroy any property or monument -
Darian Goode, - Williamsburg County, VA.
Goode, S Iris
Arrest Age 28
Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Apr 22, 2005
• assault simple assault against family member
Iris Goode, - Williamsburg County, VA.
Goodman, Earl
Arrest Age 37
Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Apr 07, 2005
• assault simple assault
Earl Goodman, - Williamsburg County, VA.
Goodman, Wayne Ryan
Arrest Age 24
Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Feb 21, 2020
• rap-1179-m1 - sexual assault of child 13-14
• bur-2213-f9 - burglary: enter house to commit larceny/a & b/etc
• asl-1313-m1 - assault: (misdemeanor)
Ryan Goodman, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Goodman, Lee Thurston
Arrest Age 38
Baltimore, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Jun 17, 2017
• assault simple assault against family member
Thurston Goodman, - Williamsburg County, VA.
Goods, Lee Kevin
Arrest Age 18
Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Sep 20, 2018
• asl-1352-m1 - batery on emergency health care pers in facility
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• prb-4850-f9 - probation: violation on felony offense
• van-3192-m1 - phone: damage line; prevent summoning law enf
• prt-5063-f6 - assault:serious inj to pers w/protect order
• asl-1352-m1 - batery on emergency health care pers in facility
Kevin Goods, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Goodsell, Robert Michael
Arrest Age 29
Newport News, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested May 09, 2010
• obscenity drunk in public - profane language
• assault simple assault
Michael Goodsell, - Williamsburg County, VA.
Goodsite, Lynn Jessica
Arrest Age 49
Asheville, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Jun 05, 2020
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• obs-3712-m4 - profane swearing or intoxication in public
Jessica Goodsite, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Goodson, Marie Kimberly
Norfolk, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Sep 02, 2021
• trs-5709-m1 - trespass: after being forbidden to do so
• fam-3805-m1 - contribute to delinquency of minor
• asl-1313-m1 - assault: (misdemeanor)
Kimberly Goodson, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Goodspeed, Dustin Timothy
Arrest Age 27
Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested May 10, 2019
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
• contempt of court - fta after charged w/ felony or misd., or released on summons
• cdi-4856-m9 - community diversion: violation on misdemeanor
Timothy Goodspeed, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Goodwin, Kashai
Arrest Age 24
Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Jul 13, 2018
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
• bnd-9975-s9 - bailee: viol cond of release/pretrial
Kashai Goodwin, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Goodwyn, Lee Courtney
Arrest Age 37
Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Jun 19, 2005
• assault simple assault against family member
Courtney Goodwyn, - Williamsburg County, VA.
Goodwyn, A Rashaad
Arrest Age 22
Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Jun 06, 2016
• vandalism, damage property intentionally - damage/destroy any property or monument -
• assault: strangle another causing wounding or injury
• assault simple assault
• intractable behavior - misdemeanor
Rashaad Goodwyn, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Gootee, Lee Franklin
Arrest Age 38
Yorktown, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Nov 22, 2011
• assault simple assault against family member
• vandalism, damage property damage telephone line or intercept message
Franklin Gootee, - Williamsburg County, VA.
Gorby, Dale Kenneth
Arrest Age 32
Lanexa, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Nov 19, 2009
• vandalism, damage property intentionally - damage/destroy any property or monument -
• obscenity drunk in public - profane language
• failure to appear failure to appear in court- type not clear from record
• escapes convicted or not- misd. escape w/o force - violence - or fire
• failure to appear fail to appear in court for misdemeanor offense
• narcotics possession
• telephone abusive - profane - threatening calls on phone - c.b. radio
• vandal
• assault simple assault
• larceny petit larceny - second conviction
Kenneth Gorby, - Williamsburg County, VA.
