ᐅ Arizona Assault and Battery (AZ)

In Arizona, the offense of battery is called aggravated assault. Depending on the status of the victim or acts committed, it can be charged as a Class 2 to Class 5 felony. If convicted of Aggravated Assault as a dangerous offense, even as a first offense, you will go to prison.

Arrest Records By County - Arizona (AZ)

Cochise  Maricopa Mohave  Yuma 

Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Maricopa County, Arizona


Last names: #Macias  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Macias, Guillermo
Arrest Age 42
Arrested May 18, 2015
• criminal damage
• assault
Guillermo Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Julian Jaime
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Aug 23, 2021
• narcotic drug-possess for sale
• #2
• use of or possession of drug paraphernalia
• #5
• possess/use wpn in drug off
• resist arrest-risk phys inj
• poss wpn by prohib person
• agg aslt-deadly wpn/dang inst
• dangerous drug-poss for sale
Jaime Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ.
Macias, Jaime
Arrest Age 33
Arrested May 02, 2018
• agg aslt-adult on minor
Jaime Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Margarita Jennyfer
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Nov 14, 2017
• agg aslt-deadly wpn/dang inst
• threat-intim w/inj-dmge property
Jennyfer Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Jessica
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Jul 04, 2015
• agg aslt-deadly wpn/dang inst
Jessica Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Val Jonathan
Arrest Age 47
Arrested May 06, 2020
• assault
Jonathan Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Val Jonathan
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Apr 15, 2018
• disorderly conduct with fighting
• assault-touched to injure
Jonathan Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Jose
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Mar 12, 2020
• assault
• assault
Jose Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Jose
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Feb 01, 2018
• assault with intent or reckless or injure
• criminal damage or deface
Jose Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Joseph
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Jul 06, 2020
• assault-touched to injure
• unlawful imprisonment
Joseph Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ.
Macias, Mario Joseph
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Feb 17, 2019
• assault with intent or reckless or injure
Joseph Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Cesar Julio
Arrest Age 48
Arrested Aug 31, 2017
• disorderly conduct with fighting
• criminal damage or deface
• assault with intent or reckless or injure
• disorderly conduct with fighting
Julio Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Alejandra Liliana
Arrest Age 43
Arrested Jan 20, 2019
• assault-touched to injure
Liliana Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Alejandra Liliana
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Oct 15, 2015
• assault
Liliana Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Vanesa Lizett
Arrest Age 46
Arrested Jan 08, 2019
• assault with intent or reckless or injure
Lizett Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Angel Luis
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Jan 31, 2014
• assault with intent or reckless or injure
Luis Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Alfred Michael
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Mar 14, 2014
• assault-touched to injure
Michael Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Oscar Arrested Apr 29, 2022
• robbery
• criminal damage or deface
• agg aslt-enter residence
• kidnap-apprehension of injury
• intercept comm-conversation
• stalking-fear phys inj/death
Oscar Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Jay Patrick
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Aug 25, 2019
• assault with intent or reckless or injure
Patrick Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Lozano Raul
Arrest Age 45
Arrested May 14, 2015
• criminal damage or deface
• assault with intent or reckless or injure
• disorderly conduct with fighting
Raul Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Marie Rebecca
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Feb 07, 2015
• possession or use of marijuana
• use of or possession of drug paraphernalia
• aslt-cause fear of phys inj
• possess/use wpn in drug off
• carry wpn on school ground
Rebecca Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Ricardo
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Mar 16, 2016
• aggravated assault
Ricardo Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Xavier Richard
Arrest Age 50
Arrested Nov 26, 2014
• assault with intent or reckless or injure
• endangerment
Richard Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Gomencindo Robert
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Oct 28, 2020
• possession or use of marijuana
• burglary 1st degree
• burglary 3rd deg-unlaw entry
• kidnap-death/inj/sex/aid fel
• kidnap-death/inj/sex/aid fel
• kidnap-death/inj/sex/aid fel
• agg aslt-deadly wpn/dang inst
• burglary 1st degree
• dangerous drug possession or use
• theft-means of transportation
• kidnap-death/inj/sex/aid fel
• armed robbery-threat use wpn
• kidnap-death/inj/sex/aid fel
• agg aslt-deadly wpn/dang inst
• burglary 3rd deg-unlaw entry
• aggravated robbery
Robert Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ.
Macias, Maria Rosa
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Nov 22, 2018
• assault
Rosa Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Sally Arrested Feb 28, 2022
• assault with intent or reckless or injure
Sally Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Sally
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Feb 26, 2020
• assault
• assault
Sally Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Sally
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Jul 09, 2020
• disorderly conduct with fighting
• criminal damage or deface
• aslt-cause fear of phys inj
Sally Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Steve Arrested Apr 19, 2022
• assault with intent or reckless or injure
Steve Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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Macias, Anthony Steve
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Jun 09, 2017
• endangerment
• theft-means of transportation
• leave accident w/death/injury
• endangerment
• disorderly conduct with fighting
• endangerment
• leave accident w/death/injury
• disorderly conduct with fighting
• disorderly conduct with fightin
• endangerment
• endangerment
• endangerment
• disorderly conduct with fighting
• disorderly conduct with fighting
• disorderly conduct with fighting
• agg aslt-deadly wpn/dang inst
• armed robbery-threat use wpn
• agg aslt-deadly wpn/dang inst
Steve Macias, - Maricopa County, AZ
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