ᐅ Arizona Assault and Battery (AZ)

In Arizona, the offense of battery is called aggravated assault. Depending on the status of the victim or acts committed, it can be charged as a Class 2 to Class 5 felony. If convicted of Aggravated Assault as a dangerous offense, even as a first offense, you will go to prison.

Arrest Records By County - Arizona (AZ)

Cochise  Maricopa  Mohave  Yuma

Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Yuma County, Arizona


Last names: #Gabino   #Galindo   #Gallardo   #Gallegos   #Gallo   #Galvan   #Gamez-Reyes   #Gandara   #Garcia  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Gabino, Ashanti Kendra Arrested Aug 25, 2021
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv assault-touched to injure
Kendra Gabino, - Yuma County, AZ
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Galindo, Jesus Manuel
Bond: $7500
Arrested Jun 22, 2019
• agg aslt-officer
• resisting arrest - physical force against peace officer
• disorderly conduct with fighting
Manuel Galindo, - Yuma County, AZ
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Galindo, Antonio Marco Arrested Oct 29, 2019
• dv agg aslt dv-impede breathing notes: sentenced to department of cor
Marco Galindo, - Yuma County, AZ
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Gallardo, Anthony Manuel Arrested Sep 28, 2021
• drug court
• dv assault-touched to injure
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
Manuel Gallardo, - Yuma County, AZ
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Gallegos, Ramon Arrested Jun 03, 2021
• harass by communication
• assault-touched to injure
Ramon Gallegos, - Yuma County, AZ
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Gallo, August-Aubie Steven
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Oct 04, 2020
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv assault-touched to injure
• prevent/interfer tele-emerg
• dv criminal damage-deface
Steven Gallo, - Yuma County, AZ
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Galvan, Hector Arrested Oct 16, 2019
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv criminal damage-deface
• dv assault-intent/reckless/injure
Hector Galvan, - Yuma County, AZ
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Galvan, Ruben
Bond: $100000
Arrested Jun 05, 2019
• agg aslt dv-impede breathing
• dv criminal damage-deface notes: no complaint filed
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv assault-intent/reckless/injure notes: no complaint filed
• dv - agg assault-serious physical injury
Ruben Galvan, - Yuma County, AZ
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Gamez-Reyes, Jacinto Arrested Nov 12, 2019
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv assault-intent/reckless/injure
Jacinto Gamez-Reyes, - Yuma County, AZ
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Gandara, Adrian Arrested Sep 17, 2021
• agg aslt-deadly wpn/dang inst
Adrian Gandara, - Yuma County, AZ
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Gandara, Manuel Luis
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Sep 09, 2020
• disorderly conduct-weapon/instr
• attempted agg aslt-deadly wpn/dang inst
Luis Gandara, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Aaron
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Oct 11, 2020
• disorderly conduct with fighting
• assault with intent or reckless or injure
Aaron Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Alberto Arrested Feb 25, 2022
• dangerous drug possession or use
• resisting arrest - physical force against peace officer
• use of or possession of drug paraphernalia
• agg aslt-officer
Alberto Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, V Alfred Arrested Sep 27, 2019
• agg aslt dv-impede breathing
• aggravated domestic violence
• violation of conditions of release
• unlawful imprisonment
Alfred Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Robert Angel
Bond: $25000
Arrested Apr 15, 2019
• shoplifting or removal of goods notes: released own recognizance
• agg aslt dv-impede breathing
• violation of conditions of release
• crim tresp 1st deg-res struct
• dv agg domestic violence agg aslt notes: charge dismissed
• violation of conditions of release
• resisting arrest -
• unlawful use of means of transportation - control (driver)
Angel Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Ariziaga Angela Arrested Sep 21, 2019
• disorderly conduct with fighting
• dv criminal damage-deface
• dv assault-intent/reckless/injure
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
Angela Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Anne Brittney Arrested Sep 16, 2021
• agg aslt-serious phy injury
Brittney Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Claudio Arrested Jan 25, 2022
• agg aslt-serious phy injury
Claudio Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Steve Daniel
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Dec 30, 2020
• obstruction-refuse true name
• agg aslt-officer
• fail to obey police officer
Daniel Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Donato Arrested Sep 25, 2019
• dv assault-intent/reckless/injure
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
Donato Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Eduardo
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Oct 29, 2020
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv assault-intent/reckless/injure
Eduardo Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Enrique Arrested Sep 25, 2021
• dv assault-touched to injure
• dui-liquor drugs vapors combo
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
Enrique Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Milton Gilbert Arrested Sep 21, 2019
• dv assault-touched to injure
• dv disorderly conduct-noise
Gilbert Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, James Arrested May 06, 2022
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv assault-touched to injure
James Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Nicolas Jesus Arrested May 02, 2022
• dv agg assault-deadly weapon/dangerous
• dv disorderly conduct-weapon/instr
Jesus Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Carina Jesus
Bond: $500000
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Oct 28, 2020
• armed robbery-with deadly wpn
• agg aslt-deadly wpn/dang inst
• agg aslt-serious phy injury
Jesus Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Faith Jollene
Arrest Age 69
Arrested Jan 31, 2021
• dv agg assault-deadly weapon/dangerous
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv threat-intim w/inj-dmge property
Jollene Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Luis Jose
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Mar 26, 2021
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv assault-touched to injure
Jose Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Joseph
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Mar 05, 2020
• marijuana-possess for sale
• use of or possession of drug paraphernalia
• evidence tampering
• molestation of child
• possession or use of marijuana
• sexual assault
• sexual conduct with minor sodomy
Joseph Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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Garcia, Daniel Juan Arrested Mar 29, 2022
• agg aslt-officer
Juan Garcia, - Yuma County, AZ
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