Gordinier, Jonathan Michael
Arrest Age 17
Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested May 31, 2017
• supervision violation-community-based probation (ccca) violation - misdemeanor
• assault-firearm use in commission of felony-(first offense)
• robbery-robbery - residence
Michael Gordinier, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Gordley, Earl Landrew
Arrest Age 19
Newport News, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Jan 22, 2007
• assault malicious wounding stab/cut/wound w/malicious intent
• weapons brandish or point firearm
• assault firearm use in commission of felony-(first offense)
Landrew Gordley, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Gordley, Earl Landrew
Arrest Age 37
Lackey, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Mar 10, 2006
• assault simple assault against family member
• parole, probation, supervision violation alcohol safety program violation
• parole, probation, supervision violation parole violation
• contempt of court general - without a jury
Landrew Gordley, - Williamsburg County, VA.
Gordon, Kishane Jarshearria
Arrest Age 22
Hampton, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Jun 03, 2018
• ars-2023-f5 - bomb/burn threat: accused >= 15y
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• van-2922-m1 - monument: intentional damage, value
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• van-2956-f6 - monument: intentional damage, value >= $1000
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• van-2922-m1 - monument: intentional damag
Jarshearria Gordon, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Gordon, Lamont Leon
Arrest Age 39
Yorktown, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Dec 24, 2005
• assault simple assault against family member
Leon Gordon, - Williamsburg County, VA.
Gordon, Steve Michael
Arrest Age 32
Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested May 26, 2019
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
• kid-1010-f5 - abduction: by force, intimidation or deception
Michael Gordon, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Gordon, C Matthew
Arrest Age 22
Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Aug 29, 2019
• rec-6631-m2 - fail to stop for police: att to escape/elude
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• jus-4828-m1 - obstruct justice: w/ threats/force
Matthew Gordon, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Gordon, Alexander Royal
Arrest Age 39
Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Oct 15, 2007
• assault simple assault against family member
Royal Gordon, - Williamsburg County, VA.
Gori, Nichole Vanessa
Arrest Age 33
Yorktown, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Feb 09, 2018
• asl-1313-m1 - assault: (misdemeanor)
• asl-1313-m1 - assault: (misdemeanor)
• asl-1313-m1 - assault: (misdemeanor)
Vanessa Gori, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Gorman, Edward Joseph
Arrest Age 17
Yorktown, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested May 25, 2006
• assault simple assault
• vandalism, damage property intentionally - damage/destroy any property or monument -
• assault simple assault against family member
• vandalism, damage property intentionally - damage/destroy any property or monument -
• possession of marijuana - first offense
Joseph Gorman, - Williamsburg County, VA.
Gossage, Obrien Mary
Arrest Age 27
Yorktown, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Oct 22, 2012
• assault simple assault against family member
Mary Gossage, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Gould, Amber Tiffany
Arrest Age 26
Yorktown, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Oct 28, 2017
• asl-1316-f6 - assault & battery - family member, 3rd offense
• con-5025-s9 - contempt of court: fail to appear capias
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• con-5025-s9 - contempt of court: fail to appear capias
Tiffany Gould, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Gould, Rachaude Walter
Arrest Age 45
Mappsville, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Jun 09, 2016
• assault simple assault against family member
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• desertion & nonsupport fail to comply with support
• desertion & nonsupport fail to comply with support
• assault: strangle another causing wounding or injury
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
Walter Gould, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Gouldrup, Paul Darin
Arrest Age 39
Hampton, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Mar 30, 2020
• lic-6860-f9 - lic revoked(dwi/mansl): dr w/o lic and dwi/mansl
• dwi-5692-f6 - prior dwi manslaughter, assault, felony dwi, bac .15 to .20
Darin Gouldrup, - Williamsburg County, VA
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Goulette, Reed Christopher
Arrest Age 28
Virginia Beach, Williamsburg, VA
Arrested Jul 06, 2014
• protective orders violation of a protective order
• arson, explosives, bombs threat/false communication by 15 >
• assault simple assault
• traffic - dwi- 3rd conviction within 10 years
• assault simple assault
• assault law enforcement/fire/rescue personnel- simple assaul
• obstruction of justice - resisting arrest
• assault law enforcement/fire/rescue personnel- simple assaul
• obstruction of justice - resisting arrest
Christopher Goulette, - Williamsburg County, VA
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