Virginia Crime Statistics and Trends

The 2023 crime report offers a comprehensive insight into criminal activities and trends, highlighting key statistics across various categories of offenses. These figures not only reveal the scope of crime but also shed light on the areas of concern for law enforcement agencies and communities alike.

Aggravated Assault: 2023 Crime Count: 14,317, 2023 Offense Count: 11,702, 2023 Crime Rate: 164.02, 2022 Crime Rate: 159.92, 2021 Crime Rate: 153.36, 2020 Crime Rate: 143.60, 2019 Crime Rate: 130.34, 2018 Crime Rate: 119.83.

Simple Assault and Intimidation: 2023 Crime Count: 92,458, 2023 Offense Count: 78,085, 2023 Crime Rate: 1059.20, 2022 Crime Rate: 995.00, 2021 Crime Rate: 937.85, 2020 Crime Rate: 924.14, 2019 Crime Rate: 1014.70, 2018 Crime Rate: 1011.78.
This table presents key crime data from 2023 along with crime rates from previous years, offering an insight into trends over time.

Crime and Arrests in Virginia Counties

Key Crime Facts from 2023:

  • Total Reported Incidents: 363,437 incidents were reported throughout the year, showcasing the scale of criminal activity that agencies had to address.
  • Total Reported Offenses: There were 405,672 offenses reported, with May standing out as the peak month with 36,510 offenses recorded.
  • Group A Crimes: These include serious offenses such as violent crimes and property crimes. A total of 423,636 Group A Crimes were reported by contributing agencies, further emphasizing the significant criminal activities occurring in the year.

Violent Crime Breakdown:

  • Violent Crimes in Residences: Out of the 20,824 violent crimes reported, 49.4% occurred in homes or residences, indicating that nearly half of all violent crimes took place where individuals should feel safest.
  • Forcible Sex Offenses: There were 5,349 forcible sex offenses, with 5,647 victims, indicating the severity and widespread nature of this type of crime.
  • Aggravated Assaults and Weapons: Firearms were the most common weapon used in aggravated assaults, representing 40.6% of all known weapons in these crimes. Among the victims of aggravated assault, 56.3% sustained some type of injury, underscoring the seriousness of these violent encounters.

Aggravated Assault
An unlawful attack by one person upon another wherein the offender uses a weapon or displays it in a threatening manner, or the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury involving apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness. (
Aggravated Assault
In 2023, law enforcement agencies reported a total of 11,702 offenses, resulting in 14,317 individuals being assaulted. According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, aggravated assault is defined as an “illegal attack by one person on another where the offender either uses a weapon or threatens with it, or when the victim sustains severe or aggravated injuries.” It’s important to note that aggravated assault doesn’t always mean the victim was injured. For details on victims who were injured, please refer to the following page.

Virginia Assault | Arrests (VA)

Property Crimes and Financial Losses:

  • Property Theft: Property theft remains a major issue, with a total loss of $634,863,885 reported. Of this, stolen automotive and financial property made up a significant portion, with losses of $242,782,770 and $240,697,664, respectively.

Assaults on Law Enforcement Officers:

  • Officer Assaults: Law enforcement faced its own challenges, with 3,243 assaults on officers reported. Of these, 27.6% resulted in injuries to the officers, highlighting the risks that officers face in the line of duty.

Hate Crimes:

  • Hate Crimes: There were 325 hate crimes reported, with the overwhelming majority (94.2%) involving assault offenses (aggravated assault, simple assault, intimidation) or vandalism and property damage.

Drug Arrests:

  • Drug-Related Arrests: Drug arrests saw a significant increase, rising by 18.0%. Interestingly, the largest spike in arrests occurred in two distinct age groups: those under 18 (with a 54.9% increase) and those 65 and over (with a 44.3% increase). This suggests a growing involvement in drug-related activities across a wider range of age groups.


The 2023 crime statistics paint a detailed picture of criminal activity across a range of categories. Violent crimes, particularly those occurring at home, continue to pose a major concern, while the significant financial loss from property crimes highlights the ongoing challenges in preventing theft. Drug-related arrests also rose sharply, especially among younger and older populations, pointing to the need for more targeted interventions. With assaults on officers and an increase in hate crimes, it’s clear that law enforcement and communities face growing safety challenges that will require continued vigilance and cooperation moving forward.

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