ᐅ Iowa Assault and Battery (IA)

What is penalty for assault in Iowa?
If no other law applies, Iowa law considers an assault to be a simple misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a fine of $65 to $625.

Arrest Records By County - Iowa (IA)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Johnson County, Iowa


Last names: #Bryant   #Buck   #Buelna-Murillo   #Buker   #Bulanda   #Bulechek   #Bull   #Bunn   #Buresh   #Burkley   #Burnett   #Burns   #Burnside   #Burr   #Burris   #Burton   #Burwell   #Busa   #Busenbark   #Bushman   #Butcher   #Butler   #Butner  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Bryant, Mae Susie Arrested Apr 10, 2015
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
Susie Bryant, - Johnson County, IA
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Buck, Jo Kersten Arrested Mar 14, 2017
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Kersten Buck, - Johnson County, IA
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Buelna-Murillo, Cherie Joanna Arrested Oct 14, 2018
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
Joanna Buelna-Murillo, - Johnson County, IA
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Buker, John Robert Arrested Aug 31, 2019
• theft 2nd degree - 1978 (feld)
• operating while under the influence 2nd offense
• reckless driving
• driving while license denied or revoked (srms)
• criminal mischief 1st degree - 1978 (felc)
• eluding (feld)
• interference w/official acts (smms)
• attempted burglary 3rd degree (agms)
• criminal mischief 2nd degree - 1978 (feld)
• eluding (feld)
• assault use/display of a weapon-1989 (agms)
Robert Buker, - Johnson County, IA
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Bulanda, David Bradly Arrested Apr 07, 2017
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
• domestic abuse assault - 2nd offense (srms)
Bradly Bulanda, - Johnson County, IA
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Bulechek, James Timothy
Bond: $2500
Arrested Dec 31, 2015
• domestic abuse assault (smms)
Timothy Bulechek, - Johnson County, IA.
Bull, Marquis Darelle Arrested Apr 04, 2018
• domestic abuse assault - 2nd offense (agms)
• endangerment/no injury (agms)
• forgery (feld)
• harassment / 1st deg. - 1989 (agms)
Darelle Bull, - Johnson County, IA
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Bunn, Ashely Aliyah Arrested Jan 03, 2017
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Aliyah Bunn, - Johnson County, IA
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Bunn, Ashley Aliyah Arrested Nov 19, 2017
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Aliyah Bunn, - Johnson County, IA
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Buresh, Michael Justin Arrested Aug 26, 2019
• endangerment/no injury (agms)
• possession of a controlled substance (srms)
• domestic abuse assault - 2nd offense (agms)
Justin Buresh, - Johnson County, IA
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Burkley, Ferneice Jolisha Arrested Feb 02, 2018
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
Jolisha Burkley, - Johnson County, IA
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Burnett, Nyembo Juma Arrested Jun 04, 2019
• contempt - violation of no contact or protective o
• criminal mischief 5th degree (smms)
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
• theft 5th degree - 1978 (smms)
Juma Burnett, - Johnson County, IA
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Burns, Eugene Marty Arrested Sep 21, 2017
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Marty Burns, - Johnson County, IA
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Burnside, Lasha Keisha Arrested Jan 19, 2015
• assault (smms)
Keisha Burnside, - Johnson County, IA.
Burr, James Connor Arrested Mar 07, 2018
• domestic abuse assault - 3rd or subsequent offense
Connor Burr, - Johnson County, IA
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Burris, Lee Brandon Arrested Mar 05, 2017
• public intoxication
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
Brandon Burris, - Johnson County, IA
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Burton, Vernare David
Bond: $1000
Arrested Nov 05, 2015
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
David Burton, - Johnson County, IA
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Burton, Nicole Lydia Arrested Sep 15, 2016
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
Lydia Burton, - Johnson County, IA
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Burwell, Nicholas Adam Arrested Jul 30, 2018
• escape of felon - 1978 (feld)
• domestic abuse assault impeding flow of air/blood
• domestic abuse assault impeding air/blood causing inj(feld)
• endangerment/no injury (agms)
• forgery (feld)
• domestic abuse assault impeding flow of air/blood
Adam Burwell, - Johnson County, IA
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Busa, Milton Brian
Bond: $500
Arrested Jan 22, 2019
• endangerment/no injury (agms)
• trespass -
• trespass -
• endangerment/no injury (agms)
• assault (smms)
• harassment / 2nd deg. - 1989 (srms)
Brian Busa, - Johnson County, IA
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Busenbark, James Dakota Arrested Oct 25, 2015
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Dakota Busenbark, - Johnson County, IA
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Bushman, Ann Jill
Bond: $2500
Arrested Dec 25, 2015
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Jill Bushman, - Johnson County, IA
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Butcher, Dean William Arrested Apr 15, 2017
• assault causing serious injury (feld)
William Butcher, - Johnson County, IA
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Butler, Lyn Breana Arrested May 02, 2018
• assault use/display of a weapon-1989 (agms)
Breana Butler, - Johnson County, IA
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Butler, Joe Bronson Arrested Sep 08, 2015
• domestic abuse assault impeding air/blood causing inj(feld)
Bronson Butler, - Johnson County, IA
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Butler, Zatta Deondre Arrested May 13, 2016
• burglary 2nd degree - 1983 (felc)
• obstruction of emergency communications (smms)
• domestic abuse assault impeding air/blood causing inj(feld)
• theft 1st degree - 1978 (felc)
Deondre Butler, - Johnson County, IA
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Butler, Marcelius Javoni Arrested Sep 26, 2019
• domestic abuse assault - 3rd or subsequent offense
Javoni Butler, - Johnson County, IA
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Butler, Anthony Robert Arrested Dec 29, 2016
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Robert Butler, - Johnson County, IA
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Butler, Eugene Ryan
Bond: $1500
Arrested Apr 29, 2018
• domestic abuse assault (smms)
Ryan Butler, - Johnson County, IA
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Butner, John Lloyd Arrested Jul 13, 2016
• domestic abuse assault impeding flow of air/blood
• obstruction of emergency communications (smms)
• false imprisonment - 1978 (srms)
Lloyd Butner, - Johnson County, IA
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