Virginia Assault | Arrests (VA)

Accessing Public Arrest Records in Virginia
Public arrest records in Virginia are accessible to the general public. These records provide information about individuals who have been arrested.

The web page “Virginia Assault Arrests” provides detailed information on recent arrests related to assault in Amherst, as well as other counties in Virginia, such as Arlington, Bedford, Buchanan, Campbell, Chesapeake, Danville, Dickenson, Halifax, Hanover, Henrico, Lee, Lynchburg, Montgomery, Norfolk, Pulaski, Rappahannock, Roanoke, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Stafford, Suffolk, Tazewell, Virginia Beach, Washington, Williamsburg, Wise. Users can view arrest records sorted alphabetically by last name, including charges brought against individuals, dates of arrests, and case details.

This resource is especially useful for those who want to stay informed about public safety issues in their region, whether for personal or professional reasons. It may be of interest to local residents who want to know about criminal activity in their area, journalists covering local crimes, or legal professionals seeking quick access to public arrest records.

By offering easy access to this information, the page promotes transparency and helps the public stay up to date on arrests in these counties.

Arrest Records By County - Virginia (VA)

Amherst  Arlington  Bedford  Buchanan  Campbell  Chesapeake  Danville  Dickenson  Halifax  Hanover  Henrico  Lee  Lynchburg  Montgomery  Norfolk  Pulaski  Rappahannock  Roanoke  Russell  Scott  Smyth  Stafford  Suffolk Tazewell  Virginia Beach  Washington  Williamsburg  Wise 

Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Suffolk County, Virginia


Last names: #McKiver   #McKnight   #McLain   #McLaughlin   #McLaurin   #McLean   #McLellan   #McMahon   #McManus   #McMenamy   #McMilliam   #McMillian   #McMillion   #McNair   #McNamara   #McNeal   #McNeil   #McNeill   #McNellis   #McPhail   #McPherson  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
McKiver, Lawon Sabrina
Arrest Age 23
Franklin, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Jun 07, 2009
• assault simple assault
• obscenity drunk in public - profane language
Sabrina McKiver, - Suffolk County, VA
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McKnight, William
Arrest Age 40
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested May 13, 2009
• attempted - assault stab - cut - wound with malicious intent
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• larceny petit larceny - third conviction
• attempted - assault stab - cut - wound without malicious intent
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• attempted - assault stab - cut - wound with malicious intent
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
William McKnight, - Suffolk County, VA
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McLain, Kenneth Maurice
Arrest Age 24
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Mar 12, 2015
• assault simple assault against family member
• strangulation resulting in wounding or bodily injury
Maurice McLain, - Suffolk County, VA
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McLaughlin, Terilyn Indigo
Arrest Age 19
Portsmouth, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Aug 12, 2016
• trespass after being forbidden to do so
• assault simple assault
• assault mob simple assault by mob
Indigo McLaughlin, - Suffolk County, VA
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McLaughlin, Joseph Romeo
Arrest Age 30
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Mar 16, 2021
• vandalism, damage property-intentionally damage any property/monument >= $1000
• battery against health care provider in an emergency facility
Romeo McLaughlin, - Suffolk County, VA
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McLaurin, Nicole Chanta
Arrest Age 23
Richmond, Suffolk, VA
Arrested May 05, 2011
• vandalism, damage property intentionally - damage/destroy any property or monument -
• assault simple assault against family member
Chanta McLaurin, - Suffolk County, VA
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McLaurin, Micheal
Arrest Age 55
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Oct 22, 2014
• assault simple assault against family member
Micheal McLaurin, - Suffolk County, VA
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McLean, Thomas Stephen
Arrest Age 27
Smithfield, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Aug 17, 2008
• assault simple assault against family member
Stephen McLean, - Suffolk County, VA
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McLean, Ladonte Tvon
Arrest Age 51
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Dec 20, 2015
• assault simple assault against family member
Tvon McLean, - Suffolk County, VA.
McLellan, Lanisha Chiffonda
Arrest Age 41
Smithfield, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Apr 29, 2007
• assault stab/ cut/ wound w/malicious intent
Chiffonda McLellan, - Suffolk County, VA
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McLellan, Lanisha Chiffonda
Arrest Age 18
Smithfield, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Mar 22, 2005
• assault simple assault
• vandalism, damage property intentionally - damage/destroy any property or monument -
Chiffonda McLellan, - Suffolk County, VA
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McMahon, J Michael
Arrest Age 22
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Feb 06, 2008
• narcotics possession
• failure to appear fail to appear in court for misdemeanor offense
• assault simple assault against family member
Michael McMahon, - Suffolk County, VA.
McManus, Lee Christopher
Arrest Age 34
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Apr 13, 2019
• assault-simple assault / assault and battery
• vandalism, damage property-intentionally damage any property/monument
• burglary-stat. burglary of dwelling to commit other felony or a & b
Christopher McManus, - Suffolk County, VA
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McMenamy, Patrick Shawn
Arrest Age 19
Carrollton, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Mar 17, 2006
• assault simple assault
Shawn McMenamy, - Suffolk County, VA.
McMilliam, Lavon Katron
Arrest Age 23
Smithfield, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Sep 10, 2007
• contempt of court general - without a jury
• assault simple assault against family member
Katron McMilliam, - Suffolk County, VA
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McMillian, Ryan David
Arrest Age 49
Windsor, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Aug 22, 2011
• assault simple assault against family member
David McMillian, - Suffolk County, VA
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McMillian, Ann Yolonda
Arrest Age 18
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested May 14, 2012
• assault simple assault
Yolonda McMillian, - Suffolk County, VA.
McMillion, Jay Ronald
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Jul 11, 2004
• larceny less t
• disorderly conduct - disorderly conduct
• failure to appear fail to appear in court for misdemeanor offense
• fraud uttering
• larceny less than $200 not from person
• larceny less than $200 not from person
• fraud uttering
• abusive and insulting language direct curse or abusive language to another
• fraud forgery
• fraud uttering
• assault simple assault hate crime - simple assault
• failure to appear fail to appear in court for misdemeanor offense
• fraud forgery
• fraud forgery
Ronald McMillion, - Suffolk County, VA.
McNair, S Richard
Arrest Age 20
Carrsville, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Oct 08, 2008
• arson, explosives, bombs bombs manufact/possess firebomb
• weapons brandish or point firearm
• weapons brandish or point firearm
• assault simple assault
• assault simple assault
• assault simple assault on a teacher, principal etc.
• weapons brandish or point firearm
Richard McNair, - Suffolk County, VA
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McNamara, Russell Joseph
Arrest Age 47
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Mar 19, 2005
• obstruction of justice intimidation of police - judges etc. by bodily harm - force
• assault law enforcement/fire/rescue personnel- simple assaul
• assault simple assault
• assault simple assault against family member
Joseph McNamara, - Suffolk County, VA
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McNeal, Edward Michael
Arrest Age 35
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Apr 26, 2014
• assault simple assault against family member
• assault simple assault against family member
• contempt of court general - without a jury
Michael McNeal, - Suffolk County, VA.
McNeal, Edward Michael
Arrest Age 51
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Jan 17, 2017
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• assault stab/ cut/ wound w/malicious intent
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• assault stab/ cut/ wound w/malicious intent
Michael McNeal, - Suffolk County, VA
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McNeil, Christopher
Arrest Age 17
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Aug 13, 2009
• assault simple assault
• arson, explosives, bombs personal property - arson value $200
• vandalism, damage property intentionally - damage/destroy any property or monument -
Christopher McNeil, - Suffolk County, VA.
McNeil, Daja Demetrius
Arrest Age 16
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Nov 07, 2020
• assault-malicious injury by caustic substance or fire
• assault-simple assault against family member
Demetrius McNeil, - Suffolk County, VA
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McNeil, Lavon Eddie
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Feb 27, 2004
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• assault malicious wounding - victim permanently impaired
• assault malicious wounding - victim permanently impaired
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• assault malicious wounding stab/cut/wound w/malicious intent
Eddie McNeil, - Suffolk County, VA
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McNeil, Nicole Kimberly
Arrest Age 37
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested May 18, 2006
• assault simple assault against family member
• assault simple assault
Kimberly McNeil, - Suffolk County, VA.
McNeill, Leonard Larry
Arrest Age 24
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Mar 07, 2009
• conspiracy - robbery residence
• robbery residence
• assault firearm use in commission of felony-(first offense)
• robbery street with use of gun or simulated gun
• larceny $200 or more not from person
Larry McNeill, - Suffolk County, VA.
McNellis, Lawrence Edward
Arrest Age 42
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Apr 04, 2005
• aggravated sexual battery > 13,
• aggravated sexual battery > 13,
• sexual assault age of victim 13 - 14
• sex offenses take indecent liberties with child-custodian
• sex offenses take indecent liberties with child-custodian
• attempted - sexual assault statutory rape/carnal knowldg. -type not clear from record
• attempted -
• aggravated sexual battery > 13,
• aggravated sexual battery > 13,
• sex offenses take indecent liberties with child-custodian
• sex offenses take indecent liberties with child-custodian
Edward McNellis, - Suffolk County, VA
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McPhail, Tyrice Clinton
Arrest Age 31
Newport News, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Oct 16, 2018
• assault-simple assault / assault and battery
Clinton McPhail, - Suffolk County, VA
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McPherson, Eason Prince
Arrest Age 29
Portsmouth, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Nov 12, 2014
• assault simple assault against family member
Prince McPherson, - Suffolk County, VA
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